On Time for a Light

Sadly, I don’t know much about the Jewish faith and its celebrations, but I have the utmost respect for the Jews and admire how they treat traditions. I do know that Hanukkah is an important eight-day celebration.

Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. So, in the midst of hectic Christmas season, Happy Hanukkah to all – especially to a frequent visitor here, Nonnie.

5 thoughts on “On Time for a Light

  1. Awesome! I have a sister and and a brother in law who are both Rabbi’s. I need to get them National Dreidel Association t shirts!

    The “Festival of Lights” of Hannukah comes from this:
    After the Romans were driven out of Jerusalem, there was only one day’s worth of oil to keep the flame burning above the stones of the 10 commandments. by a miracle, that oil lasted 8 days.

    That’s more or less accurate.
    Thanks for a great video, aFrankAngle! That’s some funny stuff.


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