On a Memorial Salute

Greetings on this holiday Monday in the USA!

Given the 3-day holiday weekend, I’ve developed this post ahead of schedule. If all goes as planned, our weekend will include two ballroom events, visiting the Cincinnati Museum Center for at least one (maybe two) Omnimax films, a bit of work around the condo, a long walk to town  (and back) for lunch, work, and hopefully some infrequent down time at home. What did you do this weekend?

Meals: The Musical returns this week. I wanted “Seafood” as a theme, but after researching the topic, I’m not convinced about the availability of songs. Therefore, Ingredients is the theme. Think flavors as herbs, spices, extracts, and other common ingredients that aren’t dishes themselves … however, no fruits or vegetables (a previous act) and no chocolate (reserved for later). There is a lot of leeway here, so chose judiciously.

Celebrations For Your Week

  • (Week) Week of Solidarity with the People of Non-Self-Governing Territories, Hurricane Preparedness Week, Frozen Yogurt Week, American Beer Week, Emergency Services Week
  • (Mon) Something Day, Wine Day, Tap Dance Day, Brown Bag-It Day, Missing Children’s Day. Nerd/Geek Pride Day, Cookie Monster Day, Towel Day
  • (Tues) Lindy Hop Day, Blueberry Cheesecake Day, Sally Ride Day, Cheery Dessert Day
  • (Wed) Cellophane Tape Day, Popsicle Day, Senior Health & Fitness Day, Sun Screen Day, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day
  • (Thurs) Brisket Day, Hamburger Day, Slugs Return from Capistrano Day, Whooping Crane Day

Monday is Memorial Day in the US, so I’m passing on the normal Monday frivolity for one of my favorite military tributes. Have a good week.

On a Monday Salute

It’s a three-day holiday week for we Americans, so how did you spend your weekend?

I imagine you’ll be surprised to see that we had a wide variety of activities that included ballroom dance, a local festival, among the hoards of people at the Taste of Cincinnati, a Reds baseball game (we lost), a cookout with neighbors, and some decorating planning time … and we still have one day to go! Other than hosting my father-in-law in the afternoon for a simple meal, we are hoping for a low-key day.

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Week of Solidarity with the People of Non-Self-Governing Territories, Hurricane Preparedness Week, Shoe Week, Pickle Week, Safe Boating Week, Good Stewardship Week, Frozen Yogurt Week, American Beer Week
  • (Mon) Memorial Day, Blueberry Cheesecake Day, Cherry Dessert Day
  • (Tues) Grape Popsicle Day, Cellophane Tape Day
  • (Wed) Senior Health & Fitness Day, Slugs Return from Capistrano Day, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day, Brisket Day, Hamburger Day
  • (Thurs) Learn about Composting Day, Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, Coq au Vin Day, Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day

Given the Memorial Day holiday, this Monday Morning Entertainment focuses on the armed forces instead of humor. Many communities will celebrate Memorial Day with a parade and a remembrance event for fallen soldiers. Although this is a USA holiday, I know this blog is read in countries that also remember their warriors. Even though our Memorial Days may not be on the same day, this post is also for you. Have a good week!