On Them Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

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I’ll admit it – when I started blogging, I wasn’t sure what I was doing and certainly didn’t know the most efficient way to get readers. I wasn’t marketing anything or trying to make money – and I certainly wasn’t trying to become a blogging giant.

Somewhere along the way I must have believed that more was better – more posts, more readers, more comments, more stats, more likes, more followers – after all, more means more and I probably feared losing readers.

After almost seven years of blogging, I’ve learned many things, such as blogging is about

  • Relationships between the host and the readers
  • Quality, not quantity
  • Celebrating stats as milestones
  • The writing process

Replying to comments and reciprocating have always been important to me during my entire journey. Between writing, replying, and life, not being able to visit your blogs as much as possible bothers me … it bothers me a lot.

I’ve been thinking about this for some time, and the solution is finally obvious – don’t post as often! (Gotcha … and some of you thought I was quitting.) Sometime in the near future I will transition to a new posting schedule with hopes that it gives me more time to visit others.

The following posts and topics have been fun and easy to do, but because they are also frivolous, their time to retire has arrived.

  • Monday Morning Entertainment
  • On Satire Bits (mid-week satire with the Combo Challenge)
  • Daily and weekly list of celebrations (a time-consuming task)

Friday’s Opinion in the Shorts, my longest running series, stays. Outside of the celebrations, the format remains the same while also serving as a place for announcements as upcoming musical acts.

For now, Saturday’s Explore series and the occasional cartoon post remain because I believe readers enjoy a short look on the weekend about a person, place, or thing or a trip to a cartoon past.

Tuesdays and Thursdays have been my main futures for the week. Along with the musicals, these posts have been the feature articles of my magazine format … the ones with depth, information, and fodder … the ones involving the research and thought process that I enjoy … the ones where I share a personal experience … the ones that have always been the core of this blog.

Maybe these changes are just my way of saying that I’m finally content with my little corner of the world. There’s no need to post as often and no longer wonder about if frequent posts have been burdening readers.

No … I wouldn’t say I have a case of the Blogging Blues … but getting hit by the reality stick can be reflective. There will be a transition, after all, the two terminated series need a send off. With hopes of a  greater presence outside of my little corner of the world, thanks everyone for faithfulness and understanding.

82 thoughts on “On Them Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

  1. Change is good. Time to reflect, enjoy, celebrate all the little things in life that are not part of the blog are crucial to overall happiness. This transition sounds perfect for you at this time. Thanks for sharing.


    • Patti,
      Thanks for the support. Visiting others is the part that has been eating away at me for some time because I’ve always believed that is an important part of blogging – thus one must have the right balance between hosting and reciprocating. Then again, balancing blogging and non-blogging is also important. I look forward to the new challenge.


  2. Honestly, my life has been so busy, I barely have time to post. I’ve always admired your full schedule of blogging and your commitment. I’ve come to realize that I favor quality for my own blog over quantity. Well, hopefully it’s quality. I think it becomes a blogging reality unless one doesn’t care about reading others or their communities. I wouldn’t be out here if I didn’t care about those things. I understand, Frank.


  3. Frank, I hear you, loud and clear! And am beyond happy that you are not quitting! I love that you respond to each and every comment (as I do) and that all exchanges are fun, informative, entertaining.

    Say..in that first video, doesn’t that boogie dancing chick in yellow look like Uhura?


    • Dale,
      In terms of Uhura, now that you mention it, I wonder. I want to the comments & notes on YouTube, but she wasn’t mentioned.

      I learned very early that replying to comments was an important and respectful things to do … and I tip my cap to you for doing that. Reciprocating has also been important to me, and that’s been eating away at me for the past few months … so hopefully, the new schedule (whenever it starts) will lead to a new comfort zone.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t see anything either!
        I don’t comment on blogs that don’t respond (and eventually simply stop following them).
        I also have trouble with the multi-posters! 2-3-4 posts in one day! There have been some that I’ve dropped because it is just too much – sadly for some because they were interesting but I felt I couldn’t give them “proper resoect’ so to speak.


  4. Your a social butterfly, and whatever your shtufffs morphs into will be grade ‘A’ prime Frank. And I’ll be here, more or less.


