On Blog Break Spring 2019

Yes – it’s that time again. A time for a blog break. After all, you know my mantra – blog breaks are good. Because of the respect I have for my readers, I prefer announcing my absence. This time I expect 4-8 weeks. This post is just a collection of random thoughts before Blog Break.

I will be staying away from blogging for most of the time, but I probably will work on future posts. You may see my presence shortly after this and slightly before I return.

Golf league starts in about 5-6 weeks – so, I should get the clubs out of the basement.

Cheers to Dale for her maitre ‘d work at the concerts. However, I know she’s very busy at this time, so the blog break gives her a break. This video is for her.


Speaking of the concerts, I’m considering scaling back the concerts to the first and third weekends (instead of every weekend). Your thoughts?

March Madness will be in full swing this week. Personally, no team with a losing record in conference should NOT be in the tournament unless they win the conference tournament. These teams should do bump smaller schools. It’s that simple. UC is in the dance, but I don’t expect much – so the bottom line for me is ABK … Anybody But Kentucky.

Bummer: We had a 10-day tour scheduled for late June into early July going Seattle to Glacier National Park and back. The company cancelled the tour. 😦 …. and we already had non-refundable airfare tickets. Now we have to go somewhere and back by mid-November to use the credited dollars on Southwest Airlines.

I’m a few days into temporary bachelorhood as it’s time for my wife’s girls cruise (that is, the guys aren’t allowed). For me, that means dance when I can! When people ask me what I do for a week, my response is simple: 1) Whatever I want, 2) Whenever I want.


My heart sank at the news about the recent terrorist attack in New Zealand. Pauline, my favorite Kiwi, is a regular here – and my support is with her and her nation – yet I also feel helpless.

I’ve got the feeling the Mueller Report will come out during my absence. Oh well, I still believe it will not meet the expectations of Democrats, so it will also be a relief to Republicans who will also sidestep important points.

I stated this line before about President Trump and continue to use it. “He’s a pathetic person and even worse leader; plus he brings most of his problems on himself.” Some say I’m not harsh enough. Yes – it’s tame – but countering it is difficult because it is not threatening.

As I head into Blog Break, here’s a song that I greatly enjoy. From The Greatest Showman, “A Million Dreams”. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

94 thoughts on “On Blog Break Spring 2019

  1. Thank you for your kind thoughts for my country Frank – I may write a post about my experiences around this event, but then again there is so much global focus I wonder if I should add to that …… I will add that as a person who also looks to find the light in moments of darkness I have seen and heard much to cheer me and to bring hope, not just here, but to all who are blighted by right wing racists. And we have Jacinda!

    I’d vote for a twice monthly concert season. Have a great break, enjoy your dancing and hopefully you’ll find somewhere nice to fly to with those unrefundable airseats. See you in a couple of months.

    Liked by 10 people

  2. Breaks are good! I’ve yet to take a planned one but I’m not quite as prolific or organised as you so feel less the need 😉

    Those plate spinner guys kill me. I get stressed just watching them run between them!

    New Zealand is a horrible tragedy but as you have seen and heard, their PM is not going to fool around and will tighten laws even more than they already were…

    Bummer on your trip being cancelled. There should be some kind of agreement with the airlines when something like this happens (Mind you, way back 2012, when we bought our plane tickets to Tuscany, we took a travel insurance as we were worried about my dad. Good thing too, because we ended up getting refunded.)

    Enjoy your break! We’ll be here when you get back…

    Oh, as for the concert series, I think it is a good idea to have it every other week. Though I’ll play along every time, regardless!

    Ciao bello! A la prossima!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dale,
      Knowing what packing to move is like, let alone blogging as much as you do plus the rest of life, I had to use the plate spinner for you. 🙂 Glad you watched.

      We usually purchase travel insurance, usually in case something happens to us. We hadn’t purchased yet – but would have. On the plus side, our credit card travel insurance MAY be able to help reimbursement the amount because of the circumstance. But we can’t submit it until after the expiration date of the available funds for a flight.

      Thanks for the thoughts about the concerts … Keep smiling!


  3. I haven’t followed your blog long, but enjoy your blogging break!!! As a New Zealander myself, I really appreciate your shout out of support against this terrible atrocity that has darkened our country, our world. I did post a poem about it but I took it down as I was feeling too…much.

    All the best.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Wishing you a great break, Frank. My heart broke for the news in New Zealand too. It was gut wrenching. Doing whatever you want whenever you want sounds like a dream – fee opportunities in life to do that so enjoy!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Enjoy your break, Frank. I’ve no doubt you’ll find a place to visit with those tickets. 🙂
    I also have been feeling heartbroken and helpless over the news in NZ. And then more killing in Utrecht.
    That plate-spinning guy–amazing! Can you imagine saying you spin plates for a living?

    I don’t know what Mueller will find, or if it will be enough to lead to direct action against dt. But all the smoking guns around him? I’m not sure what it will take for Repubs to turn against him. I was surprised a few voted against his “emergency.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Merril,
      I imagine you (like me) also remember acts like the plate spinner on shows as Ed Sullivan. I thought this was perfect for Dale! 🙂

      Unquestionably, there are numerous smoking guns surrounding the president. Yes, 12 GOP senators voted against him regarding the national emergency, but the majority of the party stood firm … so I just don’t see much happening.

