On Tributes

I have to set aside the normal weekly Satire Bits to dedicate this post (#1256) to the many of have come and gone to my little corner of the world.

To bloggers as Larry (Nutball Gazette) and Stone (Third Stone from the Sun) who are no longer with us … Larry from heart ailments in his 60s and Stone from a stroke and aneurism in his 40s. Both were genuine and far too young to leave life.

To the bloggers I list as Pioneers on my sidebar as they helped me get started; thus special thanks to David, Mo, Beeze, Lester, Chris, and others. We connect back to the days when The Sporting News hosted sports blogs, and they remain avid sports bloggers today.

To Joe, a photographer from Arkansas, who Sunday journeys through rural Arkansas, brought together nature and humanity.

To bloggers as Starla, Les, Melissa, Rachel, Rita, Mags, Izzie, Sekan, Rosie, Rantonit, and Mckenzie who frequented these pages; but (to my best knowledge), no longer blog. I occasionally wonder about McSmall k’s health status. These names represent those who vanished from blogging or here for one reason or another.

Others move on, which is common in blogging, so cheers to Paulette, Spinny, Keith, Randel, Scott, Al, Meesh, Dragonfae, Hat, Don, and others who have stopped by my little corner of the world.

To Maxi, a Filipino living in Sweden who was one of my first global visitors, which now has greatly expanded.

To Nonnie, whose cake-ball business limits her posts, as does Kellie due to work. To Tim Valentine, a man with a deep soul who still posts, but doesn’t interact as he once did. Interacting with him was outstanding!

Cheers to my current visitors!

I don’t have the humorous touches as El Guapo or Leo, nor write fiction like Rich, Jackie P, Amy, Ryan, Hudson, and Tom M. I certainly can’t weave a tale like Eleanor or Lame. I know I don’t write from deep within my soul as Val or Le Clown, or have the sassy wit as Elyse.

I don’t dive into the philosophical depths as Shimon, or rant like Weebs. I certainly don’t have a sense of style like Kay or Gull.

I have neither Archon’s clever wit or John Erickson’s crazed wit. (Has anyone encountered him?) No way do I know as much about space as Alex, or physics as Jim. I can’t garden or compose music as Lynn, and gathering puns like Fasab is against my constitution.

I don’t write creatively like Ginger Fightback, Soma, and White Lady in the Hood, or humorously like Kayjai, Vanessa, Jiggy, and Sandy, nor as editorially clean as Renee, Patti, or Red.

I don’t write with joyful spirit as Debra, Colline, Java Girl, RoSy, Sunshine, or Georgette; or in Mouse’s unique way of making a point. I don’t write poems or haikus like Audra, Kimberly, Errin, or Shrinks.

I won’t even attempt to draw like Hansi, paint like Marina or Jots, create like Mobius and Buddahkat, or cook like Viveka or Spiced. Besides, my photography skills don’t come close to Robin, Otto, Bulldog, Nia, Suzanne, Cindy, Cathy, Victoria, Dink, and Mimo.

I don’t approach bliss like LouAnn, or reach the Alisha’s intellectual depths. I don’t follow music like this Calgary John, provide daily humor like this Athens John, and certainly can’t write like this Seattle John. Besides, I’m not even close to Nancy’s understanding about Christianity.

I wish I had travel experiences as Sylvia, or spent as much time in Tuscany as Debra. The thought of writing a fictional book as Carrie, Rose, TBM, John Howell, Maddie, and H.E. Ellis is outside of my scope. I certainly won’t attempt a story of my life like Kathy, or get published as much as Christine.

I’m not an Australian living in Finland like Kanerva, I don’t write political commentary through three beagles like Kellie, I’m certainly not a political junkie like Moe, and I’m unquestionably not the master of marching band like Tim … nope, I wouldn’t call myself a hiker as Frank or a camper like Catherine.

I know I lack the passion of Snoring Dog, the surreal nature as Winsombella, the emotion of Noeleen, the hope of Tazein, and the prolific manner as Rarasaur. If ever needed, I sure hope I face health issues with Angela’s courage and positive determination.

Given all the skills that I lack, you and others continue to visit and comment – and I’m very grateful and consider myself very lucky to be in contact with so many good people.

This place is not a blog where people quickly gather after a new post, but I’ve learned to accept that. This is not a blog with big numbers, and I accept that, too. After all, I publish this blog because I enjoy writing, learning, and interacting with nice people from all over the world … and that helps me hold on to my belief that the majority of people throughout the world are good.

