Meals: The Musical – Act 4: Meats

The Story
Meals: The Musical is an original aFa production is about an important aspect of daily life – eating.

Whether it is snack, something on the run, a glorious sit-down feast, or something in between and regardless of the time of day, food is a life necessity. There are three aspects to a truly fantastic meal: the food, the occasion, and the company. We know Meals: The Musical is a festive occasion where friends gather to share wonderful music – thus the acts will focus on what the dining friends will encounter.

MealsPlaybillProgram (Past Posts)
Act 1: Meals
Act 2: Fruit
Act 3: Side Dishes

Act 4: Meat
Many use a meat dishes as the main course, but other incorporate meat into dishes. Then again, some diners prefer meatless. Nonetheless, this act is all about meat, so song titles must include a meat in the title

Producer’s Note: As a guideline, let a typical menu serve as a guide. Menu will include items as sausage, pork, bacon, and ham – but that doesn’t make pig(s) as an acceptable. The producer does not consider seafood or any meat-substitute as  meat.

Production Note
To prevent browsers crashing from loading too many videos, please 1) include the song title and artist in your text, and 2) paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line). The latter will provide a link, thus not embed the actual video … but I don’t mind unembedding, so apologies are not necessary.

Ladies and gentleman, Frank loves this group and this genre because its toe tapping sound is fun. A big round of applause for Asleep at the Wheel with Ain’t Nobody Here but Us Chickens.

On July

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A new month means a new dose of trivia and celebration notices.

July starts the second half of the year.

The Roman Senate changed Quintillis to July in honor of Julius Caesar

July “birth flowers are the Larkspur or the Water Lily.

July birthstone is the ruby.

July’s Zodiac signs are Cancer (until July 21) and Leo July 22 onward).

July is, on average, the warmest month in most of the Northern hemisphere and the coldest month in much of the Southern hemisphere.

July starts on the same day of the week as April every year, but starts the same as January in leap years.

During a common year, no other month ends on the same day as July, but during a leap year, January ends on the same day of the week as July.

July is the month to celebrate independence in Somalia, Belarus, United States, Peru, Argentina, Algeria, Venezuela, South Sudan, Bahamas, Colombia, Belgium, Maldives, and Vanuatu

July is the month to increase awareness for Bereaved Parents, Bioterrorism/Disaster Education, Hemochromatosis Screening, Herbal/Prescription Interaction, Group B Strep, Women with Alopecia, Juvenile Arthritis, Cleft & Craniofacial, Cord Blood, Fireworks Safety, Social Wellness, Purposeful Parenting, Cell Phone Courtesy, and Tahiti and Her Islands.

July is the month to celebrate Air Conditioning Appreciation, Family Reunions, Freedom From Fear of Speaking, Blueberries, Grilling, Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, Horseradish, Nectarines & Garlic, Recreation & Parks, Watermelons, Picnics, Pickles, Bison, Baked Beans, Foreign Languages, July Belongs to Berries, Hay, Culinary Arts, California Salmon, Independent Retailers, the Sandwich Generation, Blondie and Deborah Harry, Mobility, Women on Motorcycles, Eye Exams, and Anti-Boredom

July is the month to seek the outdoors for Family Golf, Doghouse Repairs, Smart Irrigation, Hitchhiking, Picnics, Wild about Wildlife, Tennis, and Just Be Outdoors.

July is the month to beautify wheelchairs, prevent eye injuries, share a sunset with your lover, make a difference with children, get along with your ex, and read an almanac

Have a good month of July!