On a Snappy Monday

How was your weekend? Most importantly, I hope yours was safe.

We returned to the dance floor for the first time. Wow … it’s amazing how much one can forget! But we had fun and it was good to see some dance friends again.

We also went out to dinner with two unique groups. First, with our those from our neighborhood-to-be, and the next night with our current neighbor. Our current neighborhood has been wonderful for many years, but it seems like our future is also in good hands.

We also spent time with my mother-in-law. She’s struggling, so who knows how much longer she’ll be with us. Thanks for all your positive thoughts and concerns.

Woo hoo!!!! The Take 5 series got off to a great start. A special thanks to my guest, Marina, who also took the time to reply to comments.

With this being Thanksgiving week in the USA, it may not be a normal week of posting.

Time to take note of these upcoming celebrations

  • (Week) Better Conversation Week, Game & Puzzle Week, Care Givers Week
  • (Mon) Blasé Day
  • (Tues) Cake Day
  • (Wed) Day of Listening, Tie One on Day, Pins & Needles Day, Bavarian Cream Pie Day
  • (Thurs) Thanksgiving (US), Hanukkah, Letter Writing Day, Maize Day, Gone-to-Pot Day, French Toast Day

Let’s get on with jump starting your week. Better yet, let’s approach this task with a little bit of snap. Have a good week ahead!