On Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 49

On Politicizing Haiti
There is no question in my mind and in the mind of sincere, reasonable people that the earthquake-related events in Haiti are tragic. Yet, prominent talking heads quickly threw and continue to throw political darts to politicize the event for their own gain. Now that is a good example of PATHETIC; therefore, I appreciate Kathleen Parker’s closing comments from this column.

Surely, there should be the occasional time and place when circumstances transcend the usual and free us from the race-baiting and ignorance-pandering panhandling that characterizes so much of American politics: When God and Satan are given a holiday from the news cycle. When a president can be granted the pure motives of a good nation. When science isn’t an insult to the divine and no demon earns credit for human misery. Haiti is one of those places. Now should be one of those times.

Here is a positive column about the human spirit of helping Haiti by Nicholas Kristof.

On a Prisoner’s Release
Officials release Mehmet Ali Agca earlier this week – the man who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981. In an age of partisan politics and growing tension between cultures, the shooting set the stage for setting an example. God calls Christians to forgive one another, which is not easy, thus ignored by many. Yet in 1983, Pope John Paul II visited Agca in prison and forgave him for the shooting. In our age of pettiness and selfishness, how quickly we forget.

On 2010 Mid-Term Elections
Knowing that the Democratic Party would self-destruct was a no-brainer because history shows this consistent pattern. Of course, the Republicans do not realize that casting a vote for the GOP candidate does not necessary mean support for the Republican Party. After all, they too are a clueless bunch. Here is a WSJ column about what Republicans have to do in 2010. I do not buy into all of them, and the author left out an important one from the list – getting their self-centered head out of their obstinate butt.

On the Big 10 Expansion
Buzz continues to swirl around conference expanding by one, three, or even five members. Keep in mind that dollars (not competition) drive both the expansion decision and the actual selection. The conference will examine additional revenues from a football championship game, television revenue, bowl revenue, and general marketing.

On the World’s Cheapest Car
Tata Technologies announced their intent to bring the world’s cheapest car to the U.S. – the Tata Nano, with experts believing the price tag to be $8000. As for me, no thanks.

On No More!
Sometimes there are people that although I wish no harm, I do wish they would stay out of the news. John Edwards fits this category.

On the Weekend
With the weekend upon us, it seems like a good time to share a song. Hope you have a safe and cheerful weekend.

4 thoughts on “On Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 49

  1. 29 years shooting the Pope…time flies

    just pondering this = if the Big 10 keeps adding teams, should they quit calling themselves the Big 10?

    I know it requires changing stationary and such, but the name of the conference doesn’t fit


    • CCC,
      Can’t agree with you more about the Big 10. Although I know the name in itself has a great history, honor, and tradition, but there was a reason why it got that name – thus one reason I like to refer to them as the Big Can’t Count.

      Yep … Not only does time fly like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

      Thanks for commenting and hope all is well.


  2. First, If I had a rooster this size behind me I would have ‘crossed the road’ before it could. 🙂

    I absolutely agree with you about blogging. I’ve checked today and saw that I’ve had 849 posts, but I’ve had it up since Nov. 2006. But for me it has allowed me to explore various topics deeper. It has also lead me to some cool friends too.

    I’m actually more inclined to become an Independent soon. I simply can not trust Republicans and some Democrats are not any better. The few who are, are silenced.

    The politicizing of Haiti is a good point and a good opportunity to teach many lessons. Immigration, Race, U.S. Geographical history and many others. If we wasn’t Iraq right now I believe we could do even more.

    Finally… ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOOOOTTTTBALLLLL. I’m not sure who I’m going for since my team didn’t make it. The Colts got a ring, so the Saints deserves one, but let the best team win. I’m sure to be in front of the TV watching.


    • Tim … great point about the rooster … hope you listened to the song … one of my favs.

      In terms of politics, especially in Washington, most of our elected officials are prime examples of SORRY.

      Great to see the Saints make it to the Super Bowl – which has the making to be very entertaining.

      Hope all is well and thanks for stopping by.


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