Yes, thanks to all of you for what you do, and in short, thanks for allowing me to be me, whoever I am here.

No – this is not my last post – just my way of celebrating my fifth year on this WordPress site and saying Thanks – and one more thing – Happy Birthday Shania!

165 thoughts on “On Tributes

  1. Frank,
    What you have is integrity, consistency, a larger than life heart, and pretty good taste in music.

    I do not know the bloggers you mentioned who past away, but I would like to offer my condolences to their family.

    And to you Frank, this very post might be one of the best things I have read as of late.
    With friendship,


  2. I think you do just fine Frank. I will have to visit more often as I miss your satire bits. Keep going and congrats on 5 years! May we see 5 more from you. Also you are the only blogger I follow who ballroom dances. I love that! 🙂


    • Jackie,
      Thanks …. and this is the first Wednesday in quite a while that I haven’t posted the Satire Bits. But for the occasion, that’s OK. Thanks for sharing your writing skills on WP!


    • Lame,
      You are a marvel who weaves wit into a seemingly mundane event to create entertaining stories. Whew … that was a mouthful … and your anticipation and additions to the Saturday morning cartoon posts helps keep me going! Thanks!!!!


  3. Glad I discovered you (or each other I think). Enjoy your blog a lot and wow, 5 years. That is great. I’ve done half that and I hear what you are saying about the missing. Mags was a constant visitor, and John the Aussie as well. Haven’t seen or heard from them in a long while. And thanks for popping in when I post, which really tapers off in summer. Enjoy


    • John,
      I imagine our connection is through Guapo …. the guy is everywhere! I did see Mags comment elsewhere earlier this summer, but only once. Meanwhile, carry on with what you do!


  4. Very nice post/summary of your blogging experiences and interaction with others. I remain in awe of your ability to keep up – very actively – with so many of us. A big sincere thanks for that and for the mention here also.
    Hey, whaddya know, not a pun in sight……… today 😉


  5. Thanks so much for the lovely mention Frank 🙂 Congratulations on your fifth year of blogging!! Your blog is a joy to all and the blogosphere is a better place because you’re in it!


  6. Dear Frank,

    Five years? Holy cow, Frank! You’ve given me yet another reason to love that number (being the fifth child of two fifth children).

    Many thanks for your writing, your friendship, your Saturday morning ‘toons. Oh heck Frank, thanks for your FrankAngle.

    What I don’t thank you for, however, is the 285 new blogs I now need to check out!


    • Elyse,
      Of the current flock, you are one of the long tenures … so not only thanks for sticking with me, many thanks for what you do because the number of comments you get always impresses me.


  7. I don’t have the organizational skill to assemble a post like this, but I’m pleased that you did. Just under three years for me, and I’ve seen some of the above come and go. I posted a recent tribute to one you didn’t meet, who helped shape me before she left. Thank you for the reference and link. It’s one of the “obvious” things, that only recently became obvious enough that I regularly do it. Nice post. Look forward to many more. 😀


    • Archon,
      I will admit that this post was in the making for at least three weeks, with changes being made up to the last minute … and I know I still left people out. With nearly three years under your belt, stay the course …. especially with your wit!


  8. Frank, this is the sweetest thing ever! Thank you for including me in your tribute, especially with the nod to fiction. I hope you’ll take it up. I’m serious about that. You should give it a whirl! You are as solid as a rock. I hope I am still blogging at the five year mark! Congratulations to you, dear friend. Thank you. – Amy


    • Amy,
      Thanks for the kind words. Thanks for the encouragement, but I’m a fish-out-of-water when it comes to fiction. Then again, I will admit that it is a skill that can be learned. Who knows, maybe someday I will venture forward …. well, if so, maybe a little.


  9. Ah, you like Shania then? 🙂

    Frank, how gorgeous for you to mention me, & in the same sentence as emotion, passion and hope. Thank you. Love how you said the hope of Tazein – that’s spot-on.

    All of your mentions are wonderful. What a humble, gorgeous post. Your blog, I’m suspecting you don’t realise, is HIGHLY ENTERTAINING and ALWAYS VARIED. It’s great.


    • Noeleen,
      Varied is a good description of what I this is one of my trademarks … so glad to know that I do that. Glad to know that I used the right adjectives for you. Meanwhile, although she was here to Like the post, I don’t believe Taizein noticed it. Thanks for your kindness.


