On a Weekend Concert with the King of Pop

Michael Jackson

The Producer’s Guidelines

  1. Only songs performed by Michael Jackson or the Jackson 5 (with Michael)
  2. No duplicate songs
  3. Include the song title in your introduction text so others can see it
  4. One song per person (on Day 1)
  5. To prevent browsers crashing from loading too many videos, please paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line) – (I do not mind unembedding, so no  apologies are necessary)

Note: Return on Day 2 to submit more songs without limits. (My typical signal is posting a song for all attendees.)

“Billie Jean”

Next Concert: The King – Elvis PresleyPast Concerts (Category): Beatles, Ex-Beatles, Moody Blues, Queen, Neil Diamond, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Aretha Franklin, Carole King, Elton John, Billy Joel, Crosby Stills Nash & Young (the group), Doobie Brothers

121 thoughts on “On a Weekend Concert with the King of Pop

  1. Yo Frank!

    Of course Imma go with one of his disco classics, because I always had some disco in me, truth be told. It’s funny, because whatever kind of music us kids feasted on, we all spoke Michael Jackson. And we all had at least one of his albums.

    I went with a song off the album of the same name. It was the first album the legendary Quincy Jones produced with Jackson . . for those who dig their trivia. Off The Wall.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T88J6IzWAFg

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I think Frank and I are in a cosmic sync today! I just baked a batch of my infamous Ginger/Orange cookies, and I left the ginger out. I knew something was not quite right, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Still, tasty enough to have to control myself from eating, too many.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Michael Jackson makes me sad. He had such a bad childhood with an abusive father, robbed of just being a normal boy who played ball, rode a bike. He was groomed to be this sensation without being allowed to grow into himself. Cut to…all that money misplaced in desires that were twisted, alleged or otherwise. He just wanted his childhood back with friends and animals, love that he missed. He was so great as a singer and dancer, but part of him was missing in action. My cryptic two cents.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. How late am I to this?!

    As soon as you said it would be Michael Jackson, I knew the song I wanted to share.
    It’s I Just Can’t Stop Loving You. https://youtu.be/fKBiYBWRYDM It’s so incredibly beautiful, and it’s duet and it’s such pure love. To have someone feel that way for you and feel the same way back. Beautiful.
    Can’t get enough of it. Makes me happy and all romancey.
    Hope you enjoyed the concert, such great songs here it was a joy

    Liked by 2 people

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