On The Fat One

Because I enjoyed a Rick Steves episode about this city along with an outstanding post by Debra, I wanted to go – but thought it was too far away. Then my cousins suggested going there because it wasn’t that far and easily accessible by train … so we went and had a delightful day – but where did we go?

It’s the seventh most populous city in Italy

With settlements dating back to at least 1000 BC, the city has been vital to the Etruscans, Celts, and Romans. The city used to have many towers, but only a few remain today. Formally a walled city, some of its medieval fortifications still exist.

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Under the watchful eye of native son Pope Gregory XIII (Mr. Gregorian Calendar), the main square and the surrounding area is vibrant. I personally love the narrow streets of the old city.

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Given the age of this city, a variety of architecture exists.

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It’s architecture includes many porticos for shelter when walking- actually 24 miles (38 km) in the city center and 28 miles (45 km) throughout the city. Portico di San Luca is possibly the world’s longest at almost 2.5 miles (4 km) (which we did not see).


Home to the oldest university in the world (founded in 1088) – so it honors its scholars with statues through the city while proudly accepting “the learned one” (la dotta) as one of its nicknames. Today it is the largest city and capital of Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region – and like much of Italy, a wide variety of things to enjoy. Besides, I know to look up.

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Nicknamed the “the fat one” (la grassa) because of its culinary delights – so citizens and visitors eat very well as this region that is famous for Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (the undisputed king of cheeses), Prosciutto di Parma, mortadella cold cuts, Balsamic vinegar, and various pastas as tortellini and tagliatelle with a famous ragù.

Did you figure out the name of this city? Nonetheless, having Tagliatelle Bolognese with a glass of red wine in Bologna, Italy is a culinary treat.

Whether it’s the learned one or the fat one, visiting Bologna was a treat. Between our many walking steps or enjoying the hop-on hop-off tour overview, it was a grand day. Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many attractive people in one place!

Enjoy this 2+ minute travel video of Bologna and the surrounding countryside. For more about Bologna, visit Debra’s blog (Bagni di Lucca and Beyond) for her 10 posts about Bologna.

35 thoughts on “On The Fat One

  1. Frank, what a beautiful post …. have been very little to Italy, Florence is now #1 on my bucket list. Maybe not next year .. but 2018 it will happen. Really enjoyed the little video. Great images, Frank.
    I hope things are okay with you and your Dancing Queen???!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What an uplift I got reading your post and watching the video “A Day in Bologna.” I plan to visit that city too along with Genova and Turin as a side trip when I’m in Nice, France next fall. Also wondering, given your travels in Italy, which is now your No. 1 Italian restaurant in the Cincinnati area?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim,
      Glad you enjoyed this journey to a delightful city. FYI: Genova to Bologna is a 3-4 hour train ride … As far as local restaurants, tough call … Nicola & Cinque are great but pricey … Vincenzo’s & Campanello’s are two of my favorites … Haven’t been to Sotto yet or it’s upstairs counterpart.


    • Merril,
      A lovely place indeed … and bountiful in history … and Bologna would be a great place for a food experience! I must say that the porticos were awesome as I’ve never seen anything like that before … that is, to that extent.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 1. I’m having Italian-something tonight. 2. I would be knocking people over right and left on those narrow “streets.” 3. It looks like a fascinating, tasty visit indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

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