Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 153

On Politics
Mitt Romney’s selection of Rep Paul Ryan (R-Wis) did not surprise me. What has surprised me is the comparison by some partisan pundits of Rep. Ryan to Sarah Palin. He may be an ideologue, but he is not a nincompoop.

Selecting Gov. Chris Christie to deliver the keynote address at the Republican convention is a good choice.

As the Medicare rhetoric wars heat up, here are two interesting articles: one and two.

In his campaign for Congress, Joe the Plumber’s “Put a damn fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting” is more than a goofy comment by someone who has no business being in Congress. It is a sign of the tone, tenor, and lack of sincerity in today’s political arena. Let’s hope that the majority of citizens in Ohio’s First District have enough sense. Sadly, even if he loses, he will receive too many votes.

Because VP Biden’s “chains” gaffe and the political aftermath received much media play, I sought and listened to the entire speech. (I wonder how many people did that.) Although it was a not the best metaphor, it still goes back to context – thus didn’t deserve the attention it got. Interestingly, Sen. McCain said the President Obama should replace Biden on the ticket. Senator, are you speaking as a partisan or from your experience?

Does anyone have friends who still believe President Obama was not born in the U.S.?

The Mute button on my TV remote is still working on the campaign ads and interviews with surrogates!

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Michael Phelps Returns to His Tank at Sea World
New Dating Site Matches Users with Partners They Deserve
Subway Introduces Pool-Water-Soaked Sandwich to Honor Michael Phelps
Long Jumper Imagines Transatlantic Flight as One Big, Long Jump
Herman Cain Lifts Suspension of Presidential Campaign

Interesting Reads
Disavowing Super PACS
Brush up on Your Fake Science
Washington Post graph of global temperatures since the late 1800s
Soul of the Olympics
The craft of ancient Belgian beer
An initial Christian response to Darwin

On Potpourri
As I wrote yesterday, the college football season is around the corner, which also means the bowl season is not far away. Given the number of teams required to fill the bowls, the NCAA standards for selections by the bowls, and the number of high-profile schools ineligible for bowls, the NCAA pathetically put their best foot forward by changing the standards.

These are for any enjoying Italy. Debra, an Australian who spends time in Italy, had this wonderful post from the area of both sides of my family. Earlier in this week, I posted about cruising into Portofino. On the same day, Margie also posted about this picturesque village.

William Shatner returns to Priceline ads, which means he survived the crash.

Sadly, I will not have a Saturday Morning Cartoon post this week. After all, it’s time for me to take a break. Although you may see me stopping by, I will return here in about 3 weeks. Meanwhile, I encourage everyone to visit the delightful bloggers I provide in the sidebar. Until my return, be safe, enjoy life, and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch … and enjoy this fun video.

104 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 153

  1. Biden should be dumped and moved to Secretary of State, and Hillary moved to VP. That would get the sparks flying. I would also fire Timmy Geithner for covering up the LIBOR interest rate scandal from Congress when controlled by the Democrat and now the Republicans and the AG Holder for what appears to be a most inept DOJ that cannot find anyone on Wall Street to throw in jail.


    • Randel,
      Wow .. you are ready to clean house! I wouldn’t be surprised that you get your wish on the cabinet positions because the second term usually involves cabinet turnover. Then again, that’s only re-election occurs. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


    • Spiced,
      Indeed, an incredible career by Michael Phelps. Heck, I had forgotten that he also raced in Sydney as a young teen. And now we wait for the next sensation. Thanks for commenting.


  2. I wouldn’t mind seeing the return of Herman Cain. he may not have had any good ideas, but he was FUN! And any man who can keep a straight face while receiving incoming from Stephen Colbert has my respect. 😀
    I did actually see an ad, put out by some obscure right-wing group, that wanted signatories to a petition to have the Dems remove Obama from the nomination process, as “we’ve never really seen that actual birth certificate, have we?”. Fortunately, it seems to have disappeared – the ad AND the group.

    Oh no – no YOU for 3 weeks? Say it ain’t so, Joe! (Oops – I mean, Frank.) You’re gonna go and miss the 70th of Dieppe, the 73rd of the start and the 67th of the end of WW2? At least promise me you’ll say a good word or two for Prince Philip. 😉
    Oh, and you MUST do the following: have a great time, you AND the Right Angle!


    • John,
      Well said about the Herman Cain’s entertainment value. Wow – you actually saw an add about the nomination process and the birth certificate? Wow!!! Fortunately I missed that one. Good point about Prince Phillip has he has been battling health issues this year. Given his age, he’s doing well – but yes, he deserves best wishes and strength from everyone. Meanwhile, thanks for the support and best wishes – but you have such a presence in blogs, you’ll stay occupied! 🙂 But time will fly by!