  10. What a lovely heart-felt post.
    May Larry & Stone – rest in peace.

    Thank you for the compliment & the mention.
    Happy to have crossed paths with you here on the WP – I enjoy your posts & your sense of humor! 🙂



    • RoSy,
      If I recall, our link is back to Sylvia (I think). Meanwhile, knowing that you are up in the Cheesehead state is a good reminder of my good friend I was with yesterday who is from Wisconsin, thus loves beer, cheese, Packers, and Badgers.


  11. Frank,
    I always look forward to your posts and enjoy every one! Thanks so much for the shout-out! I’ve learned so much from you and I especially love your wine posts. I think we have similar tastes! Thanks again, my friend.


  12. Frank, congratulations on 5 years! As others have mentioned, coming to your blog is always a joy, where we can enjoy posts from wine to cartoons to The Onion satire to political commentary. You’ve got it all going on, my generous friend, and I am humbled to be included in such an illustrious list. Here’s to another successful and fun five years 🙂


    • Lynn,
      Thanks for the kind words. Many times I remember, but I just can’t recall how our paths crossed … but I’m glad they did. Besides, a good friend and CCM grad speaks highly of your music department! Thanks for sharing your music and garden!


      • Frank, when I first joined WordPress, I found your site on a blogroll of someone else (can’t remember who!) and loved what I found. I was especially intrigued by your banner photo from the Hubble collection and your interest in science. I started commenting, you replied, and it has been a wonderful journey ever since. Thank you again for your warm welcome two years ago 🙂


  13. Happy 5th birthday. That’s a lovely tribute to all those blogger who comment on your blog. And what you’ve pointed out is that bloggers come in a lot of different varieties and I think that’s why most bloggers follow a wide range of blogs xx


    • Charlie,
      Well said because blogging brings together different people with different interests from different parts of the world … thus one of the reasons why we enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your joys of entertaining!


  14. Congratulations on five years! I was just thinking today what a nice blogging community can be found on wordpress…I guess I’m not the only one that thinks so! Nice post.


    • Foxress,
      Hey hey … one of the newbees who pops in here. Many thanks … which reminds me that I need to add your worthy wine blog to my More Bloggers page … I think I’ll do that now! Thanks for the greetings!


    • Moe,
      The thought of me being “sassy” makes me laugh, so thanks not only for stopping by to celebrate, but for the grins! …. Oh … and for what you do! Cheers to your efforts!!!


  15. Frank, first of all congratulations to the 5 years … and luck us that have landed in your world. You are such a fantastic writer full of facts, music, cartoons and humor and with dancing shoes in your wardrobe … thanks for being you. You are a star in my book … and your a sweetheart to my heart.
    Congratulations to me for that found your world, always a pleasure to land here.


  16. WOW! Congratulations… What a nice celebrating and tribute filled my silent morning now… I can dance and sing 🙂 Thank you dear Frank, and Thank you you are there, I love your blog and your beautiful blogging world. Blessing and Happiness, love, nia


    • Nia,
      You are incredibly genuine, thus one of the reasons I enjoy your presence here on WP. Besides … I think you are my only frequent visitor from Turkey. 😉 … Thanks for the kind words.


  17. Congratulations Frank, on your years of blogging, and your success in gathering a wide variety of talents in a light hearted community. May you continue to celebrate each day with wry observations, music and dancing, and wine.


    • Shimon,
      Many thanks for the kind words and stopping by the celebration. Interesting, your comment follows Nia’s … and I found you through her. Thanks for your wonderful insight into humanity!!!!


  18. Oh, Frank, thank you for thinking of me. And, by all means congratulations on five years with WordPress! This is such a lovely tribute to the friendships we form as we visit one another, coming and going all over the globe–in some cases literally. Thanks for the fun–the music–the videos–for being a link back to place that’s close to home!

    Hugs from Ecuador,


    • Kathy,
      There are blogs that are successful what seemingly focus on themselves, but the bottom line is that its about the readers … not the writers … and the to those I raise my glass to toast! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!!!


  19. I am honoured… a mention in AFrankAngle… is indeed an honour… luckily not as a headline…. thanks Frank, and 5 years you must be one of the pioneers of blogging….


    • Bulldog,
      It’s my pleasure to mention you and to have you stopping by here when you can. We connect through blogs, but we link through golf! …. (My consistency has been improving the past month).


