On 50 Shades of Light

Gray to the Americans is grey to the British

Gray – from the Old English grǣg; related to Dutch grauw and German grau

Gray – as in gri (Albanian), grisa (Basque), šedá (Czech), grigio (Italian), pelēks (Latvian). szary (Polish), cinza (Portuguese), llwyd (Welsh). and more (feel free to add your own)

Gray – a noun, adjective, a verb, or a personal name

Gray – as noun: gray, grays

Gray – a color or a pigment between black and white

Converted from a color print. Many shades of gray as well as black and white. Near Page, Arizona

Converted from a color print. Many shades of gray as well as black and white. Near Page, Arizona


Gray – a member of the Confederate army in the US Civil War

Gray – as a verb as in gray, graying, grayed

A foggy morning, nothing left except gray

A foggy morning, nothing left except gray


Graying – as with hair, aging

Gray – as an adjective, as in gray, grayer, grayest

Bryce Canyon, one of the most color places anywhere - yet still beautiful in monochrome

Bryce Canyon, one of the most color places anywhere – yet still beautiful in monochrome


Gray – synonyms include silvery, gunmetal al, slate, charcoal, smoky, hoary

Gray – related to old people, as in growing old, mature, older

Gray – as a description of the weather, as in cloudy, overcast, dull, sunless, gloomy, dreary, dismal, somber, bleak, murky

Winter washing away the color photo

Winter washing away the color photo


Gray – a person’s face – as in pale, tired, aged, ill, ashen, wan, pale, pasty, pallid, colorless, bloodless, white, waxen

Gray – without interest or character – as in faceless, characterless, colorless, nondescript, insipid, jejune, unremarkable, flat, bland, dry, stale

Gray – as in monochrome – a photograph or picture executed in varying tones of black and white – or even of one color

A photo converted into "DaVinci" sketch using Topaz Impression software

A photo converted into “DaVinci” sketch using Topaz Impression software

Gray – the monochromic version – achromatic, colorless, neutral, dirty, dull, faded, pale, chalky, ashen, washed-out … that’s gray … as in 50 shades of light

A whiteout in Oklahoma

A whiteout in Oklahoma


Steve is not only a long-time friend and photography enthusiast, we’ve collaborated on several occasions right here. I write the text and he selected the images to embed at various points.

I encourage everyone to visit his site to see his photos, which are available for purchase. He may also respond to comments here when he can, so feel free to ask him questions.

Photos by Steve Ancik @ LightWave Images

On a Quick Visual Trip

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. (Martin Buber, philosopher)

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet)

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. (Confucius, philosopher)

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends. (Maya Angelou, poet)

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. (Saint Augustine, theologian)

I enjoy travelling, so this Explore takes us on a 4-minute trip to 30 countries through the beauty of time-lapse photography. Sit back and enjoy because you’ll see places you recognize, places you may have been, places you may want to go, and places that you may never see.

On Light

Light … a noun, an adjective, a verb

Light … what makes sight possible

Light … a brightness produced by an illuminant

Light … an electromagnetic radiation


Light … travelling (in a vacuum) at a speed of about 186,281 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second

Light … the sensation arousing the stimulation of visual receptors

Light … a spiritual illumination, a truth, an enlightenment, from a point of view


Light … something that informs, a public knowledge

Light … an aspect or appearance presented to view

Light … a medium (as a window)


Light … a set of principles, standards, or opinions

Light … a leading person in a particular field or place

Light … as a source – a lighthouse, a beacon, a traffic signal


Light … a flame to start burning, to ignite

Light … from the point of view

Light … a glare, gleam, glow, illumination, radiance, shine, brightness, luminosity, dazzle, blazing

June Moon

Light … an expression in someone’s eyes indicating a particular emotion or mood.

