On Taking a Deep Breath

Whew …. another Christmas is in the history book. I hope each of you had a holiday filled with joy and safety.

Our four hours at church playing handbells for two services went well. Christmas morning we traveled to my sister’s home several hours away. My wife met our new great nephew for the first time, plus we received the news that our youngest nephew’s engagement to a nice lady.

Since this is the week between two holidays, I thought a light start would be fitting. Consider this as the Tuesday Special Edition of  Monday Morning Entertainment. Since the video of Christmas clips from old movies delighted many of you, here is a clip of two classic dancers – Eleanor Powell and Fred Astaire. Enjoy …. and have a good week.

14 thoughts on “On Taking a Deep Breath

    • Rita,
      Interestingly, I have mentioned recording our choir for YouTube … and it is a possibility! I’ll keep you posted! As for as video of us dancing, well, we are on a video at Royal Caribbean on our last cruise, which may be as close as it comes. Thanks for commenting.


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