On Toys for Kids

Can you name of these toy characters? Better yet did you have any of them or purchase any of these for kids?

I’m confident you identified the Star Wars characters as C-3PO, R2D2, Yoda, and the X-Wing fighter flown by the Rebel Alliance. Did you get Strawberry Shortcake holding the Spirograph wheel and the bear she made from Play-Doh? Cheer Bear (one of the original Care Bears)? Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (from Ghostbusters) on Batman’s back?

Surely you got Mr. Potato Head! But, did you recognize The Purple Pieman feeding a pie from the Easy Bake Oven to the T-Rex from Jurassic Park? The fury animal from the Littlest Pet Shop in the Ghostbusters’ vehicle? The character and car from M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand)?

This ArtWorks mural – Cincinnati’s Toy Heritage – located at 23 West Court Street in downtown Cincinnati – is a tribute to Kenner Toys – a Cincinnati-based company formed in 1947.

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ArtWorks is a unique non-profit organization that employs and trains local youth to create art in the community. To date, ArtWorks is responsible for over 100 murals throughout Cincinnati – which many are in the main part of the city.

This post is for Resa, Toronto’s lady of style who also captures street art in Toronto and Winnipeg as a hobby. Resa recently declared March as Kid’s Month on her blog.




On a Monday Pug

I can easily recall this important moment from my year in eighth grade. Mr. Adams, our geography teacher, did not assign homework on this night because of an important television event that was about to happen. On this night, a super hero would debut complete with graphics of Boom, Bam, and Pow; and also introduce everyone to a theme song that would live for many years. And to this day, Adam West and Burt Ward are remembered.

Yet, more than 40 years later, reports exist that a certain representative from Minnesota is considering a run for the White House. Some would say that the pug is actually endorsing her candidacy instead of singing along with the theme song. Nonetheless, pets do the darndest things.

Wishing everyone a good week ahead and enjoy the pug!