  3. Fortunately nobody I know thinks Obama was born anywhere except Hawaii. And I agree about the Ryan vs Palin comparison—while I dislike Ryan, I don’t think he’s an idiot. Palin was just a train wreck, on so many different levels.

    Have a great time off!


    • Weebs,
      Yep – no comparison between Ryan and Palin … and yes, I know someone who professes that President Obama was not born in the US and is a Muslim. Thanks for the best wishes and for visiting.


  4. Have wonderful days and nights off and away, hopefully from it all. I am going to go read your suggestions when I have some time (short supply right now).

    Michael Phelps has just done an awesome job of it! Not certain I would want a pool soaked sandwich but well, it is a start!

    I like Joe Biden, on so many levels. I don’t think his comment was bad, it was in context maybe a bit off center but VP Biden tends to speak from his heart rather than from anything else. I will defend him, especially given all the other bondage references this silly season from both sides of the aisle.


    • Val,
      VP Biden does well at speaking to the middle class. And yes – this sure is the silly season! With the interesting reads, I try to provide a variety of stuff – thus something for everyone. Hope you find something interesting. Thanks for the best wishes and for commenting.


  5. “Subway Introduces Pool-Water-Soaked Sandwich to Honor Michael Phelps” Yuck! :+)
    I enjoyed the video I’m still singing the tune. Navar enjoyed it as well.
    Well…..three weeks isn’t too long. Your welcome to stop by anytime. Time will probably fly by for you. I think taking turns on blog breaks is a good thing. Enjoy your rest and we will see you in a few weeks unless we see you sooner. :+)


    • Starla,
      Glad you enjoyed the video. Just saw it yesterday, thus replaced the one that I had planned. Meanwhile, breaks are good … but I figure Mags will return as I’m leaving. Thanks for visiting … and yes, time will fly.


  6. Palin scared me because she was completely unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Ryan scares me because even though I don’t agree with his ideology at all, I don’t think he’s an idiot in the least. He’s a fierce right winger with brains. Love this Onion headline: Michael Phelps Returns to His Tank at Sea World. Have a great hiatus!


  7. “New Dating Site Matches Users with Partners They Deserve” is a great idea, not sure it would catch on though, especially if the “we get the politicians we deserve” is a truism.
    As regards Phelps returning to his tank at Sea World, the man is undoubtedly part fish, but what a swimmer and what an achievement.
    Have a nice vacation/break or whatever. Opportune time perhaps to thank you for the support and comments on my blog. I shall continue to fight stupidity in your absence.


  8. The two articles on Medicare do a good job of pointing out the similarities between the positions of the Obama Administration and the Paul Ryan plan. However, senior citizens in Florida and Ohio (who probably will decide the 2012 election) will support the changes to Medicare which reflect their present opinions of the government’s safety net programs (including Medicaid and Social Security). The Paul Ryan plan for Medicare says: “The programs you counted on throughout your lives, and which you now have, won’t be there for your children and grandchildren unless they take more personal control over their retirement finances.” The Obama Administration is saying: “The U.S. Government kept it’s promises to you without a lifetime of worry about the stock market, world-wide recessions, investment advisers, and vouchers.”


    • Tim,
      One of the things I got from the articles is just how screwed up and self centered these campaigns and the Congress really are. Of course I’m also reminded of the person holding the sign asking government to stay out of their Medicare. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  9. Great video, Frank!
    glad your mute button is working, but you may want to buy a spare as we head into the fall campaign.
    Have a great break, see you when you come around…


    • Twixt,
      Knowing that you are one who checks out the links, glad you liked those. I found them to be quite the eye openers. Meanwhile, thanks for the best wishes and I will miss all you and my other visitors.


  10. I had SO much to comment on this post Frank….until I watched that video!!! LOL, now I’m speechless! Best line: We’re better than Space X!! 😀

    You’re going to be missed Frank….hurry back!


  11. I hope you have a great time off, Frank, wherever and whatever you will be doing!

    But I beg to differ about Ryan. I think he is another “what’s in it for me” sort of guy. His hero Ayn Rand disagreed with the principles he holds most dear (and she was no brain trust, either)

    But Bill Maher said it best:

    “Tell me one area where Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin would disagree. I cannot find one area. So, somehow, he’s the smartest guy in the party and she’s the stupidest woman on earth but they agree on everything.”
    —Bill Maher


    • Lisa,
      Very well said. Not only do we vote them in, we complain about them, then re-vote them in again. Which is another way of saying the person I vote for is ok, but everyone else is screwing up. Thanks for commenting.


