Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 64

On the New Banner
Since I find them so enlightening, I dedicated 2010 to Hubble telescope images – and I’m overdue to change my banner. This one is of the Carina Nebula, found in the Milky Way some 6,500-10,000 light years away. I invite you to visit my past banners by clicking Past Banners tab, and to visit the Hubble Gallery.

On a Tea Party Misnomer
The Tea Party movement is very interesting on many fronts. I find it interesting that this movement embraces President Ronald Reagan, who in actual practice, wasn’t as conservative as we think. The Tea Party wouldn’t have embraced his running mate choice, nor the Sandra Day O’Conner nomination, nor the growing budget deficit. In actuality, President George W. Bush was more conservative. So, why isn’t he their hero?

On a Pardon
Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) is considering a pardon for Billy the Kid. Governor Richardson, are the economy and other factors in New Mexico so good that you are considering a pardon for something that happened over 130 years ago?

On Bristol and Levi
Once again, Levi Johnston seems to do what he can to get his name in the news. Meanwhile, I applaud Bristol Palin for dumping the loser, but I also hope she decides to stay out of the limelight and work on getting her life in a firmer footing. In other words, no endorsements, no books, no shows, no speeches, etc.

On Lack of Saturday Posts
My apologies to anyone enjoying my Saturday posts about classic cartoon characters. Unfortunately, time constraints have prevented me from doing adequate research. Once time becomes more available, that feature will return.

On a Tribute to a Classic
Those of us who were young during TV’s early days, he recall the many innocent variety shows – one of which asked viewers to join along by following the bouncing ball. The variety show was Sing Along with Mitch, a 30-minute show featuring a men’s chorus singing classic songs that Mitch Miller conducted. Yep, the on-screen lyrics allow viewers to sing along long before karaoke became popular.

Mitch Miller passed away earlier this week at the golden age of 99. He was an executive and producer with Columbia Records. He was associated with stars like Tony Bennett, Johnny Mathis, and Patti Page, and his TV chorus even had a chart topper with The Yellow Rose of Texas. Not only an accomplished oboe player, Mitch Miller also was a popular guest conductor for many PoP orchestras and symphonies across the country. Thanks Mitch for all you did for and with music.

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