On the Season for the Crazed

Shopping, Christmas cards, parties, cooking, cleaning, travel, visitors, and more can turn the holiday season into a crazed whirlwind. Consider the later-than-normal Thanksgiving for Americans, and then top it with a death in the family, it is safe to say that the holiday craziness is shorter for us – although I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

The purpose of this post is to provide several videos for the crazed season. Enjoy.

I have said for many years that the Christmas season doesn’t officially start until I see the Norelco commercial with Santa riding the triple-header. Yep – I’m thankful for YouTube, so the season has begun for me.

Even though I didn’t shop on Black Friday and avoid malls/major shopping areas on weekends, this annual search for gifts makes me laugh. FYI: I have been picking gifts for my regulars, more to come.

With the season for the frantic, this fast handbell rendition of Wizards in Winter by the Raleigh Ringers (one of America’s premier choirs) is one of my favorite holiday favorites. After seeing this video for the first time several years ago, my wife said she found watching to be exhausting. Watch the high-bell ringers on the left (especially toward the end) as they hold two different bells in each hand.