  5. I applaud your decision Frank! Bearing in mind that sometimes the process that leads to the decision is even more important than the actual decision made …… I continue to blog for the community that has built around my blogging activities. I post erratically, but read as loyally as time allows. Sometimes I have to choose and then I choose to miss posts from bloggers who blog daily or almost daily and in some cases two or three times a day. I simply don’t have that much spare time. I like to give each post I read due time and attention and I like to comment [when I have something to comment about] when I have time for that. It can be a bit fraught. It’s like taking puppy off for a walk down the street and if everybody is out and wants to stop for a chat, then puppy won’t get too much of a walk at all. Life is very busy at the moment and I have found no time to write a post because I am reading and commenting and interacting with all my lovely bloggie community. Can you tell ‘regularity’ is not a word that concerns me much? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pauline,
      Interesting the range of posting schedules in blogging … yep … from several times a day to erratically whenever. In some ways, that first group helped me realize the change I needed to make. In the end, yes … it comes down to the community and the quality, at least I’m moving my expectations in the right direction. … and thanks for sharing your experience and approach. 🙂


  6. I welcome new followers as they arrive. More important to me is to have visitors who take some time to comment and engage. That is the most rewarding part of blogging for me. If I had a large following and tried to keep up a daily schedule, it would be too much for me. I don’t know how you managed. It is good to try something different. There are no rules here. Only those we set for ourselves. We need to be nice to ourselves.


    • Jim,
      Well done at being a welcoming host … simply so important. For the most part, I’ve kept this pace for many years, so that mere fact questions my sanity. 😉 Yes … no rules, so we have to have the right balance, and that’s different for each of us.


  7. I post less often than I used to. I have had lots of connection issues lately for lots of reasons and I have learned just to let it go and not worry if I can’t post something. I have been to lots of places recently and the posts about them will appear when I get the time to write.


    • Debra,
      Thanks for sharing your personal experience – especially because I consider you to be an accomplished blogger. … and I look forward to the gems that you discover in the area close to my heart.


  8. Great choice of musical send off Frank. I applaud your decision to scale back and move toward a schedule that works for you. Your fan base will continue to scurry over to read you on any schedule you choose, you have a wonderful way with all your works.


    • Val,
      Thanks for the kind words and support. I love my community .. .heck, if I could visit everyone in person I would. I imagine the new schedule will be full force in about 10 days. After all, some of the series need a sendoff. 🙂


  9. I think it’s interesting to hear about the blogging process from others–well, people who truly think about it, as you do. There are a few bloggers who post many times every day, and I just stopped getting email notifications about their posts because it was too much to keep up with. I try to read other blogs every day or two. I always respond to comments, and I really appreciate it when people take the time to comment. I can only manage one post a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Merril,
      Great points. Interestingly, sometimes one focuses on the chase for more, thus forgetting about the negative effect on others … and that I admit. But the light came on, so I going to take advantage of it. Thanks for the support and for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh thank goodness you are staying, you are definitely a blogger I would miss not just commenting with you, but also the friendly chatter.

    I still have no laptop, so my ideas continue to go on paper though I have been quite busy with gardening. Yes, I have given the company the one-two.


    • Catherine,
      LOL and thanks. Sometime during the drafting process of this post, I realized that I may be given the impression that this was it – thus the addition of my line about to quitting … so thanks for confirming that my addition was a good one. 🙂

      Bummer on the laptop. I’m sure it’s driving you more than crazy, so hang in there and continue to use paper. Cheers to your gardening time!!! …. and thanks for the kind words and support.


  11. Sure sounds like you’e on the right track to me. I enjoy all of your daily post topics, but the ones you say you’re planning to keep certainly rank as my favorites. Thanks especially for the time you take to respond personally to your readers. I learn a lot from their comments as well as your responses. As to your responses to my comments, they always hit the spot in both clarity and wit, and often cause me to move in new directions. For instance, your recent suggestion that to improve my poor putting I should lighten my golf bag of the political articles I drag around to reference when we golf together, that led me over the weekend to get off my duff and do the exact opposite – buy a new putter, and put two more articles in my golf bag!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim,
      Getting you to do just the opposite? Oh my … if I believed you were in the market for a new putter, I would have told you about the one I saw at Hickory woods.

      I recall our breakfast chats back in 2008 that actually led to creating my little corner of the world .. .so many thanks for not only your visits and support, but for your role.


  12. Frank,
    Your posts are always interesting, enlightening and/or fun, but I absolutely understand the need for balance! With my own busy schedule, I sometimes find I can’t make it over to visit all of your posts, so it’s actually nice for me to be able to participate more with your pared-back schedule (if that makes sense). Change is good!


