Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 317

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With many Americans being in the midst of holiday travel, a safe travels wish to all.

Congratulations to gymnast Laurie Hernandez for winning Dancing with the Stars. How could anyone not enjoy this delightful young lady … and the same for the other finalists (racer James Hinchcliffe (2nd), football player Calvin Johnson (3rd), and singer Jana Kramer (4th)).

Recent years have brought success to my favorite pro and college teams (2) – but 2016 has delivered 3 losing seasons. Ouch!

I recently bottled my first-ever batch of cranberrry-orangecello. Will let you know the reviews next week.

In the case of the trial involving the university police officer fatally shooting an unarmed Black man, the judge declared a mistrial due to a hung jury. Reports indicate 4 jurors were in favor of a murder verdict, 4 for manslaughter, and 4 for not guilty. The prosecuting attorney will refile for another case with hopes of moving the trial to another city. Both ideas are good.

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US presidents live under a microscope. In that light, Mr. Trump must develop thicker skin.

Interesting that Mr. Trump is softening some of his positions. Some are actually flip-flops … oh well, it will be interesting to see how the base reacts.

I had to laugh at the suggestion that the Dow Index passed 19,000 is due to Trump’s election. Just another example of how the partisans entertain me.

With the flap about the Electoral College before and after the election, here’s an interesting viewpoint.

Interesting how a simple question can turn into a partisan discussion. I asked a friend (a GOP partisan) an honest question about the relationship Mr. Trump faces involving the presidency and his business. His answer to my curious question included the Clinton Foundation and witch hunts.

Advice to Democrats – embrace the NASCAR approach – turn left.

President Obama’s Five Faults of the Week
Hamilton Gate
The property prices not increasing everywhere
The mess in my storage area
The Dow reaching 19,000 after Trump winning the election
Stephen Hawking’s prediction dooming the earth

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To lead you into this week’s dose of satirical headlines, The Onion explains how clinical trials work.

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)
Collie walked over Lassie’s star when talking picture
Father No Longer Feels Nervous When Walking Daughter Down Aisle
Man’s Recycling Ideals Abandoned During Move
Stealing tampons from office bathroom currently woman’s only source of joy
FDA approves new pasta shape

Interesting Reads
Leonidis of Rhodes
The shortage of prisoners
Link between LED lights and the Internet
Smuggling baseball players
Sacred spaces in the 21st century
Around the world in 12 toilets
(Photos) Faith through a Lens photography contest winners

To lead you into the weekend, here’s an oldie from John Mellencamp. Hope all is well with you, and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

22 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 317

  1. Naturally, I clicked on the NatGeo pictures of toilets because, well, I am me. And lucky I am to lie where I live — in the US and in a house with 4 toilets …

    I’m going to read the article about the Electoral College now. In fact, the premise — that the Electoral College was designed to keep the population from making a terrible mistake — is one I keep arguing in the vain and sadly unlikely hope that the Electors will go with the popular vote. (And can you imagine what would happen if they did? Can you say “Pandemonium”?)


  2. I think most Americans have little knowledge of our history–including the Electoral College. Originally, US senators were not elected by direct election either. I don’t think our system of education is going to improve any time soon under DT’s administration.

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    (BTW, an update–Obama’s fault that Castro died?) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Merril,
      By saying Americans have little knowledge about our history is being too kind. As for the education system, the amount that it can improve is limited because the public won’t let it … which would be Obama’s fault. … And yes, Obama is absolutely responsible for Castro/s death.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Can’t wait to hear what you ate/drank at your Thanksgiving dinner.

    Trying to keep my partisan mouth shut while I wait for the full slate of Trump appointees to start using up their rope.

    Would like to read the Leonidis of Rhodes article.

    Going ahead with my annual trip to Yellow Springs, OH, to purchase left wing bumper stickers for my family’s annual Christmas gathering in Northern VA.

    Full splat from “Father No Longer Feels Nervous When Walking Daughter Down Aisle.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim,
      Hate to disappoint you, but we had turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes, salad, and different pies for dessert. Wines were Riesling and Pinto Noir … the cranberry-orangecello with the dessert.

      Don’t worry about your partisan nature because I know you won’t be able to control yourself. After all, that’s what partisans do.

      Glad I was able to deliver a splat.


  4. I agree, it would be interesting to see how Trump supporters will react to Trump’s flip-flops. I suspect that most of them will switch to “we really don’t need that wall, we can just make it mandatory to check immigration status when someone applies for any job, then they all will self-deport” and “yes, there really is climate change and stupid Democrats have done nothing to stop it.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a trip seeing John Cougar with the long hair. Back in the day, I always thought rocking the long hair was “cool.” What I didn’t realize at the time is that its an expression of vitality, and youth. It never occurred to me that there would come a day when I couldn’t grow it out like that if I wanted to.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m playing catch-up following a little break I didn’t plan. We’ve been rebounding following an unexpected death in the family, and for at least a time we put away the newspaper, radio and my evening addiction to MSNBC. I feel like I tuned back in today and started right back into my “what did Trump just say today?” bonanza. I cannot look away for very long!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra,
      Peace to your family!

      Interestingly, I haven’t been able to get back into watching much news. For instance, I used to have CNN on for hours, but now only tune in for snippets. At least the network evening news has a variety of stories.

      As you probably noticed, the Victory Tour started in Cincinnati. NO … I didn’t go nor did I watch.


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