Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 383

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Act 4 of Pronouns 2: The Musical goes live this weekend featuring songs with Their in the title. Warning: This act will be challenging. Curtain time is Saturday, 1 AM (Eastern US).

Special thanks to Dale for featuring me in one of her Advent posts promoting other bloggers – and cheers to her grand idea of promoting others!

Last week I shamefully forgot to wish Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends. In the spirit of Bohemian Rhapsody, this version for the Festival of Lights made me smile. Chag sameach!

Recently, Ohio (my state) became the first state allowing residents to pay taxes with Bitcoins.

The previous post was about my visit to Auschwitz. If I could take everyone in the world to one place on Earth, Auschwitz may be my choice.

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Last Saturday morning I awoke to the news of the passing of former president George H. W. Bush. It’s been a good week of salutes to a good, decent man who believed in honor public service for the country. A salute to a life well lived.

I stated this before on these pages, and the time is right to repeat it: the elder President Bush had it right about Iraq.

Another thought about Bush 41. He may have been the greatest Presidential Statesman of my lifetime.

The funeral signified a glorious sunset on the Greatest Generation. Cheers to that generation!

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To lead you into this week’s dose of satirical headlines, The Onion celebrates the birthday of the computer mouse.

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)

Nervous maid of honor just stringing together random Maya Angelou quotes
Experts recommend just putting up with everyone else
Man hates having to wear condoms all day every day
Study finds dogs twitching in sleep are dreaming about tearing owners from limb to limb
Report: Average American spends 25% of life waiting in line at cell phone store

Interesting Reads

The insect apocalypse
Malta’s last knight
Growing as an artist: 33 rules
Einstein and the religion of science
Drink volcanic purple tea
(Interactive) 500 years of urbanization graphed
(Photos) Comedic wildlife
(Photos) Art and architecture

To send you into the weekend, another trip into the time machine – but this time for a bit of soul. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.