On Black and White for Monday

Greetings for cold Cincinnati. Then again, a blast of bitter cold is upon much of America. As Boston and much of New England continues to get hammered by the white stuff, Cincinnati could be about to receive the first significant snow of the season … and then the storm moves toward Boston. Yikes!

How was your weekend? The cold limited us a little, but hey, one night on the ballroom floor and another at a dinner-dance by the Cincinnati’s Italian-American Society. Otherwise, it was low-key for us, but we’re looking forward to watching the 40th anniversary show for Saturday Night Live.

Those commenting of this weekend’s Explore post received a surprise from me. Did anyone pass it on to others?

Posts may be a bit out of kilter this week, but time will tell. Sometime soon (either this week or next), I will start my winter blog break. Those who take blog breaks know their importance. For me (this time), I hope to still be around visiting and commenting, but I want time for writing and reorganizing some of the pages here.

Celebrations for Your Week

  • (Week) Through with the Chew Week, Condom Week, Nestbox Week, Alzheimer’s & Dementia Staff Education Week, Justice for Animals Week, Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week, Date (the fruit) Week, Pancake Week
  • (Mon) Do a Grouch a Favor Day, Nylon Day, Almond Day, 9-1-1 Day, U.S. President’s Day, Family Day
  • (Tues) Who Shall I Be Day, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), Random Acts of Kindness Day, Champion Crab Races Day, Human Spirit Day, Cabbage Day, My Way Day
  • (Wed) Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day, Battery Day, Crab Stuffed Flounder Day, Thumb Appreciations Day, Drink Wine Day (a rule of thumb for me)
  • (Thurs) Chocolate Mint Day, Chinese New Year, The Great American Spit Out, Iwo Jima Landing Day, Friendship Day, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Day

To start your week, Cynthia shared this with me several weeks ago. Although it’s a viral hit, maybe some of the readers here haven’t see it. Enjoy … and have a great week.