      Because of your comment, I just printing a list of destinations Southwest Airlines serves.


    • Sylvia,
      Thanks for your concert thoughts – but an 8-week break from President Trump would require a total break from society because he likes consuming it. Meanwhile, doing my solo week, I’m starting to wind down because I don’t sleep as well.


  6. And what a well-deserved blog break it will be! Congrats again as AFA closes in on the 400 and 400,000 marks. Bummer on that company that cancelled your summer tour. Help me to avoid them like the plague in planning future trips. By the way, I just read yesterday that Southwest Airlines has launched Hawaii service from Oakland to Honolulu with new snacks, and in-flight hula dancing. As for March Madness, if UC beats Iowa this Friday they’ll be jumping from the frying pan into the fire on Sunday against Tennessee.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Tim,
      Cancellations happen. Sure we are disappointed, but this company is very reputable so the odds are we will book with them again. Now a 3-flight day to Hawaii on Southwest, no thanks for me – you can book that one.


      • True that tour cancellations and quadruple bogies happen. Meanwhile don’t settle in too comfortably to your blog break in the event the Mueller Report breaks the Trump Family wide open and your OITS are needed to sort the reality from the Blah-Blah.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Although I hope for a hammer, the tea leaves are saying you are relying too much on the Mueller report … and that is something I said many, many months ago. If the report comes out during my break, NO … I will not suddenly reappear.


  7. Your’e always missed, but I will enjoy hearing what you’ve been up to when you return! Enjoy! And thank you for the wonderful video. I love Pink and didn’t know her daughter at all.

    If a lot breaks politically I will definitely miss your commentary. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Debra,
      Thanks for the kind words. You also know that I will miss the people here. Meanwhile, I say this about the Mueller report – he has done a great job of containing leaks! So, I continue to believe we (the public) know so little. The president said he wants it to become public – Sure he does – the redacted version. Besides, we also know he has a history of contradicting himself so when the report come out, he’ll be right.

      There’s something about that Pink song that gets to me – so, I like it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I used to LOVE Topo Gigio. Ssooo … cute.
    Ahhh … yes, aFrank. Spring fever gives us all a bit of a lull for the outdoors and relaxation time.
    Golf … I’d say it’s the perfect time to get out there and continue with the healthy walking you just trained for on your last vaca. Have a super great time whatever you do … Enjoy !!!
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 3 people

  9. New Zealand and her People, they are so beautiful and so nice… They deserve all beautiful and nice explanations and descriptions… Yes, it was a very tragic event, and made all of us cry… But we watched then how a country dealing with this. And sure, how to be a leader…. She was amazing, she won all of our hearts… How luck NW to have a leader like her. But New Zealanders are so nice people too… Once again I loved them to see and to watch and to listen to them in here dear Frank, this little girl fascinated me. God Bless and Save all beautiful and nice people,…. I pray for all people who died there.
    Thank you, Love, nia

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Cheers for recharging during breaks!
    Everyone (whether spring or fall) should go outside about now and enjoy the sun, skies, and stars…in order to get perspective that escapes many in square concrete rooms.
    Recommending spring or fall in the Rockies for wild flowers ( flourishing this year – or Aspens) or NW Arkansas if you haven’t visited this fabulous architecture and museum – scenery isn’t too shabby either. https://crystalbridges.org
    Have a great time!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. That’s a long break! Rats. I always enjoy visiting you here. Don’t be gone too darn long. I’m old enough to remember some of those Ed Sullivan shows. I loved the music, and left the TV room when the plate spinners came on. Never could get the gist of why they did what they did. I broke a plate regularly at home, and got sent to my room for it. ;-0
    Dance your break away, don’t break a leg, enjoy the Spring and try not to watch too much of the news. I agree with your summary of our egotistic arrogant clueless president, and I’m fearful every day of what is next. Sigh.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Hope you’re having a great break, Frank. 🙂 I love that song from The Greatest Showman. It seems you’re prescient. I was not at all surprised by the Mueller report but I’m not one of those Dems who had great expectations. Now, if it had been anything other than a dud, I would have been surprised.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I had to tell you just how much I loved Topo G. I was a kid watching Ed every Sunday with my parents who would laugh till they ached when that little guy popped on the screen.

    I wondered where you went, glad you are okay and thriving. We Italians always fear the worst. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Susannah,

      Ahh – how nice – and thanks for checking on me. I practice my “Blog breaks are good” mantra. 🙂 … but now is my “phase back in” process.

      Cheers to another Topo Gigio fan. That little mouse had a way of making people smile and laugh.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I hope you are enjoying your Spring break Frank.. and yes those terrorist attacks in NZ and since Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday were shocking..
    That Song from the Greatest Showman gets me every time I hear it..
    Take care and enjoy your Break. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Sue,

      Blog breaks are good …. and by the time you read this in your morning, I’ve returned with a post. The news reinforces the notion that crazies are throughout the world … fortunately, they are the minority. Hopefully good prevails!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, the Media do a good job at reporting only the Crazy stuff.. Where as there are probably a hundred times more Brilliant people doing Wonderful things helping each other.. But that would defeat their agenda..
        Hope to catch up soon with you Frank.


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