On Toys for Kids

Can you name of these toy characters? Better yet did you have any of them or purchase any of these for kids?

I’m confident you identified the Star Wars characters as C-3PO, R2D2, Yoda, and the X-Wing fighter flown by the Rebel Alliance. Did you get Strawberry Shortcake holding the Spirograph wheel and the bear she made from Play-Doh? Cheer Bear (one of the original Care Bears)? Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (from Ghostbusters) on Batman’s back?

Surely you got Mr. Potato Head! But, did you recognize The Purple Pieman feeding a pie from the Easy Bake Oven to the T-Rex from Jurassic Park? The fury animal from the Littlest Pet Shop in the Ghostbusters’ vehicle? The character and car from M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand)?

This ArtWorks mural – Cincinnati’s Toy Heritage – located at 23 West Court Street in downtown Cincinnati – is a tribute to Kenner Toys – a Cincinnati-based company formed in 1947.

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ArtWorks is a unique non-profit organization that employs and trains local youth to create art in the community. To date, ArtWorks is responsible for over 100 murals throughout Cincinnati – which many are in the main part of the city.

This post is for Resa, Toronto’s lady of style who also captures street art in Toronto and Winnipeg as a hobby. Resa recently declared March as Kid’s Month on her blog.




Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 311

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Summer is at full throttle in my area as we are in the throws of heat and humidity. Although I realize those to the south have more humidity, I hate this type of weather.

We saw the newest Ghostbusters movie this week.

  • Entertaining
  • Good animations
  • Slow beginning
  • Kate McKinnon is outstanding
  • Love the cameos
  • I enjoyed the 1984 original more

This week I bottled my first-ever batch of basilcello. Initial taste test was good as it is basilly, sweet, and strong.

Even though numerous incidents have heightened racial tensions in the US, today’s situation isn’t remotely close to 1968.

I didn’t know that upon returning from their historic trip to the moon, the Apollo 11 crew completed a Declaration Form at US Customs. Here is a copy of theirs.

This year has been the strangest golf season I’ve had in some time – maybe ever.

No Explore post this weekend.

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Sorry – I couldn’t find any reason to watch the Republican convention. Do you think I’ll watch the Democrats next week?

Although I didn’t watch the convention, I noticed these headlines from The Onion’s coverage.

  • Trembling, Pallid RNC Attendees Undergo Second Day Of Firearm Withdrawal
  • RNC Speech: ‘If We Don’t Elect Trump, Our Enemies Will’
  • Chris Christie Emits Loud Sob As Paul Ryan Asks Crowd Whether They Worse Off Now Than They Were 4 Years Ago
  • RNC Attendee Excited To Find Out What He’ll Get To Boo Tonight
  • Trump Accidentally Fires Off ‘Boring Mike Pence’ Tweet During VP Speech Before He Can Stop Himself

President Obama’s Five Faults of the Week

  • Lack of riots at the Republican Convention
  • Melania Trump’s plagiarism
  • Texas Voter ID laws violating the Voting Rights Act
  • Phil Mickelson losing the British Open
  • Roger Ailes

Much ado is being made about Melania Trump’s speech. Although I actually heard someone blame Hillary Clinton for the snaffu – no way – as I stated earlier, it’s President Obama’s fault.

In terms of the selection of Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) has a running mate, Mr. Trump was in the same position as previous nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney – play to the base.

To we independents, this election has been loaded with head-shaking moments. Ron Fournier hit a home-run in this article (in The Atlantic) about Mrs. Clinton.

Given next week’s Democratic convention, this is probably the last aFa Power Ranking for Hillary Clinton’s running mate: 5) Julian Castro, 4) Chris Murphy, 3) Tom Vilsack, 2) Tim Kane, 1) Thomas Perez

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To lead us into the satire portion of this post, The Onion explains Pokémon Go.

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)
Humanity hoping it only has to put up with few more millennia of this shit
‘People are inherently good,’ world halfheartedly mutters
Woman who doesn’t use Facebook completely out of touch with friends’ prejudices
FDA declares new drug ‘Qualmex’ safe for treatment of anxiety about drug
Two-hour meeting spent thinking up hashtag absolutely nobody on the planet will use

Interesting Reads
The most emotional cultures
Quantum and the origin of time
The campaigns and elections of Millard Fillmore
Dusk, dawn, and Viagra
Me in the Age of the Selfie
(Interactives) Where US gets its oil
(Photos) The world from above

Earlier in the week I heard a song that took me back to the early ‘70s. Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 310

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Other than knowing it happened, I don’t know much about the recent incident in Nice, France. What is going on in today’s world? When will the good rise up?

Count me in as a person looking forward to seeing the new version of this movie hit from the past.

My wife and I are actively working on a wall project that I plan to feature in a post sometime in August.

Given the recent cases of violence by police and the Dallas shooting against police, the strongest correlation between the two is obvious – both are President Obama’s fault.

Rev, Martin Luther King, Jr. offers a wide selection of great quotes that are applicable for current times. This one stuck me this week:

We have got to learn to disagree with being violently disagreeable.

This golf season has been one of my strangest seasons yet. Oh well … but I’m still having fun playing. I haven’t played as much as I hoped at the course where I’m working, well … work hours get in the way.

I didn’t know that Presidents Ford and Carter developed a strong friendship during the 1980s – and through that friendship, they agreed to the survivor would speak at the other’s funeral … which Carter did for Ford.

There will be an Explore post this weekend.

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Politics is a team sport, but governing is about finding solutions – not demanding a particular solution. No wonder government has a difficult time accomplishing anything meaningful.

Numerous polls are supporting the thoughts I’ve had for some time about this election – more people will be casting votes against a candidate rather than for a candidate … and yes, that’s also President Obama’s fault. Nonetheless, I wonder if the strong negatives leads to a one-term presidency.

Count me among those critical of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg criticizing presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump (R-NY). Then again, Mr. Trump’s response was predictably pathetic.

Here’s a great line from a local Letter to the Editor – If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States, I will be the first in line to buy a ticket for Ken Ham’s Noah’s Ark replica …. Because I am pretty sure that Yahweh will suddenly change his mind about never flooding the world again.

Regarding positions on issues, this recent Doonesbury strip hit the nail on the head (well, for me) … which helps demonstrate that this election isn’t about issues.

Although the official announcement is Friday morning, news is leaking – but that’s subject to change. Nonetheless, I created this aFa Power Rankings earlier this week: 5) Michael Flynn, 4) Jeff Sessions, 3) Chris Christie, 2) Newt Gingrich, 1) Mike Pence

The aFa Power Rankings for Hillary Clinton’s running mate: 5) James Stavridis, 4) Julian Castro, 3) Chris Murphy, 2) Thomas Perez, 1) Tim Kane

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To lead us into the satire portion of this post, The Onion discloses the campaign strategy for the two main candidates: Clinton and Trump

Weekly Headlines from The Onion (combos welcome)
Facebook status update field dreading what area man about to type into it
USA Today announces nation’s fattest city has eaten neighboring city
New Study: Having sick friends may improve your physique
30,000 people drafted to live in Nebraska
Divorce reveals mom always the one who botched Christmas presents
Wrong turns in ventilation duct results in world’s largest bakery robbery

Interesting Reads
Global trends of governments restricting religion
The news sources for Americans: a trend
Europe: Insurgence, referendums, and politics
Is the 2016 election similar to 1968?
A look at couch potatoes
(Photos) Underwater with National Geographic 

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, summer is in full throttle. That spirit leads me to this blast from the past … and how about those chops. Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.