On a Revved Engine for Monday

To say our life has been a whirlwind of late is an understatement. The old homestead (which we are still in) is officially not ours, and the new place should be ours Monday morning.

If moving isn’t enough stress, last Thursday we received VERY unexpected news regarding the new place … so unexpected, we sought legal counsel. Although there is progress and the closing should be smooth, the news took a huge bite out of packing time, thus now I’m fearful of not being ready.

Meanwhile, our move day is in a few days, our router will be going offline (maybe already so) and hopefully it will be up and running in the new place in short order … but only time will tell. But hey … the show goes on because the Explorer series continues.

I know you count on me to pass along chance to celebrate … and there are good ones in this list.

Celebrations for your week (17th-23rd)

  • (Week) Chocolate Week, Act Happy Week, Straw Hat Week, Clean Your Closet Week, Goof-Off Week, Clutter Awareness Week, Anonymous Giving Week
  • (Mon) Rubber Band Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Submarine Day, Irish Coffee Day, Green Beer Day
  • (Tues) Awkward Moments Day, Forgive Mom & Dad Day, Sun-Earth Day, Oatmeal Cookies Day, Supreme Sacrifice Day, Biodiesel Day
  • (Wed) Kick Butts Day, Chocolate Caramel Day, Swallows Return to Capistrano Day, Poultry Day, Social Work Day, Let’s Laugh Day
  • (Thurs) Snowman Burning Day, Big Bird Day (Sesame Street), Ravioli Day, Alien Abduction Day, Astrology Day (I’m Aquarius … your sign?), Jump Out Day, Proposal Day, Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day, Day of Happiness
  • (Fri) Dance Day, Down Syndrome Day (Trisomy-21), Memory Day, Common Courtesy Day, Puppy Day, Brain Injury Awareness Day, Poetry Day, Forests & Trees Day
  • (Sat) Goof-Off Day, As Young As You Feel Day, Day of the Seal, Roller Coaster Day, Bavarian Crepes Day, Badminton Day, Sing Out Day, Francophone Day, World Day for Water
  • (Sun) Turtle Day, Chip & Dip Day, Kick Butt Day, OK Day, Near Miss Day

My favorites above are Goof-Off Week (oh I wish I could), Snowman Burning Day, Dance Day, and my wife’s birthday (which I didn’t list). Meanwhile, I will have more Exploring posts this week.

For your Monday Morning Entertainment, here’s a comedian who defines hyper!  Enjoy, and have a good week.