On a Mallow Monday

It’s the start of a new week, so how was your weekend? Come on now, tell us about it.

NutsAppetizersOurs included dance time, a shopping trip, more reorganizing, walking in the new neighborhood, and our dinner group met. Nuts was the theme and the evening include our host dressing as Mr. Peanut plus wonderful food, wine, and company. Appetizers was our course, so we provided Rosemary Roasted Cashews, Stuffed Mushrooms with Pecans, and Goat Cheese, Grape, & Pistachio Truffles.

Not sure how many posts I will have this week, so time will tell. Then again, it’s also important to continue reconnecting with readers on their blogs.

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Money Smart Week, Bat Appreciation Week, Explore Your Career Options Week, Animal Control Appreciation Week, Volunteer Week, Window Safety Week , Read a Road Map Week, Bake Week
  • (Mon) Beaver Day, Snailpapers Day, Metric System Day, Beer Day, No Housework Day, Coffee Cake Day, Sweet Potato Day, Day of Remembrance of Victims of Genocide
  • (Tues) Draw a Bird Day, Roma Day, Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day
  • (Wed) Cherish an Antique Day, Former POWs Recognition Day, Winston Churchill Day, Jenkins Ear Day, Name Yourself Day, Chinese Almond Cookie Day
  • (Thurs) Farm Animals Day, Sibling Day, Safety Pin Day, Cinnamon Crescent Day

Last week I opened April with a video from the BBC about the spaghetti harvest in southern Switzerland. In a similar situation, did you see the report about the devastated marshmallow crop in North Carolina? For your Monday Morning Entertainment, see for yourself. Have a good week!