On Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 33

On Woodstock
Last week was the 40th anniversary of the greatest ever celebration of music: Woodstock. I was in high school in 1969, thus lived the era and its music. Woodstock conjures many mental images, but the picture on the album cover of the couple standing and cuddling in a blanket is a classic. Last week NBC had a report on the couple and the photographer 40 years later.

On Pictures to Awe
Many of us appreciate quality photography and the uniqueness that images provide. The image gallery of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is an amazing place. See for yourself.

Another interesting NASA site is Earth Observatory with their Image of the Day. I’ve added both this and the Hubble site to the Potpourri links in the sidebar.

On Albie Pearson
Albie Pearson was the 1958 AL Rookie of the Year and also a member of the original Los Angeles Angels. Given a 9-season career with 3 teams, the rookie award, and a one-time all-star, Pearson is not enshrined in Cooperstown, but he is a hero to many. Now an ordained minister, Pearson took a chance and created a home for needy children:  Father’s Heart Ranch in Desert Hot Springs, CA – a much greater achievement than baseball. Here’s the story.

On Senator Kennedy
First he missed the confirmation vote for a Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and then he didn’t attend his sister’s funeral. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) must not be doing well. I simply want to say Best Wishes to the senator and his family, and Thank You for your years of service.

On Cheney and Bush
Last week former Vice President Dick Cheney revealed the split he had with President Bush. I can’t recall how months ago, but this story stimulated me to recall a David Brooks column where he mentioned the policy change from Bush-Cheney to Bush-Rice. Thank you David Brooks for preparing the way. Here’s Washington Post article.

On Town Hall Attendees
Listening to the talk hall cranks shows a lost sense of perspective on an important issue. This is not to say that the Democratic perspective is the best – actually far from it. But too many of these people display their ignorance by spouting gibberish. Unfortunately for most of America, Republicans are taking little to no interest in discounting the nonsense and working toward a meaningful solution.

On Bingo the Bee
Let’s end this post with a difficult moment for a mascot. Bingo the Bee does his thing after each homer, but this time … well see for yourself.

On Hubble

The astronaut crew of the space shuttle Atlantis has safely returned home after what appears to be a successful restoration of the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble). Designed in the 1970s and launched in 1990, Hubble should continue to deliver information for about another 5-10 years. Thank you Atlantis crew!

Without Earth’s atmosphere interfering, Hubble has taken us to the edge of the visible universe, while showing us that the universe is an ever-changing place – or as someone described – a cosmic dance; thus what a grand creation.

Many people may be like me – knowing of both Hubble’s existence and its successes, but only in the broad sense because I admit that my space science knowledge is weak. Nonetheless, I still marvel at the images.

Beside this link to NASA’s Hubble home, here’s a music video with images from Hubble. For those wanting more, the second video (10 minutes) tells the story of the top 10 Hubble images selected by astronauts several years ago.

Top 10 Hubble Images Selected by Astronauts