  20. Thank you so much for the shout-out! This post must have taken ages to put together. Not many have the stamina to produce consistently interesting and entertaining posts, so regularly, for so long. Three cheers for you Frank! 🙂


    • Vanessa,
      Writing this post started weeks ago, then gathering and making the links was a venture in itself. But in the end, it was necessary to promote the many good people here … thanks for being one of them.


  21. Wow!
    I’m honored and grateful for the mention.
    Not wanting to kiss ass, but you are the bloggers one looks up to, I’ve learned a couple of things from you.
    Incidentally, I was going to ask you for John today, we used to exchange emails but I haven’t heard from him in a couple of weeks.
    And please allow me to add this:


    • Doggy,
      Thanks for the kind words, for what you do, and of course the video!!!! YES! Knowing a little about John, I imagine he’s going through a bit of being overwhelmed. Nonetheless, I’m sure he misses the interaction with the community.


  22. This is such a wonderful tribute Frank. What I love about blogging is that I can travel vicariously, read humour, look at beautiful photographs, share another’s dream, and experience a whole other world that has been brought to me by people from all over the world.
    Congratulations on your fifth year of blogging. And I am glad you are sticking around 🙂


  23. Wow, thanks for the mention. I am honored to be part of your ‘world’. Isn’t the beauty of blogging the international flavor mixed with the various styles of writing? There’s nothing like it. And you are such a divine ‘chef’ of words and worlds. I hope you have many, many more years of success.


  24. Five years of A Frank Angle?!! Happy anniversary, my friend and thank you so much for including me in this wonderful company of friends. It’s an honor being here and my pleasure following each [and every] post of yours. You always manage to make my day! In short, thank you for being who you are!! 🙂
    PS: Very kind of you mentioning the two friends who are no longer with us. May the rest in peace.


    • Marina,
      Cheers to my Greek friend who makes me smile with her comments here, and paintings and music on your site. You are quite the talent!!!! Discovering the passing of bloggers is a different, surreal experience …. and I had to mention the two that I know about. After all, I’m sure there are others.

      BTW – thanks for diving into the archives!


  25. Frank, I’m honored to be included in such a prolific group of bloggers. Thanks so much for your kind words and your many visits to my little corner of the world. I enjoy your posts, especially the satirical bits and look forward to reading many more!


    • Alex,
      Cheers to you and your coffee mug this morning …. thus you’ll have to return later today so I can click your Shiner bottle for your 15 correct at Fasab’s on Monday! … and thanks for being my space junkie!


  26. Exactly. You said it here “After all, I publish this blog because I enjoy writing, learning, and interacting with nice people from all over the world … and that helps me hold on to my belief that the majority of people throughout the world are good.” Thank you for the shout out. You make me laugh and smile and you have a way of keeping things light, however sometimes you slip in some deeper stuff. We crossed paths a couple of years ago but your fp post at Christmas was so filled with heart and goodness, I knew I wanted to follow you. Congratulations on 5 years!


  27. btw – you recently asked what my “go to” songs are at karaoke. that shania clip “man, i feel like a woman,” is one i have done, mainly because it gets strange looks and a few laughs.


  28. Ah what a sweet post. I always enjoy popping in and seeing what you are up to and you always make me laugh which is the best way to start my day Frank. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog, especially considering all the wonderful blogs you’ve included. A true honor.


  29. How very kind of you to include me in your tribute! We all depend a great deal on the kindness and generosity of other bloggers. You have made this experience more about a community than I ever could. Thank you so much. And now I must visit the blogs of all the others you mentioned! I thank you for that, too.


  30. I’m a little late getting to the trough today. We were out yesterday to see daughter and grandkids.

    Kudos to you for your 5th year. I hope you’ve had fun. Clearly, the long list of followers is an indication you are doing the right things. I share the sentiments of many of the others in the long list of comments today. It was nice of you to mention me as I am quite a short timer.

    Keep up the good work you do here. Keep it fun for yourself and we will all have fun with you.

    In physics (the real science) … Jim


    • Jim,
      You are one of the newcomers both to here and the blogging world … so cheers to Alex for being our tie. Guess we’ll have to toast her with her favorite … Shiner Bock!

      BTW ,,, I may know enough physics to make me dangerous, but at least I realize it is the foundation for all the sciences.