  12. Um … I just thought I’d remind you, since you seem to have forgotten, that going on vacation usually requires cessation of blog activities. Not like I’m trying to get rid of you, or anything….. 😉
    (Sorry, just couldn’t resist the temptation for one last round of needling. 😀 )


  13. You have left me plenty to read in your absence. I’d like to make my way through each of these articles. I didn’t read all of the Biden speech, but I heard enough to give me the context that I needed. I really wish someone would just wake me when it’s all over! Loved the Subway sandwich soaked in pool water…too funny! Have a good break, Frank. May it refresh! Debra


    • Debra,
      Believe, we in the swing states are just getting swamped with ads. Crazy! And how many people would the campaign donations feed? Heck, how much health insurance would it buy for the uninsured? Thanks for the best wishes.


  14. So I loved the first three of your Onion Headlines. The one that made me actually 😆 was

    Michael Phelps Returns to His Tank at Sea World

    I swear he doesn’t seem human.

    We’ll miss you, but enjoy your time away. 🙂


  15. No, no, say it isn’t so! How shall I live without you for three weeks?

    I did read Biden’s entire speech and didn’t even blink at what he said (did not take offense and neither did anyone in the audience he was talking to–people still questioning the legitimacy of our President is offensive to my peeps, not a poor imitation of a pentacostal preacher which Biden was doing). I think America’s sense of humor and grace got flushed down the toilet the with Citizen’s United flush of cash into the political arena. I too am turning off the ads; can’t handle the manipulation.

    Have a great time (I’m sure you’re going someplace wonderful) and bring back lots of pictures and wonderful stories. All the best to you and Mrs. A, my friend.


  16. Enjoy your time off, Frank! I loved MINE.

    Thanks for the fun NASA video.

    SHATNER returns, but it appears that he DID die. God (?) says that he’s had trouble keeping track of him since he died.


  17. Hi Frank,
    So glad to hear you’re taking a break. It’s so very important! Hope you have a good rest and make sure when you get back that your mute button is working – I cannot imagine how awful the last few months before an election must be for folks like you living in swing states.

    Your comment to Debra:
    “how many people would the campaign donations feed? Heck, how much health insurance would it buy for the uninsured?”

    Imagine what our country would be like!
    Why don’t they?


  18. Ah, Frank, my friend, what a lousy time to be bereft of your presence. Here we sit, the day the great American space hero is laid to rest (under a blue moon, no less), and to heap sadness upon loss, it’s the 15 anniversary of the loss of Lady Diana Spencer. A somber Friday night indeed. 😦
    Hope all is well on your end, and that you are enjoying your much-deserved break. Take care, and we’ll see ya around the old blog! 😀


  19. Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, but my book, The Bellman Chronicles, will be FREE to download on Sept. 10 – 11! Check it out on my Amazon Kindle page.. You won’t be disappointed. And if you can slip me a review, I’d be forever grateful…


  20. Watching the Republican Convention gave me HOPE for the first time in 4 years that our country has a chance to regain respect from around the world and Israel and return to GREATNESS! One Baby Boomers View On Life.


  21. Frank! Frankie! Franky-Frank! Buddy! Bubbula! Paisan! 😉
    Ahem … um … er … Oh, hello, Frank! How veddy good to see you again, old chum. 😀
    So – when do we get the lowdown on your time off? I got some betting action going on over here. The inside line says either “Took another cruise to the old country” or “Last seen driving semi full of “The Onion” headlines”. Me personally, I’m leaning more towards “massively vegged in front of TV”.
    Oh … wait … that was MY life, not yours. Dang, ya got me all discombobulated! 😀


  22. Frank, if your readers believe that the Supreme Court was wrong in calling corporations “people” in the case involving Citizens United (thus opening the door to the corrupting influence of Super PAC money on our elections), they can sign a petition to support a Constitutional Amendment designed to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling:
    http://www.sherrodbrown.com/petition/overturn_citizens_united/?subsource=w1209cueMAIN –John

    P.S. I signed it.


  23. I love the first part of your paragraph

    “On Politics
    Mitt Romney’s selection of Rep Paul Ryan (R-Wis) did not surprise me. What has surprised me is the comparison by some partisan pundits of Rep. Ryan to Sarah Palin. He may be an ideologue, but he is not a nincompoop.”

    Seriously, pundits? Are you freaking kidding me? 🙂 There is no comparison. 🙂


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