On the First Week of March

Hello from Breakville. No … I’m not back in the swing yet … nor lucky enough to be somewhere warm … thus just a temporary lifting of the Pause button. The relatively minor redesign of the pages here has gone slower than anticipated, so returning to anything resembling my regular routine remains at least a week away.

As I endure the cold wind and a tad of new snow, my wife has left the premises for a week cruising the Caribbean. Why didn’t I go? Hello … I wasn’t invited because I don’t qualify because this is a girls’ trip .. which means solo trips to the dance hall for me this week.

This week’s celebrations for your calendar

(Week) Procrastination Week, Chocolate Chip Cookie Week (don’t procrastinate), Autograph Collecting Week, Maple Syrup Week, Ghostwriters Week, Cheerleading Week, Write a Letter of Appreciation Week, Universal Human Beings Week, Celebrate Your Name Week (now there’s a frank thought), Consumer Protection Week, Pet Sitters Week, Schools Social Work Week, Severe Storm Preparedness Week, Sleep Awareness Week (anyone out there not aware of sleep?), Words Matter Week, Read an e-Book Week, Return Borrowed Books Week, Save Your Vision Week, Telecommuter Appreciation Week, Women in Construction Week, Share a Story – Shape the Future Week, School Breakfast Week, Newspaper in Education Week, Women of Aviation Week, Camp Week, Bike Week, Human Resources Week, Pancake Week, Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week, Volunteers Week, Agriculture Week, Foreign Language Week (Hola!)

(Sun 1st) Compliment Day, Daughters & Sons Day, Black Women in Jazz & the Arts Day, Wear Yellow Day (Endometriosis Day), Go Bowling Day, Horse Protection Day, Fruit Compote Day, Peanut Lovers Day, Pig Day, Plan a Solo Vacation Day, Refired not Retired Day, Seals Day, Self-Injury Awareness Day, Share a Smile Day, Zero Discrimination Day, Namesake Day (mine is after my Dad’s Army buddy from SF – we met sometime in the 1990s)

(Mon 2nd) Dr. Seuss Day, Old Stuff Day, Read Across the World Day, Banana Cream Pie Day, Pyramid Day, Book Day, Cat in the Hat Day, Silly Putty Day, Babysitter Safety Day, Elmer Fudd Day, Porky Pig Day, Time magazine Day Fun Facts About Names Day (I’m not a Franklin or a Francis)

(Tues 3rd) Mulled Wine Day, Cold Cuts Day, Ear Care Day, I Want You to be Happy Day, Peace Corps Day, World Wildlife Day, US National Anthem Day, Princess Day. Peach Blossom Day, If Pets had a Thumb Day, 33 Ice Cream Flavors Day, Unique Names Day (my middle name isn’t Stanislaus)

(Wed 4th) Dance the Waltz Day, Cadbury Chocolates Day, March for Yourself Day, Courageous Follower Day, Holy Experiment Day, iHop Pancake Day, Scapbooking Industry Day, Math Day, March Forth-Do Something Day, Stop Bad Service Day, Grammar Day, Pound Cake Day, Toy Soldier Day, Hug a GI Day, Discover What You Name Means Day (mine is honest)

(Thurs 5th) Nametag Day, Cheese Doodle Day, 8-hr Day, Dr. Dolittle Day, Mother-in-Law Day, Healing from the Inside Out Day, Multiple Personality Day

(Fri 6th) Day of the Dude, Oreo Cookie Day, Employee Appreciation Day, White Chocolate Cheesecake Day, Day of Unplugging, Dentist Day, Read Aloud Day, Michelangelo Day, Chocolate Cheesecake Day, Toronto Day, Fun Facts about Names Day (I don’t know anyone named Stanislaus), the start of Festival of Owls Weekend, Middle Name Pride Day (mine’s Paul)

(Sat 7th) Cereal Day (Raisin Nut Bran in my favorite), Be Heard Day, Telephone Day, Frozen Food Day, Sock Monkey Day, Crown Roast of Pork Day, Monopoly Game Day, Unique Names Day (Do you know anyone named Stanislaus?)

(Sun 8th) Proofing Reading Day, Working Women’s Day, Girl Scout Sunday, Geneology Day, Check Your Batteries Day, Be Nasty Day, Peanut Cluster Day, Plant a Flower Day (sure, dig the snow first), Day of Women’s Rights & International Peace, Learn What Your Last Name Means (other than personal identification, I have no clue)

Avere una buona settimana. Gerai savaitę. On hyvä viikko. Heb een goede week.

On Welcoming March 2015

Why? Because everybody knows that one can count on John Phillips Sousa for a good march.

March in other languages includes Marzo (Italian), mars (Albanian), Hlyd-monath (Anglo Saxon), mart (Armenian), br’ezen (Czech), Marts (Danish), and dawa-ssumpa (Tibetian) … so feel free to contribute others

March was named for Mars, the Roman god of war, who was also the guardian of agriculture

The name of March comes from Latin Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar

Martius was the beginning of the season for both farming and warfare, so and festivals held in his honor during the month were mirrored by other festivals in October, which closed the season for farming and warfare

March in the northern hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to September in the southern hemisphere

March starts the same day of the week as November every year, and February – but only in common years

March ends on the same day of the week as June every year

Because this is 2015 (preceding a leap year), March 2016 will start on the same day as September and December 2015. However, March 2015 ends on the same day of the week as May 2016

March’s birth flowers are the daffodil and jonquils

March’s birthstones, which symbolize courage, are aquamarine and bloodstone

March’s Zodiac signs are Pisces (until March 20) and Aries (March 21 and thereafter)

