On July

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A new month means a new dose of trivia and celebration notices.

July starts the second half of the year.

The Roman Senate changed Quintillis to July in honor of Julius Caesar

July “birth flowers are the Larkspur or the Water Lily.

July birthstone is the ruby.

July’s Zodiac signs are Cancer (until July 21) and Leo July 22 onward).

July is, on average, the warmest month in most of the Northern hemisphere and the coldest month in much of the Southern hemisphere.

July starts on the same day of the week as April every year, but starts the same as January in leap years.

During a common year, no other month ends on the same day as July, but during a leap year, January ends on the same day of the week as July.

July is the month to celebrate independence in Somalia, Belarus, United States, Peru, Argentina, Algeria, Venezuela, South Sudan, Bahamas, Colombia, Belgium, Maldives, and Vanuatu

July is the month to increase awareness for Bereaved Parents, Bioterrorism/Disaster Education, Hemochromatosis Screening, Herbal/Prescription Interaction, Group B Strep, Women with Alopecia, Juvenile Arthritis, Cleft & Craniofacial, Cord Blood, Fireworks Safety, Social Wellness, Purposeful Parenting, Cell Phone Courtesy, and Tahiti and Her Islands.

July is the month to celebrate Air Conditioning Appreciation, Family Reunions, Freedom From Fear of Speaking, Blueberries, Grilling, Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, Horseradish, Nectarines & Garlic, Recreation & Parks, Watermelons, Picnics, Pickles, Bison, Baked Beans, Foreign Languages, July Belongs to Berries, Hay, Culinary Arts, California Salmon, Independent Retailers, the Sandwich Generation, Blondie and Deborah Harry, Mobility, Women on Motorcycles, Eye Exams, and Anti-Boredom

July is the month to seek the outdoors for Family Golf, Doghouse Repairs, Smart Irrigation, Hitchhiking, Picnics, Wild about Wildlife, Tennis, and Just Be Outdoors.

July is the month to beautify wheelchairs, prevent eye injuries, share a sunset with your lover, make a difference with children, get along with your ex, and read an almanac

Have a good month of July!

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 188

On Politics
No matter the issue, Congress gridlock continues to be a battle between ideological obstinance and inability to make tough decisions, thus kicking the can down the road.

It’s the House bill or nothing on immigration (Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark, title of his Op-Ed in the July 11th Wall Street Journal)

The current Republican brand of obstructionist continues to serve as an example of our Congressional attitude. Robert Reich helps make my point; plus this one from columnist Michael Tomasky adds to the twist.

In a Wednesday speech about immigration, President Bush (an immigration reform supporter) stated, “But we have a problem, the laws governing the immigration system aren’t working. The system is broken.” I understand his point, but I ask this question: Which is ineffective, the law or the implementation?

As different countries offer Edward Snowden asylum, I like this offer: The Onion offers a swift, painless death to Edward Snowden (Click to read it)

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion

  • Report: 79% of sincere thoughts played off as jokes
  • American Dental Association recommends making your gums hurt really bad once a day
  • Area man loses all control of face while thinking
  • Lovers lost in fog
  • Terrifed Johnny Depp unable to remove Tonto makeup
  • CIA interrogator apologizes profusely after asking questions about touchy subject
  • Pregnant wife has no idea which Jonas brother she married

Interesting Reads
Obamacare delay: The winners and losers
Infographics: Inside Fireworks
Ohio and the Civil War
An inexpensive summer wines from Portugal
Columnist Peggy Nonnan on writing of a great address
Mountain gorillas of Uganda
Beer-flavored ice cream (for National Ice Cream Month)

On Potpourri
Interesting how the networks are cancelling more television shows not based on ratings, but on demographics that drive marketing. Older demographic groups lost Harry’s Law last year, so this year’s cuts include Body of Proof, Monday Mornings, and Red Widow.

I dislike the way baseball players are selected for the upcoming All-Star Game, which is just another reason to hate MLB Commimssioner Bud Selig.

Our house had quite the rain downpour on Wednesday: 3 inches (7.6 cm) in 30 minutes.

Yesterday was one of the few days I missed a post. Oh well, I just ran out of time, which also means I’m learning not to panic or force a post.

There will be a Saturday Morning Cartoon post this weekend.

Looking at the weekend ahead, don’t forget these celebratory events: Simplicity Day (Friday), National French Fries Day (Saturday), Gruntled Workers Day (Saturday), Bald Is In Day (Saturday), Embrace Your Geekness Day (Saturday), and International Nude Day (Sunday), which happens to be the end of Nude Recreation Week.

In honor of the World Piano Competition in currently in Cincinnati, here are The Piano Guys to send you into the weekend. Have a good weekend. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

On a Trunk Full of Music

Another weekend in the books. The biggest events of our weekend was a night of ballroom and attending a dinner/dance fundraiser for the Make a Wish Foundation. How was your weekend?

It’s a new month, which is loaded with reasons to celebrate.

For starters, Happy Canada Day to the Canadians!

A few of the many July celebrations include Mango and Melon Month, Nectarine and Garlic Month, National Blueberries Month, and National Ice Cream Month (yes … Graeter’s).

For those enjoying reasons to celebrate, later this week is World UFO Day (Tuesday), International Cherry Pit Spitting Day (Saturday), Beans and Bacon Days (3-7), and Chocolate Day (Sunday).

Meanwhile, this week also includes a national holiday for we Americans, which means a short posting week for me.

  • Next is Time: The Musical – Months; so get your tunes ready that include month, months, monthly, or a specific month in the title
  • Wednesday will be the typical mid-week dose of satire
  • Thursday brings a tribute to the holiday
  • Therefore, no Opinions in the Shorts or Saturday Morning Cartoons this week

This video will start your week started with a smile. Yes, a trunk full of music. Have a great week ahead.