Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 399

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I did not see the rollover, but my little corner of the world reached reached 400,000 views late Sunday night/early Monday morning … and the next OITS is #400! Thanks to all!

Before I start posting about the recent cruise, my notes suggest I still have a three tidbit posts left about Eastern Europe – so there will be a post this Saturday.

I’ve been a St. Louis Blues (hockey) fan since their first season (1967-68). Needless to say, I’m thrilled that they made the Stanley Cup finals for the first time since the 1969-1970 season. Go Blues!

Last week I mentioned the latest seasonal ice cream flavor from Graeter’s: Malted Pretzel Ball. Here’s the scoop. (Response) It is an ice cream with malted milk balls within it. My one scoop had about 5 balls. Each ball was crunchy with a hint of pretzel. The ice cream itself was very creamy – typically Graeter’s – but the flavor was very basic and not malty. It was good and I’m glad I tried it – but on my next trip to Graeter’s, I will be having something else.

Although John Dickerson and Norah O’Donnell have moved on to different assignments within the network and a new morning team is in place, I still prefer CBS This Morning as my morning news show. I enjoyed the tributes the show did for each of them. I’ve linked the video to each name: John and Norah.

For the record, I did not watch the Game of Thrones finale. Then again, I haven’t the first or any episode.

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For a person who claims to be the most transparent administration in US history and that he has nothing to hide, so Mr. President – Why do you prevent the release of information and block people from testifying?

Given the craziness in current politics, I yield to a great American orator who provides a simple, perfect explanation. Click here for a short explanation if and only if you are curious.

To lead you into this week’s satirical headlines, The Onion explains the top reasons to consider a road-trip for your next family vacation.

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Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)

Biologists capture rare photo of two mutually beneficial species exchanging business cards
Breaking News: You still have to go to work in Heaven
Random uncle’s wife crying a bunch throughout Grandma’s funeral
Horrified authorities discover one-day-old funnel cake abandoned in dumpster
Bugs Bunny explains how LeBron helped him get sober for role in Space Jam sequel
Excited archeologists hit mass grave jackpot

(My Combo) Excited Bugs Bunny explains how Heaven works to crying LeBron abandoned in dumpster

Interesting Reads

Social media and political discourse
Bridging the religious-secular divide
Therapeutics and Cannabis
Same-sex marriage across the world
Palestinian cuisine
Murals and the Sudanese revolution
(Photos) World Beard and Moustache Championships

To send you into the weekend, here’s the great Bonnie Raitt. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

68 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 399

  1. One of my favorite songs is Have A Heart by Bonnie Raitt, one of my fondest life memories – sitting in a private suite post concert (I worked as arena catering supervisor at the time ) with Bonnie Raitt, Tina Turner and Sarah MlcLachlan until 3 am, chatting like old school friends. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Cincy,

    Salud to 400 k! Here’s to the next 400.

    As for the ice cream sorry to hear that. I had some high hopes for it from the description. I imagine that’s what Game of Thrones fans felt like after the final season. I watched it all, but I’m old hat at seeing good stories go south. They rushed it whilst trying to cram too much into six episodes. Ain’t the first time it goes down that way, won’t be the last.

    Now that the Yankees don’t have the batting practice Orioles to contend with for a while, I’m interested to see how they’ll fare against better competition. No complaints thus far, but it’s a long season.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congrats on your milestones. That’s amazing,
    Wow, this is the second blog to feature this very song!
    Bummer on the ice cream flavour – but hey, they can’t all be winners!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for Bugs! I wasn’t expecting him and got a good laugh! 🙂 Perfect analysis of the “very stable genius!”

    Congratulations on hitting such an impressive numbers milestone, Frank. It’s quite an accomplishment. Another thing we have in common–I also have never watched the extremely popular Game of Thrones.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Frank,
    Your explanation video about the crazy current state was spot on. And some Bonnie as the cherry on top of yet another terrific post. Congrats on the stats, Impressive and best wishes for continued success!

    For someone who did watch the first, the last and the in-between, I can honestly say the last episode was…wait for it…disappointing. Just way too much to wrap up in an abbreviated season. *sigh* I felt gypped. 😬

    P.S. Go Blues!


    • Lynn,
      Thank you for your kind words. A good friend of mine (who is a staunch Dem) tells me that I’m the only independent he knows … the only moderate he knows …. and I take those statements as an affirmation. I also think he thinks about what I have to say when criticizing his party.

      On another note, I checked my reader and noticed that you weren’t listed … so as you can tell, I re-subscribed. 🙂 … and will be visiting soon.


  6. I love Bonnie. My favorite is when she’s playing with BB King. Blues ~~~ : – )
    Ice cream used to be my favorite. It’s too sweet for me now-a-days. But, if I was
    going to get some ice cream ‘Malted Pretzel Ball’ wouldn’t be my choice. Actually,
    I’m boring when it comes to flavors. Vanilla plain is ok by me. I used to love hot fudge
    with nuts on it but , now, vanilla is it. How about gelato? That’s really good. LOL
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isadora,
      Cheers to your love for Bonnie Raitt. Thanks for your thoughts about ice cream and your preferences. Vanilla – especially good vanilla – is a classic choice that I also like! Gelato? Well, that’s grand stuff. Then again, like ice cream, the quality varies from producer to producer.

      Liked by 1 person

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