  31. You have no idea how embracing your words “…and how was your weekend?…” fill my smile and heart. Sitting down with a front-porch, coffee-mugging Friend and chatting about….anything and everything. You remain the Toot’s Potatoes and tell Mrs. FA she doesn’t need to worry but as I’ve said once before….I think I love you, Jots said [again] with smiling eyes.


    • Jots,
      Being the “Toot’s Potatoes” is quite the praise!!! 🙂 …and glad to see that my Monday Morning Entertainment series goes well with your coffee on the front porch! Meanwhile … Ah shucks … I’m blushing. Thanks for Guapo being our common link.


  32. What a great post!!! (I don’t mean because I am included) This was the most creative way of highlighting a number of very creative sites (again being objective). You also mentioned that you don’t see a gathering around an individual post,” This place is not a blog where people quickly gather after a new post, but I’ve learned to accept that.” I have to say that eighty some comments looks like a gathering to me. I have always enjoyed your posts and congratulate you on five years of quality. Thanks again for including me , it is quite an honor. Also I have been in love with Shania Twain since I can’t remember. Thanks for that as well.


  33. I’m glad you wrote this post as a highlight of what you lack, because what you have (and share) would be a much much much longer post.
    (And in truth, there really isn’t anything you lack.)
    (Except maybe singing.)
    (But you can probably Yodel like mad.)

    I was surprised to see how many bloggers I don’t know in your shout-outs, and how many I’ve met through you hear.

    Congratulations on 5 years, and it’s a pleasure to know you!

    And since it’s a party song and I’m seeing him tonight, enjoy one that I’m pretty sure you know…


    • Guap,
      Who knows how many bloggers I have here and that I visit because of you. Sure I can think of Alex, Kanerva, John Phillips, Buddahkat, and Jots (to name a few) … so your presence and impact is quite profound on me.

      In terms of my skills, I can sing in a chorus, but not as a soloist … and sorry to say I haven’t yodeled .. but I have featured this artist yodeling on a past Monday Morning Entertainment. … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqNe5Ugs0Qk

      Hot Hot Hot is a great song … enjoy the show and I look forward to hearing about what you to say about it! Meanwhile … many thanks!!!!


  34. Awwe, Frank. A most awesome post, and tribute. It’s an absolute honor to be thought of, and mentioned. Thanks so much for your friendship; it means quite a bunch. Now, if I can climb back up on the chariot of life & living, as quickly as I’ve gotten back on my untrusty steeds (way back in the day of horseback riding), I might actually congeal some thoughts in print.

    Happy 5th Annual Blogging Anniversary, too!
    Big Hugs,


  35. WOW. Five years old and you’re not just boarding the big yellow bus, but teaching in the blogging school yard. This is a great blog – with a wonderful assortment of readers. Always a smiling good read here – with wit and style. Appreciate your efforts – and wish many many more posts settle in here. They always ring a bell.


  36. Thank you, Frank, for the mention. I have not been reading as many blogs lately, or writing as much, mainly because it just takes more effort than I can muster at the moment. Your blog is always a joy to read. You are a dear, dear man!


  37. Thank you so much, Frank, for the mention and the link. I have not been keeping up as much as I’d like to (too much work here on the Wabi-Sabi Ranch), but have been trying to catch up a bit. It looks to me like you’ve brought together a fascinating group of bloggers, and that in itself takes a lot of talent. Good job, Frank, and happy blog birthday! 🙂
    (I’m bookmarking this one so I can come back and partake of some of the links you included.)


  38. I skipped on my self-imposed hiatus just to say not only am I so glad to be a part of this wonderful blog you have here, even if just as a visitor, but I am glad that I can say that I know Frank behind the Frank angle. I know him from how he blogs, how he keeps in contact with me when I am lost. And the Frank that I know is an amazing, wonderful, witty person who might probably have more qualities then most of us.
    Here is to your five years.
    Stay cool! 😉


  39. Congratulations on 5 years and here’s to many more! What a great post to highlight the amazing connections that can occur in the blogging world, especially when people are genuinely interested in others, as you are and as your readers/commentors are. What a great bunch of folks. Thanks for bringing us together Frank! The world is a little nicer place because of your blog.


  40. What a truly lovely post, Frank! How lovely to be included with some really wonderful people, many of whom I have yet to know! But you’ve shared just enough for me to be really curious about many, and when possible, I’ll be visiting. Five years is a huge accomplishment, Frank, and I consider your blog a very successful one indeed. You are so wonderfully consistent, and I think you cover such an interesting span of topics. Just keep doing what you’re doing! It’s a joy to come and visit, and I try NEVER to miss…and believe me, these days that’s saying a lot. 🙂 Thank you!


