Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 89

On Political Shorts
As our politicians muddle and haggle their way through budget decisions and handling the government’s deficit, I remind everyone that both major parties are not in fiscal order. In fact, the Republican National Committee has a greater debt than the Democrats National Committee.

This past Wednesday, potential GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that the first thing he would do is repeal the healthcare bill. Hmmm … hey Mitt! What about that Massachusetts plan?

The battle between the state house and public employees in Wisconsin is well known. We’ve also seen similar situations in Ohio, Indiana, and others. An action by Maine Governor LePage caused a “huh?” Read this interesting post from former cabinet member Robert Reich. Thanks to Don in Mass for the heads up. Then see this post from Nonnie.

If you didn’t see this interview with Veronica de La Cruz about health care, it is worth your time. Thanks WriteChic for making me aware of this interview.

On a Streetcar
The debate by the city of Cincinnati officials regarding a streetcar project is over a year old. Regardless of the condition of federal and state budgets, the reason I’ve been against this $128 million dollar project is simple. Today, most downtowns are centers of commerce, so most investments should center on increasing (or at least keeping) employment.

As noted on these pages before, we take ballroom dance lessons and enjoy Dancing with the Stars. A reminder, I thought that having Bristol Palin on last year was a mistake, and my worst fears almost happened. Shortly before the announcement of the latest cast, the decision makers asked former Delaware senator candidate Christine O’Donnell to participate. Fortunately, she declined – but if she would have accepted, I would not have watched this season until she was off.

On a Water Bill
Over the past year or so, we purchased a water-efficient clothes washer and replaced two original, 23-year-old toilets. Interestingly, we have seen a decrease in our water usage. Our choices were the GE WHRE5550 and a Kohler Cimarron.

On a Sheen Tactic
Charlie Sheen has been in his share of news in recent months – actually too much. By never mincing words in his posts, Beeze says that Sheen’s antics are an act – which I admit, is something I didn’t consider.

Have a good weekend everyone. Here’s a music sendoff for you, which also is well synced with the animations. Besides, Z likes this group.

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 73

On Dancing with the Stars
Most seasons have a surprises; meaning someone stays around who really should not. I know that’s the effect of the people voting, but the people screw it up. As a fan of the show, I was not a happy camper when ABC announced Bristol Palin’s participation. For one reason, I feared that her mother’s supporters would blindly keep Bristol around too long regardless of her ability – possibly even win. Well, it seems to be happening.

On the World Series
In a nutshell, I don’t like the how much television controls sports. Too many days passed from the last league championship game to the first World Series game. Bring back the days when MLB announces the dates at/near the conclusion of the previous playoff series. Oops … that will cost too much money.

Now Bud Selig is open to expanding the playoffs …  well, for more money. Count on me being against it.

On the College Football Season
No question I’ll be in the minority on this one. During of time when conferences expand in order to have a conference championship game, count me in as one favoring ten-team conferences. Let’s see – play everyone in the conference during the season – what a novel idea. Oops … conferences will lose a payday.

On the Head Stepping Stone
Let me get this straight. The Rand Paul campaign worker intentionally steps on the head of a MoveOn.org supporter, and he is asking for an apology. In the words of Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon!” See Stephen Colbert’s great commentary!

On Charlie Sheen
Speaking of maroons, Charlie Sheen’s continuing behavior demonstrates that his life is a train wreck – that’s sad as he needs help. How and the heck does he keep his job? Oops … that would cost CBS money.

On Quotes from Delaware
Christine O’Donnell’s history continues to be a treasure trove: “American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.” Delaware Republicans, what were you thinking?

On a California Votes
The California Chamber of Commerce is terrified about the Proposition 19 vote regarding marijuana. Check out the facts they use in this ad.

On Sports Nicknames
Hey hey sports fans, risen from the cobwebs of my archive is this post about the name team nicknames in sports. A lot of work went into this one, so enjoy.

On Going Tube Free
Papermaker Kimberly-Clark recently announced it would test market tube-free toilet paper. The dada-zz taking the route of the abacus? Say it ain’t so because the world just won’t be the same.

Have a safe weekend!