  13. Ditto Frank. Appreciate you sharing all the fretting. Blogging is fun – reading and commenting on blogs is also fun. Life away from the screen is fun, too. Summer is a good time to be realistic and make adjustments. Good choice!
    (and I may have to step down a bit, too in order to read and chat more frequently with bloggers that are more like friends now. Just so much time and energy to go around. )
    YEA you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mouse,
      Fun is one of the important words to remember, and one that omitted (but shouldn’t have). I had a long tenure of frequent posts, which is another way of saying “it took me a while to understand” … 😉 Thanks for the supporting and for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I totally agree with you on this. I’ve strayed away from blogging on regular basis, but only because of changes in my life and dealing with them. Sometimes you just have to put blogging aside to take of yourself, which I’ve done and am doing. 🙂 Sure, I might have lost some subscribers, but I’ve also gained new ones too! Sorry I haven’t been around. It bothers me too when I don’t get around to responding to everyone. I’m backlogged several months as it is. Feel free to subscribe to my personal and private blog. See link on my page and request. See you there!


    • Java,
      Hey there … good to see you. YES … balance is very important. I’ve been doing the 5-6 posts per week for many years, which must mean that I’m a slow learner. 😉 … Because I post so frequently, this post was important to inform by readers of the changes. Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Change is good (and inevitable except, as the old joke goes, from vending machines). Glad you’ve worked out a way to juggle it all, Frank, and still be true to yourself and your blog. 🙂


    • Robin,
      Thanks for mentioning the importance of “Being true to self”. So important … and my decision included that and my impression of my readers … thus a good middle ground … and your blog is one of the places I’ve got to get back into the groove of visiting more often! BTW … I never heard the old joke. 😉


  16. Change is good Frank, we all need it as a recharger in certain aspects – and one that I’ve been considering as well. I must admit your commitment to produce quality, fun and engaging posts is admirable because your discipline for seven years has something to watch. The changes you are talking about will energize you for sure, leaving some of the pressure on the table giving you time to devote to other passions as well. I enjoy your blog posts, don’t always have time to comment or comment in-depth, but none-the-less you bring something very special to the blogging world and I’m glad I follow.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Aren’t we all in search of that elusive balance? 🙂 I have been overwhelmed this past year as well. Barely managed to keep up a schedule and feel most badly about not finding time to visit blogs often enough. Hope the changes you have planned work for you Frank. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Madhu,
      “Elusive balance” is another great descriptor. One thing for sure, the balance is different for each of us. I’m hoping this works, but only time will tell. Thanks!


  18. Hello aFrank,
    I’m pleased I was able to feel up to visiting a few of my blog favorites. I would never have known what happened.
    I’m with you, I enjoy visiting blogs and commenting. I have always believed that showing appreciation for those who visit my blog is a must. Those visits deserve recognition. 😃
    I’m not well. It’s the reason I’ve been unavailable.
    We did go on out cruise. I hope to write about it when my health returns. 😁
    I have had my better day today but will still be away for a good while. I hope to come by again soon. Don’t give up your plays. I’m looking forward to those on my return.
    Be well …
    Isadora 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I will definitely miss the sections, but Frank I completely understand what you’re doing. I used to post twice a day, 5 days a week if you remember. I had to slow down because it was affecting my real life. And I’ve learned to balance the two, which is why I only post 3 to 4 days out of the week. I will post something extra during the week if I need to, but other than that it’s 3 to 4 days a week. I know everyone will continue to support you, because your blog is amazing my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kay,
      Support has been awesome … especially the long-time visitors that know the schedule I’ve done for many years. It seems that you’ve found a balance for yourself, so cheers to that … and I hope this leads me to one.


    • Karen,
      Thanks for the kind words. I have no doubt it will work out, but I will simply have to get used to the new routine … although I like to say “life gets in the way of blogging.” 😉


  20. I just got back from two weeks away from posting and my engines have definitely been rebooted. You’ve done such an amazing amount of work on your blog and set the bar very high for the rest of us. Thanks Frank, especially for the muppets videos!


  21. a few years ago i started to confuse a blog post with a facebook post. i was slapping up anything and everything until i realized that nobody cared if i used bar soap or body wash. unfortunately, that’s not a joke. since then, i crawled through all of my posts and deleted the stupid ones. change is good. so is a rake when there’s too many dead leaves around.


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