Full Moon on March 5th (6:05 pm UTC), and the New Moon displays on March 20th (9:36 am UTC)

March moon are called Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, and Worm Moon

Solar Eclipse on March 20 with the total eclipse of the sun being visible in Ireland, Europe, northern Africa, Europe, and Asia

The March equinox on the 20th at 10:46 pm UTC, which means sometime March 21st for many of the world … thus the day marking the transitions of winter to spring or summer to autumn

March has national celebrations in Australia, Bangladesh, Gibraltar, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, and South Korea

March 1st celebrations include Compliment Day, Daughters & Sons Day, Black Women in Jazz & the Arts Day, Wear Yellow Day (Endometriosis Day), Go Bowling Day, Horse Protection Day, Fruit Compote Day, Peanut Lovers Day, Pig Day, Plan a Solo Vacation Day, Refired not Retired Day, Seals Day, Self-Injury Awareness Day, Share a Smile Day, Zero Discrimination Day, Namesake Day (mine is after my Dad’s Army buddy from SF – we went sometime in the 1990s)

March promotes adopting a rescued guinea pig, expanding girls’ horizons in science & engineering, women’s health, dietetic nutrition, cheerleading safety, color therapy, eye donors, literacy, social work, women’s history, fire prevention, transgender healthcare equality, singing with your child, saving your vision, and playing the recorder

March celebrates crafts, child life, deaf history, ideas, mad for plaid, athletic training, kidneys, on-hold, supply management, and American Red Cross

March embraces credit education, employee spirit, Honor Society, expecting success, Irish-American heritage, music in schools, optimism, small press, spiritual wellness, youth art, hexagons, March Madness, and Francophones

March increases awareness in Alport Syndrome, brain injuries, colic, colorectal cancer, deep vein thrombosis, endometriosis, listening, malignant hypertension, caffeine, chronic fatigue syndrome, ethics, essential tremor, multiple sclerosis, nutrition, poison prevention, Trisomy, vascular abnormalities, and epilepsy

March appreciates humorists as artists, mirth, frozen foods, kites, peanuts, umbrellas, quinoa, maple sugar, sauces, flour, noodles, no meat, moustaches, hamburger & pickle, and dolphins

Which music did you enjoy? Do you have any personal celebrations in March?

On Looking Ahead with a Look Back

Yes – This is me live-and-in person, thus not a timed post. How was your weekend? This weekend gave me the following:

  • Dancing one evening as it was a good getaway from the key task at hand
  • My beloved Graeter’s announced a new flavor – Salted Caramel Fudge Brownie Ice Cream (What do you think?)
  • My wife safely returned late Saturday from her cruise (ahead of the snow & ice)
  • Sunday brought ice and snow, so we stayed in and did some moving related odds and ends

March provides quite the eclectic list of month-long celebrations:  Awareness for Brain Injury, Colorectal Cancer, Endometriosis, Chronic Fatigue, Caffeine, Ethics, Eye Donors, Workplace Eye Wellness, Kidneys, Collisions, and Dolphins

Deaf History, Music in Schools, Athletic Training, Credit Education,  Cheerleader Safety, Play a Recorder, Youth Art

Bell Peppers & Broccoli, Berries & Cherries, Peanuts, Maple Sugar, Frozen Food, Sauce, Flour, Noodles, Hamburgers & Pickles, and Exotic Winter Fruits Leaks & Green Onions.

Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig, Cabin Fever Supply Management, Employee Spirit, , Humorists are Artists,  Expect Success, Craft, Color Therapy, Umbrellas, Kites, On-Hold, Optimism, Furniture Refinishing, and Supply Management

This Week’s Celebrations

(Week) Women in Construction, Telecommuter Appreciation, Severe Weather Preparedness, Save Your Vision, Sleep Awareness, Pet Sitters, Invasive Species, Return Borrowed Books, Words Matter, Consumer Protection, Pancakes, Ghostwriters, Write a Letter of Appreciation, Celebrate Your Name, and Human Beings Week

(Mon) Fun Facts About Names Day, i Want you to be Happy Day, Mulled Wine Day, Princess Day, Peach Blossom Day, Wildlife Day, and What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs? Day

(Tues) Pancake Day, Pound Cake Day, Courageous Follower Day, Stop Bad Service Day, Scrapbooking Industry Day, March Forth-Do Something Day, Math Day, Toy Soldier Day, Cadbury Chocolates Day, Unique Names Day, Dance the Waltz Day

(Wed) Discover What Your Name Means Day, Namesake Day, Sports Car Racing Day, Cheese Doodle Day, Dr. Dolittle Day, Mother-in-Law Day, Healing from the Inside Day

(Thurs) Day of the Dude, Nametag Day, Oreo Cookie Day, Frozen Food Day, Fun Facts about Names Day, Chocolate Cheesecake Day

(Fri) Cereal Day, Middle Name Pride Day, Dress in Blue Day, Be Heard Day, Doodle Day, Day of Unplugging, Crown Roast of Pork Day, Unique Names Day

(Sat) Genealogy Day, Fanny Pack Day, Women’s Day, Proofreading Day, Peanut Clusters Day, Learn What Your Name Means Day, Aunt’s Day, Plant a Flower Day

(Sun) Get Over It Day, Panic Day, Bang-Clang Day, Name Tag Day, Check Your Batteries Day, Crabmeat Day, Barbie Day

Probably nobody has ever wonder about the video that appeared in the very first Monday Morning Entertainment, but in case in ever comes up as a Jeopardy question, here it is. Have a good week.