Meals: The Musical – Act 2: Fruit

The Story
Meals: The Musical is an original aFa production is about an important aspect of daily life – eating.

Whether it is snack, something on the run, a glorious sit-down feast, or something in between and regardless of the time of day, food is a life necessity. There are three aspects to a truly fantastic meal: the food, the occasion, and the company. We know Meals: The Musical is a festive occasion where friends to gather to share wonderful music – thus the acts will focus on what the dining friends will encounter.

MealsPlaybillAct 1: Meals

Act 2
Besides being rewards, fruits are products from plants. They are natural … most are sweet and nutritious – refreshing and a sign of a season. Yet, from fruits we produce many other items for our use. Whether as stand alone, an accompaniment, or a flavoring, fruits are an important part of life.

This act features songs with fruit(s) or any nutritional fruit in the title, but tomato(es), nut(s), and type of nuts are not acceptable.

Production Note
To prevent browsers crashing from loading too many videos, please 1) include the song title and artist in your text, and 2) paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line). The latter will provide a link, thus not embed the actual video … but I don’t mind unembedding, so apologies are not necessary.

Ladies and gentleman, this lady’s sultry voice is always welcome on this stage. We welcome back the amazing Diana Krull with Peel Me a Grape.

On Unrelated Tidbits

Tidbit 1: Eye Update
EyeballCloseUpAlthough initial tests were negative, my eye issue remains … so I contacted my eye doctor Monday morning … and I got a that-afternoon appointment! Docs spotted some blood vessel issues, so it’s off to the retina specialist on Tuesday. I’ll report more on the next post (Satire Bits) … but I’m planning on returning to my golf league tomorrow … and yes, my eyes are blue.

Tidbit 2: Dinner Music
Yesterday I mentioned hosting our dinner group last Saturday. (For those who missed the menu, click here.) With Fruit as the theme, I put together a song list (surprise, surprise) for the evening of songs with a fruit in the title. Here are my selections. Hey … this list would be handy for Fruit: The Musical!

Watermelon Man, Pineapple Getaway, Apple Pie Moonshine, Day-O (Banana Boat), Orange Blossoms, Grow a Pear, 3 Pears, Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit, Blueberry Hill, Strawberry Wine, Strawberry Swing, Strawberry Bubblegum, Strawberry Letter 2 3, Raspberry Beret, Casaba, I Heard it Through the Grapevine, Peel Me a Grape, Kiwi & the Apricot, Apricots, Chocolate Apricot, Captain Cookie’s Oatmeal-Raisin Cookie, Last Mango in Paris, Mango Tree, Mango, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies, Cherry Bomb, Cherry Cherry, Black Horse & the Cherry Tree, Elderberry Wine, Elderberry Trees, Georgia Peaches, Lemon, Lemon Tree, Key Lime Pie, Strawberry Fields Forever, Adam’s Apple, Little Green Apples, Garfield’s Blackberry Blossom, Blackberry Wine, Rotten Peaches, Watermelon Crawl, River Runs New Grown Plums, Pineapple Express … and of course, this one …

Tidbit 3: Refurbishing
For the past 30 years following my grandmother’s death, her treadle sewing machine has spent its time in an outdoor storage shed, a garage, and a basement. Before my sister moved last year, she asked us if we wanted the sewing machine, to which we agreed.

Given where it’s been, the top is not in good shape. Because it’s wood veneer, we didn’t have much hope for its revival. (This surface is very bubbled.)

Old Veneer

Lousy old top that wasn’t worth the time to repair

We got an idea, so I disassembled the cabinet (actually only a few pieces). Using a fine steel wool, I lightly rubbed my 50-50 concoction of lacquer thinner and linseed oil on the wood, followed by wiping with a dry rag.

The legs, pedal, and the flywheel where iron, so I used a steel brush and fine sandpaper to remove any rust and loose paint …. and then, after wiping clean, one coat of low-luster black spray paint.

But what about that ugly lid? We went to a granite fabricator looking for scraps, and unbelievably, we found this gorgeous piece that the fabricator cut to size and finish the edges … all for a mere $60.


This piece of granite caught our eye

Here’s the final product, which is we proudly display in a prominent area.


A wonderful corner table displaying a few wine bottles