On Coasting into the Week

Another weekend is history, so who was yours?

My weekend was a full with working during the day Thursday through Sunday, an informal evening of dance without my wife, a formal night dancing at a grand ballroom with my wife, and Quickstep formation practice with her as well. (I’m drafting a post about Quickstep.) The above probably accounted over 90% of my waking hours.

Although I announced Meals: The Musical, I don’t want to start it until I get a full-week of blogging in the books – and hopefully this is the week.

Besides an important reorganization of this blog, I have been able to prepare some posts that are in the queue while creating others that are still rough copy. So, a full week of posts is possible. On the other hand, I’m behind on reading your blogs and with housework.

Celebrations for Your Week

(Week) Week of Solidarity with People’s Struggling Against Racism & Discrimination, Tsunami Awareness Week, Phace Syndrome Awareness Week, Cleaning Week, Root Canal Awareness Week, Youth Violence Prevention Week, Meat-Free Week, LGBT Health Awareness Week, Bubble Week, Spring Fever Week, Sleep Awareness Week, Clutter Awareness Week, Second-Hand Shopping Week

(Mon) Puppy Day, Near Miss Day, OK Day, Meteorological Day, Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day, Turtle Day, Dixie Cup Day, Cable Car Day, Melba Toast Day

(Tues) Chocolate Covered Raisins Day, Tuberculosis Day, Day of Human Right and for Dignity of Victims, Family Day, Houdini Day, Brave Hearts Day

(Wed) Manatee Appreciation Day, Letting Go of Stuff Day, Diabetes Alert Day, Medal of Honor Day, First Pancakes Day, Old New Years Day, Sleep Day, Pecan Day, Lobster Newberg Day, Tolkien Reading Day, Waffle Day, Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

(Thurs) Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, Wear Purple for Epilepsy Day, Spinach Day, Nougat Day, International Sister Cities Day, Legal Assistants Day

Let’s start the week with a double feature of chuckles. First is a short commercial, but the second is a trip to an amusement park for an animation of the (to be) world tallest coaster scheduled to open in 2017. Enjoy the ride – and have a good week.

On the March’s Last Week

Greetings from my new home. The move went smoothly and we’ve been working hard unpacking and reorganizing. Sore muscles, weary legs, and a racing mind accompany a tired body, but we see progress. In order to take a break from the monotony, we went to the dance studio one evening – but could only do so much, so we left early.

Many thanks to those who continue to stop by for my scheduled posts. Although I haven’t responded to comments, I have read all of them, so your presence has caused smiles. This pattern will continue this week, although I hope I can start to work myself into visiting. This week’s Exploring series will take readers across the world, so I hope you come along.

Celebrations this week for your calendar

  • (Week) Bubble Week, Clutter Awareness Week, Cleaning Week, Second-Hand Shopping Week
  • (Mon) Chocolate Covered Raisins Day, Family Day
  • (Tues) Waffle Day, Pecan Day, Sleep Day, Letting Go of Stuff Day, Lobster Newberg Day, Tolkein Reading Day
  • (Wed) Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (Please tell me yours), Manatee Appreciation Day, Purple Day, Sister Cities Day, Spinach Day, Nougat Day
  • (Thurs) Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day (any to share?), Spanish Paella day, Kite Flying day, Joe Day, Photography Day, Corkscrew Day, Steam Engine Day
  • (Fri) Something on a Stick Day, Black Forest Cake Day, Eat an Eskimo Pie Day, Hot Tub Day
  • (Sat) Day of Unplugging, Coca Cola Day, Niagara Falls Run Dry Day, Lemon Chiffon Cake Day, YoYo and Still Toy Weekend begins
  • (Sun) Grass is Always Browner on the Other Side of the Fence Day, Pencil Day, Take a Walk in the Park Day, I am in Control Day, Turkey Neck Soup Day, Pencil with an Eraser Day, Hog Dog Day, Egg Incubator Day

I still laugh each time I see this video. OK … it must be a guy thing. Have a good week.