Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 323

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It’s Super Bowl weekend. Although I will probably watch, I have no big interest in this year’s game. However, I would like to see underdog Atlanta win.

In the month of January, Cincinnati had the following (regarding sun): 1 sunny day, 6 partly cloudy/partly sunny days, and 24 cloudy days – of which only 7 were without precipitation. BUT – I think the month included a fair share of days with above normal temperatures.

A recent headline: Report find chemicals in one-third of fast food packaging. My question: Who is eating the packaging?

Good luck to Tamron Hall as she exits the Today show. Although I have switched to CBS This Morning, I will miss her presence.

Earlier this week and in defiance to the recent Executive Order on immigration, Cincinnati’s mayor declared Cincinnati as a sanctuary city. Republicans on city council, in county government, and high state officials more than disagree. Interestingly, replacing a bridge here is #2 on President Trump’s infrastructure priority list.

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For years on these pages I have proclaimed my desire for divided power in Washington as a caution to what would happen in one-party rule in the current political climate. Some criticized that stance, and now, reasons for my warnings are quite obvious.

A friend asked me if I’ve been surprised that President Trump is doing what he said he would do. (He was surprised.) My answer was No … therefore why I’m watching the reaction of Congressional Republicans.

Our elected officials are not concerned about creative problem solving, thus more concerned about getting want they want and preventing the others from getting theirs. Here’s a post from the 2009 archives that remains very relevant.

The one thing I find more discouraging than President Trump’s executive order regarding immigration is the fact of polls showing more Americans supporting the plan than opposing it.

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates blew it with her order to Dept. of Justice employees. Resigning would have been much more effective.

I listened to Secretary of State Tillerson’s address to State Department employees. At least he has a positive, constructive tone. I wonder who will be the one that gets the president’s ear?

Count me in as one against the latest nomination to the Supreme Court. Whereas partisans are either automatically for or against the nomination of Neil Gorsuch, I am against it because I think the seat should remain vacant. After all, I want to play Last Judge Standing – thus no nominations until there is only 1.

Former President Obama’s Five Faults of the Week
Common Core Educational Standards
President Trump’s Executive Order regarding immigration
Protesters of anything against President Trump
USA’s bacon reserves being at a 50-year low
Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow

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To lead you into this week’s dose of satirical headlines, The Onion offers tips for home repairs.

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)
Radiator saving loudest clank for 3:22 AM
Burmese python shocked at amount of stress man holding in his neck
Sports geneticist working on ligament-free athlete
Man spending whole day dreading event he signed up for
World agrees to take-down internet until good use found

Interesting Reads
Better tasting tomatoes with genetics
An island on the comeback
Bubba the Deplorable needing Obamacare
A report: Terrorism and immigration
The future of work in developing countries

To lead you into the weekend, here’s a blast from the past from Asia. A special remembrance to bassist, singer, and songwriter John Wetton who died earlier this week. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

50 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 323

  1. I just read “I’m ‘Bubba the Deplorable’ and I need Obamacare,” and gulped.

    I also agree (gulp) that the Congressional Republicans are our last hope.

    Second week in a row with no splats.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tim,
      The Bubba the Deplorable article is a good one, so I’m glad you read it. The read directly below it is lengthy, but a recent letter to the editor in our paper used statistics from it. Meanwhile, bummer on consecutive no splats.


  2. Hi Frank–sorry about the weather there. Ours hasn’t been too terrible, but February is birthday month here, so I hope we don’t end up with blizzards for days when we have plans.

    I don’t follow sports, and I have zero interest in the Super Bowl. I honestly didn’t know who is playing, but now I know one team is Atlanta. 🙂 My husband will watch it though. I’ll probably be watching Masterpiece Theatre upstairs.

    My stomach seems to be in a constant knot these days from the news. I”m hoping that enough Republicans will have the backbone to go against the party line (and actually follow through).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the Who’s eating the packaging?” smiles, Frank. I’ve never tasted tomatoes as good as the ones my dad used to grow. He did use rather a lot of manure on his vegetable patch, and yes, I know that tomatoes are a fruit, but dad’s had to survive next to the green beans, cabbages, and lettuce. 🙂


  4. Only one third of fast food packaging contains chemicals? The packaging is definitely healthier eating than the fast food. Thanks for the blast of Asia. Much better memories of Asia than of the fall of 2009. Man, when I get off on a tangent, it’s pretty ugly Frank. I’d blame Obama, but it’s too late.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wishing the best for the underdog Falcons, but the bulldozer Patriots may just be too much. I’ll probably just go out and trim crepe myrtles as the game may be as dull as the previous two. (It’ll be great when they all leave and we can have our town back….why hasn’t anyone bothered too ask “Why aren’t the pregame events anywhere near the stadium where the game will be played. Sorry, Discovery Green is no way close to NYC’s Central Park….even with the lazy river/swimming pool/bar on the roof a a nearby new hotel.
    Hey, it’s not a 2 way divided power in DC now – it’s Repub.vs Trump vs Dems vs Repubs vs Dems…a real unmerry-go-round.
    On a brighter note – Victoria and The Wives of Henry have both proved entertaining


    • Mouse,
      We enjoy crepe myrtles, but the winter can be too harsh for them here. Meanwhile, I can’t imagine the impact on the locals with the herds of people and hype coming to the area. It’s almost over!

      Thanks for the Masterpiece endorsements!


  6. No truer words were ever spoken: “Our elected officials are not concerned about creative problem solving, thus more concerned about getting want they want and preventing the others from getting theirs.” My combo: “Man dreading internet-free day shocked at Burmese neck clank in 3:22 AM world sports event.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. “Man spending whole day dreading event he signed up for.” I’ve been there 😦 It’s called over-commitment.

    Love the Asia video, Frank – those early 80’s bands were notable for great voices and a warmth of sound, just what I needed for another cold gray morning!

    As for politics – my views differ from you on some things but the thing that intrigues me is the deep involvement of the electorate on both sides, but especially the protestors. It is much easier to become passionate when faced with real threats to the democratic process, so the upside (if there is one) of the Trump phenomenon is the rekindling of civic involvement. I feel transported back to the turbulent 60’s – a mashup of idealism and fear – but with a much more diverse set of faces. I hope that the institutional structure that divides power will survive this administration.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lynn,
    Isn’t it interesting how the progressive sound of the 1980s sticks with us, but the Rock N Roll HOF loves to ignore it … although the latest induction class is a breakthrough.

    On the political front, more civic involvement will be a good thing. Republican members in Congress have been getting an ear-full around here at town halls regarding the ACA … including my Rep – and Trump won my county at least 2.5:1. But I sure hope this doesn’t turn into 1968. Meanwhile, I’m coming more an more a fervent/radical independent because neither party seems to be interested in pragmatism.


  9. It’s interesting to hear that Cincinnati is becoming a sanctuary city. I will probably take the time to Google to learn more about the motivating factors. Los Angeles and San Francisco are sanctuary cities, but I’m hearing more about the entire state moving in that direction. We are living in interesting times! Until we learn why DT holds Putin/Russia in such high regard I’m not giving him an inch!

    Liked by 1 person

    • DT,
      The Sanctuary City comment by the mayor continues to cause a stir … and of course a mayoral election is soon! Meanwhile, the day after the election I was willing to give Mr. Trump a chance, but he has worked extremely hard at convincing me not to do so. Oh my my.


  10. If it DOES ever get down to but one sitting Supreme Court Justice…there might not even be consensus to replace that person when their time has come to an end. 🙂


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