Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 369

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I’m sorry to report that I didn’t win the latest huge lottery drawing … and I was so sure my ticket would be the winner!

Cheers to the great start for Pronouns: The Musical. Act 2 features songs with “You” in the title. Curtain raises this Saturday at 1:00 am (Eastern US). Did you noticed that I placed the next act’s theme below the opening act’s video.

Thanks for the unexpected encouragement for a post about cutting the cord! I can report good so far.

Ever had an unexpected treat? We hosted out-of-town friends earlier this week. As my wife and I were waiting at the Reds box office, a stranger approached us, then gave us four tickets to a private area that included food and drinks … and for free! What a great treat for our friends!

Did anyone watch (PBS) 10 Modern Marvels that Changed America? Cheers to a Cincinnati landmark making the list. Here’s a link to the show. For anyone interested, the Cincinnati piece is early in the program (the second marvel).

We’ve started watching The Americans (via Amazon Prime). Interesting. Have you seen it?

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I find it interesting that the rise in the price of gasoline is getting so little press. Maybe the lack of coverage is one of the effects of someone sucking all the air out of the room.

Because of the swath of thoughts about ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement), here’s a nonpartisan article about the agency.

I finally figured out something about loyal Trump supporters. Even though The Bloviator lies, blames, exaggerates, takes credit for everything while avoiding responsibility, Trumpians simply justify anything with this fill-in-the-blank statement: “What about ____?” (The blank being anything from American history)

There are many things that anyone can say about President Trump, but I don’t think anyone is more succinct that the one that I call The Great American Orator. Click here for the 5-second summation.

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To lead you into this week’s dose of satirical headlines, The Onion provides timely tips for back-to-school shopping.

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)

Embittered raisin won’t shut up about how it could have been wine
Index finger rips into toilet paper package like Velociraptor claw
Bee wishes it could hang around open soda can without everybody freaking out
Every driver in roundabout just winging it
Flight attendant demonstrates proper technique for eating fellow passenger in event of crash

Interesting Reads

Netflix: from pioneer to powerhouse
Rome’s subway expansion and discovered artifacts
Chinese mega-machines
Poland and democracy
Your mind while sleeping
(Graphic) Cosmic history
(Photos) 1988: A look back
(Photos) World Bodypainting Festival

To send you into the weekend and continuing the summer theme, here’s a song from my youth. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

50 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 369

  1. You know, my sister claims that she will win big. We’re still waiting…
    Classic song, for sure
    Here I was thinking wow… price of gas in the States SO MUCH CHEAPER than in Canada…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t win either! I mean . . how many peeps were playing? I thought for sure one of us would take it!
    Never saw The Americans, but from those who have watched it, they love it.
    Go unexpected surprises!
    And leave it to Bugs to be the philosopher for our times . . because we need that kind of insight. Badly.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have always loved this Mungo Jerry song but cannot believe it’s from 1970! That genuinely shocks me! I look forward to Act 2, this weekend, as well. Your comment about the Bloviator’s loyal following filling in the blank with a slice of history for their justifications is probably true, I just haven’t tuned into it as much as continuing to hear “But Obama…” or “But Hillary…” and I just want to slap someone. LOL! They need to refresh their refrains and move away from the old ones. Good reading material this week, Frank. I will enjoy making my way through many of the links! Hope you have a very good weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debra,
      Mungo Jerry is a great flashback to our earlier times. Besides, I like that song!!! As far as the Trumpians go, they are like a broken record with their excuses and justifications. … and just like their leader, they don’t accept responsibility.


  4. Bugs Bunny could definitely talking about the current resident of the White House.
    We enjoyed The Americans. I liked how we were rooting for the Russian spies and their American neighbors and the Russians in Russia (you might not have been introduced to them yet). We wanted everything to work out for all of them.


  5. Your “cutting the cord” posts have my attention.

    The read ‘Rome’s Subway Expansion Reveals Artifacts From The Ancient Past’ motivated me to start reading “Rome: A History in Seven Sackings” by Matthew Kneale in anticipation of my long anticipated visit to that city.

    A splat from “Every driver in roundabout just winging it.”


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