Light … understanding of a problem or mystery

Light … fluorescence, incandescence, LED, halogen, natural


Light … an aspect, angle, slant, approach, interpretation, viewpoint, standpoint, context

Light … an area of something that is brighter or paler than its surroundings

Light … as in lights, lit, lighting, lighted


Light … as a descriptor of little mass, weight, low density, easy to lift, lightweight

Light … as a color shade, hue, tone, complexion


Light … as a taste – not sweet, not heavy, not too strong

Light … a descriptor of quantity – as in a meal – small, modest, simple, easily digested

Light … a descriptor of food – as porous, fluffy, low-calorie, easy to digest, small quantity

Light … as in easy, simple, undemanding


Light … as in frivolous, superficial, undemanding, trivial

Light … as in gentle, delicate, soft, dainty

Light … as a comparative – light, lighter, lightest

Special thanks to Robin (MaidinSun Photography) for providing the photographs. I encourage readers to visit her at Breezes at Dawn. All photos are copyrighted by MaidinSun Photography.

On Connections

Connection: from the Latin connexion-, connexio, from conectere
First Known Use: 14th century

Connection: The act of connecting

Connection: The state of being connected

Bolts and Rust

Bolts and Rust

Connection: A correspondence between two partially ordered sets

Connection: Contextual relation or association

Connection: Relationship in fact

Connection: Causal or logical relation or sequence

Chained Down

Chained Down

Connection: A relation of personal intimacy

Connection: Common interest as political, denomination, social, professional, or commercial

Connection: An arrangement to execute orders or advance interests of another

Connection: A means of communication or transportation

On the Rails Again

On the Rails Again

Connection: A personal tie by marriage, kinship, or clan

Connection: A source of contraband

Connection: A an electronic link between databases, terminals, or virtual

Synonyms include coherence, continuity, link, affinity, association, kinship, liaison, linkage, relation, relationship, union

Antonyms include breakup, disconnection, dissolution, disunion, division, parting, partition, schism, scission, split




Connection: an early Rolling Stones song

Steve is a long-time friend, a good guy, and long-time photography enthusiast. It’s been a while since we’ve done a joint post. This time I picked the theme, wrote the text, then challenged him to provide the photos. See our other collaborations (Time and Waves) by going to the Sidebar > Categories > Photos by Steve or by clicking here.

I encourage everyone to visit his site to see his photos, which are available for purchase. He will also respond to comments here when he can, so feel free to ask him questions.

Photos by Steve Ancik, LightWavesImages

On Doors

First, some background music for today’s post; so if you desire, play and then scroll on to the post.


Doors are a means of approach, admittance, or access

Doors are gateway marking an entrance or exit

Doors can be hinged, sliding, or a revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, vehicle, cupboard, or a piece of equipment

Doors describes a location as entry, bedroom, bathroom, patio, closet, front, side, back, shower, kitchen, office, garage, basement, cellar, barn, exterior, or interior

Doors can be double, sliding, revolving, folding, storm, swing, trap, hinged, reversible, Dutch, French, screen, paneled, fire, security, driver, passenger, pre-hung, single, or double

Doors can involve knobs, hinges, openers, knockers, bells, intercoms, bars, handles, chalk, weathering, frames, locks, deadbolts, latches, keys, springs, stops, peepholes, and more

Doors can be a hatch, gate, portal, gateway, doorway, or entry

Doors allow the possibility for accommodating change

Doors are a sign of life and death

Doors stand for accountability or blame

Doors can be a request to leave

Doors is a sign of a potential possibility

Enjoy a few doors from my recent trip to Italy. Any favorites?


Inviting guests in Lucchio


Devine entry


Florence’s Duomo is inside

Up close of the Duomo's door

Upclose of the Duomo’s door

Enter to climb to the top of the Duomo

Enter to climb to the top of the Duomo

A panel on the bronze door of the Baptistery across from the Duomo

A panel on the bronze door of the Baptistery across from the Duomo

Enter San Gimignano

Enter San Gimignano

A door to a door in Pisa

A door to the unknown in Pisa