On Monday Willies

Greetings everyone! How was your weekend? Hopefully an ample combination of safe, sound, productive, and enjoyable.

I hope to return to normal posting this week. Although I wasn’t posting, I found all the comments visitors left regarding my mother-in-law to be special and uplifting. They were so special to me, simply writing “Thank you” isn’t enough.

The funeral was Saturday, and we are confident she would have enjoyed the service, the music, and the sermon. Fortunately, the weather was much better than Friday and Sunday morning.

The delayed act of Time: The Musical is on my docket for Wednesday 9:30 pm (Eastern US), so get your videos featuring videos with song titles that include “time” in the form as a compound word – such as, nighttime, wintertime, dinnertime, etc.

Celebrations for your week.

  • (Week) Human Rights Week, Lager Beer Week
  • (Mon) Weary Willie Day, Eqil Skallagrissom Day, Pastry Day, Apple Pie Day, Shareware Day, Day of the Horse
  • (Tues) Human Rights Day, Lager Day, Dewey Decimal System Day, Nobel Prize Day
  • (Wed) Mountain Day, UNICEF Day, Noodle Ring Day
  • (Thurs) Gingerbread House Day, 12-Hour Fresh Breath Day, Poinsettia Day, Ding-a-Ling Day Ambrosia Day

With Monday honoring Weary Willie, which has nothing to do with my post about baseball’s All-Time Willies, let’s start the week with music by One String Willie. Enjoy … and have a good week.

77 thoughts on “On Monday Willies

  1. This may be one time when you’re looking forward to Monday, Frank–I’m sure your weekend was emotional and difficult, but hopefully it was also uplifting in that it was spent with family and friends remembering a special loved one.


    • Carrie,
      Definitely a weekend full of emotion, which probably caused me to forget mentioning we missed our church’s wine group event, but played handbells on Sunday. Thanks for the support!!!


  2. Nice to see you on the front porch again, aFA. I’ve missed you. So have the rocking chairs.
    I don’t see an official *snort* Fig Day on the weekly calendar. Do you think we might improvise and recall that Fig Day that appeared on the calendar a couple of weeks ago? I do have a reason. A good one. Another…good one.
    Hugs to the Mrs.


    • Raye,
      It’s good to be back on the front porch. Hearts are still heavy and emotionally tired, but each upcoming day will be better. Many thanks for the positive support.

      I grant you special dispensation to celebrate a Fig Day on your day!


  3. The dewy decimal system now there is something I haven’t heard in a long time. It definitely brings back memories of going downtown to the beautiful reference library we use to have. Books on shelves that needed one if those rolling ladders and you still couldn’t reach the top. All the beautiful hand carved wood. Oh and the smell of all the old books. I loved that place.


  4. Hi Frank
    Good to see you back.
    That One String Willie piece was quite good. Bet he can’t do chords.
    We went to a concert last night by the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis. They did a Christmas themed concert of numbers arranged by the members of the orchestra. What an outstanding group. They’ve been to Iowa City several times. Always welcome.
    I will probably tip a brew this week for Lager festivities.
    All is well… Jim


  5. It’s nice to see a post Frank. That alone means there is some routine returning. ox

    And I’m looking forward to the return of Time: The Musical. Lots of fun. A couple of songs come to mind, but they’re popular and probably will be snatched up quickly. I’ll have to put my thinking cap on! 🙂


  6. I’m so glad to hear the funeral went well, and that the weather on Saturday was passable. It’s great to have you back!

    I had to laugh at “Ding a Ling Day.” I suppose, I won’t be celebrating that one.

    Hugs from Ecuador,


  7. Woke up this morning at 5:57 a.m. with a strong urge to check your blog*, and now I see why. My heart goes out to you and Mrs. A for your loss. May God’s grace be extremely palpable today and through the coming days, weeks, and months as you both walk the road of healing from the absence of a loved one. Blessings and peace to you–ET and WW

    *Of course, one of the reasons I might have been thinking about you is because I was writing a post on the War on Christmas as seen through the eyes of “she who should not be named,” and WW said I would probably incur your digital knuckle smacking if I got too bent out of shape on the nincompoop’s latest shenanigans. 🙂


    • E-Tom,
      It feels good to get back in the swing. Thanks for the best wishes. The past several weeks have been difficult, after last week, I’m hoping the movement upward is the theme for the week. Meanwhile, in case you didn’t see it, see the post before this one.

      Thanks for the forewarning on your upcoming post. Fortunately, being away from most of last week’s news, I didn’t hear the latest. … well, the last one was about Pope Francis.

      Meanwhile, thanks for the good thoughts!


  8. Nice to hear you dear Frank, we all miss you. I know it is not an easy time for you and for your family, but you know, friends in here too, You are always in my thoughts and my humble world. This weekend, we waited for snow (like waiting for Godot 🙂 ) Didn’t come… but I saw the snowy tops of some of the mountains around the city. I hope and wish a nice new week, Thank you, love, nia


    • Nia,
      i can honestly say that the support from my WordPress friends has been very comforting. … so many thanks for your kindness. Meanwhile, see the snow on the mountain tops is always special.


  9. Nice to see your post this morning, Frank. I was thinking of you over the weekend and I’m glad the funeral was soothing worthy of your mother-in-law’s memory. I spent part of the weekend finishing up handmade Christmas presents and getting the ready to ship and packed for our upcoming scuba trip.


  10. Glad you’re back, too, Frank! Your lack of presence was definitely felt…It still amazes me that we interact through only an internet connection, but I thought of you often and wished you peace.


  11. Hey Frank, I’m glad you’re back following what surely must have been an emotionally challenging week. I was wondering how things were going for you and Mrs. AFA, too. I’m glad that it went as well as possible, but these types of losses are never easy to absorb.

    My weekend was decent. I saw two very worthwhile films — the Coen Brothers’ “Inside Llewyn Davis” and “Dallas Buyers Club”. If you dig folk music, you must see Llewyn. Leave it to the Coen Bros to make a self-absorbed lout perversely sympathetic. The music is great and much of it is supposed to be set in New York’s Greenwich Village circa 1961. They did a wonderful job of creating an authentic sense of ambiance. As for DBC, Milton has already predicted that Jared Leto is going to win the Best Supporting Actor Academy Award; he was that terrific. It’s a very good film about people in the 80s desperate for drugs to battle AIDS that is never preachy or sappy. I recommend both.


    • Lame,
      Those situations are never easy and no time is a good time. As a firm believer that time is a great healer, there will be a trend upward. My wife has done better than I expected, but will have ups and downs for in the near term.

      Seeing Milton has issued another prediction for the Milties, I must serve as a reminder for a future post.


    • Isadora,
      My nephew plays guitar, told me about this gem, which fits my goal for Monday Morning Entertainment. Last week was emotionally exhausting, and now it’s onto the holiday fray. YIKES!


  12. I’m so sorry for your loss, Frank. My sympathies to you and your family. I’m glad you had a nice ceremony for her that she would have enjoyed. I think it can be such a comfort to spend the time with family and have that time together. I hope you’re doing okay. Hang in there.


  13. The music is the important thing. My dad said he always went to church for the singing. Joyful noise comforts and heals. Hang in there this season.
    And on the weekly notes: lager beer and human rights week…humans are so funny. The fact that these are scheduled together…coincident? think not.
    Singing a Christmas carol for you guys!


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