On Time for a Light

Sadly, I don’t know much about the Jewish faith and its celebrations, but I have the utmost respect for the Jews and admire how they treat traditions. I do know that Hanukkah is an important eight-day celebration.

Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. So, in the midst of hectic Christmas season, Happy Hanukkah to all – especially to a frequent visitor here, Nonnie.

On My Official Start

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We ballroom danced Friday night and our dinner group met Saturday night for wrapped, stacked, or stuffed night (we made a tasty dessert trifle that was a hit). Sunday was a tough day as a handbell choir had a special rehearsal for the piece we are playing at Monday’s funeral for our good friend and handbell choir member. This will be a difficult ring.

On to today’s Monday Morning Entertainment theme. Sights and sounds of the holiday season surround us – but when does the season actually start? I imagine many link it to a Thanksgiving-related event as the annual Macy’s parade or the shopping madness known as Black Friday. Then again, the stores spark the spirit by rolling out holiday displays on November 1st, the day the dismantle the Halloween displays.

Others designate the start of the holiday season by something on television. A member of our dinner group told me his official start is when watching the holiday classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with Burl Ives. Mine too, links to the television. Although it is something that we no longer see, but thanks to YouTube, I can see it whenever I want. Let the season begin! Hope everyone has a good week.

On Start Your Santa Engine

The start of the Christmas season actually depends on the perspective of the holder. To some retailers, Christmas display replace Halloween items on November 1st – which is about the same time all-Christmas music radio broadcasts start.

Some individuals say the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade starts their season. For others, it’s the Black Friday shopping craze. YouTube allows me to relive my official start of the Christmas season whenever I want because my favorite seasonal commercial is from my youth. Here’s a 1994 remake of the classic from the 60s and 70s.

On Starting the Holiday Season

For me, the start of the holiday season is not about the day after Thanksgiving. It’s not about hearing holiday music on the radio. (We in Cincinnati have access to the first station in the nation to convert to an all-holiday format on November 1st).

No, it’s also not when stores quickly replace their Halloween displays with Christmas decoration items. Nor is it about being flooded with TV commercials and newspaper ads and flyers. It’s not about the latest Trans Siberian Orchestra music or the host of holiday television specials. It’s not about seeing the lights in the neighborhood or developing a gift list.

Thanks to the vast repertoire at YouTube, I can now see what serves as the official start of my holiday season because there’s nothing better than Santa on a Norelco.