    • Debra,
      What makes you kind words so special is that you’ve been a consistent contributor here for some time. Simply thank you!!!! …. and thanks for making us breathe lighter. 🙂


  41. happy five years, Frank! whenever doubt start to muddle up my blog world, i think of your posts and how you bring the “porch sitting neighbor” type of life i imagine happened so long ago. you let me know to share from the heart and not worry about big numbers…it truly is about the interaction with those who do become your neighbors that matter.

    i agree there are many blog friends that wow with every post…every word…naturally gifted and some doing so much to help others. I am grateful to be mentioned here – I even had to check if it was really my site!

    I also wish a rest in peace to those bloggers who passed on…and all the best to their love ones.

    thank you, Frank! ☼HUGS!


    • Sunshine,
      WOW … many thanks for the gracious words – but I’ve never thought myself as the “porch-sitting neighbor” type. 😉 … I couldn’t resist.

      Well said about the naturally gifted … and I include the natural promoters as well … but hey – I don’t want to mock their success! …. Then again, there are many who see blogs in the same light as reality TV shows … and it’s obvious that my tolerance for those shows is very limited.

      More importantly, thanks for the joys you bring to us! … now about that chocolate port. 😉


  42. awww Frank! You put so much hard work and heart into this post! It was a really nice read and what a great guy you are for mentioning the people who have come here to interact with you. Happy 5th! I’ll always enjoy stopping by – you are sweetheart!


  43. Pingback: Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 195 | A Frank Angle

  44. Sorry for being so late Frank, Thank you so much for the shout in such a lovely post. Fifth year of blogging..wow Frank and how..such interesting topics, beautiful fun write ups and lovely shares.
    whenever a fellow blogger leaves or disappears from blogging world they leave such an empty space. I still miss some of my blogging friends so much. It is through our write ups and shares that we create a bond invisible and yet so strong.
    Here’s to many many more years of sharing 🙂
    Love n hugs 🙂


    • Soma,
      There’s no such thing as late in blogging. 🙂 … only fashionably late. 😉

      This post initially start as a Blogmorial …. a tribute to those who have passed and those who (I think) no longer blog … then then I morphed the focus into those who are here. Nonetheless, your words about the absent are well said. Thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to stop by.


  45. I’ve been under wraps trying to bring the rewrites of my book to an end so I haven’t been around lately. What a surprise to see your pingback. Thank you so much. Congrats, by the way on your fifth year.

    I just want to say that you brought to me hope and encouragement when I first started blogging. I had no idea that I would find a Christian voice that could see the world in a balanced way and that you would allow me to be myself in your midst. By doing so, you gave me courage, and you introduced me to other bloggers who did the same. I truly look forward to meeting you and Mrs. A someday. It will be a real honor. All the best! ET


    • E-Tom,
      Many thanks for the kind words. You are a treasure and an example for all the follow in life. Whether on our deck or yours, the four of us sharing wine on the deck would be a pleasure and honor!


  46. Good grief, Frank, how long did it take you to link to everyone? That’s some serious dedication, sir. I salute you. And I thank you for the shoutout—it’s always good to be recognized for my rants!

    I love that you wished Shania a happy birthday. I think it’s only fair that she visit you to thank you in person.


    • Weebs,
      Doing the links was a three-step process … gathering, creating, and allowing enough time to accomplish the task. …. and I can’t believe Shania hasn’t stopped by yet. She may be in trouble if CZ-Jones decides to come over now that she’s dumped MD.


  47. I can’t believe I missed this! It was on my birthday, so I must have been in a haze. *super sized hugs* Thanks for the mention, Frank, and congrats on 5 years, and… what a lovely post altogether!!


  48. Pingback: Thank You! | rarasaur

    • McSmall k,
      Hooray! I’m on blogging break, but this one I had to answer. Interesting how I wrote this not long ago, and suddenly (and somehow) I stumbled across you once again. Love to take in your journey sometime. Keep smiling!


  49. Thanks so much! I am just getting around to catching up on everything, but what a nice surprise to be acknowledged from someone I not only admire, but enjoy. Frankly, you are pretty awesome yourself 🙂 Cheers.


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