On Ten Things Causing Me to Smile

Although I have done a couple, in general, I am not big into tags – but there are times I enjoy reading them. As a writer, tags stimulate short thoughts on random topics – as a reader, tags provide an opportunity to learn more about person behind the blog. I occasionally post things about myself, but as I general rule, that’s not my style – however, it’s been a while, so why not!

Maxi, writer of Ovah Coffee and several other blogs, tagged me in this post. She is one of my international readers – and one whose blog I read when I can. Besides being a good writer, knowing multiple languages, and obviously intelligent, she seems personable, genuine, and nice. Besides, sure wish I had half of her readership.

Cheers Maxi for getting me to post 10 things that make me smile. Disclaimer: Neither preferential order here – nor am I saying these are my top 10 – but I am this list.

I’m not much about tagging either, but I  tag Rad, Tim, Beeze, David, and Mo.

1) During anything with my wife that we both want to do

2) Tasting a wonderful wine at a wine tasting with presenter helping me learn

3) Whether past, present, or future, I appreciate positive interactions with positive people

4) Whether our own or those of others, I appreciate pets. Interesting with an accepting dog or cat is always a pleasure.

5) Good wine and good information at a wine tasting is good for the mind. Good wine with good food is a great combination. Sharing good wine accompanied by good food with friends creates many smiles.

6) Seeing news items supporting my belief that good people exist in every country throughout the world

7) Writing for the blog because it forces me to think and learn

8) Watching one of my sports teams win – especially over a rival

9) Whether on the golf course, the ballroom floor, in the kitchen, in the handbell choir, or whatever, doing something well and receiving a compliment brings an outward slight smile, but a big smile within myself

10) Shania Twain

On Bringing a Smile

Smiles are commonly associated with photographs, joyous occasions, fun, humor, confidence, friendliness, confidence, good will, greetings, love, and many more. Smiles touch people – connect people – regardless if strangers, friends, or acquaintances.

Whether receiving or giving, most of us enjoy a smile because smiles also permeate the inner body by providing a sense of warmth and happiness. May these two short videos bring a smile to you today.

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From 1998