On Spaghetti for Monday

Although more people remember spaghetti westerns and than know spaghetti programming, I’m not sure how many have heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Unquestionably, most people think of spaghetti as food while forgetting the spaghetti squash.

Spaghetti is served with different sauces as countless variations of Bolognese or alfredo – or with butter or olive oil – or as carbonara, with egg, countless herbs, and cheeses. The spaghetti that most of us buy is made from semolina and water – but the cheap stuff goes in a can as uh-oh, SpaghettiOs with a sauce that I do not like.

Not only is there regular spaghetti, stores offer spaghetti varieties as thin, vermicelli, and angel hair – but I’m not counting linguini as spaghetti because of its different shape and spelling. However, did you know that only one strand is a spaghetto?

Since odds are good that you will enjoy this joyous pasta sometime this week, let us not forget the best spaghetti is only available outside of selected the Italian peninsula through specialty gourmet stores. Not the mass-produce spaghetti in a box that is in our cupboard – the type that is harvested from trees – whose taste is beyond comparison.