On Happy-Feet Monday

We had fantastic weather this past weekend … all in advance to what appears to be a rainy week ahead. Tell us about your weekend.

Our weekend included ballroom time, exploring some new trails and sights. and playing handbells at the dedication service of our church’s new sanctuary. I was able to play through the elbow problems as I used some creative problem solving to reduce the stress on the elbow ligaments.

Life: The Musical – Act 3 is on the docket this week with the curtain rising on Wednesday at 9:30 PM (US Eastern). This week’s also has a twist. Song titles must include a first name .. but first names can only be used once.

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Scoop the Poop Week, Air Quality Awareness Week, Tattoo Week, Forest Week, Lingerie Week, Intergenerational Week, TV Turn-off Week, Volunteer Week, Consumer Protection Week, Playground Safety Week, Big Brothers/Sisters Appreciation Week
  • (Mon) Biological Clock Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Blueberry Pie Day
  • (Tues) Dance Day, Peace Rose Day, Wish Day, Zipper Day, Shrimp Scampi Day, Gnocchi Day
  • (Wed) Mr. Potato Head Day, Bugs Bunny Day, Jazz Day, Animal Advocacy Day, Honesty Day, Spank Out Day, Oatmeal Cookies Day, Raisin Day, Hairball Awareness Day, Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, Walpurgis Night
  • (Thurs) May Day, Batman Day, Global Love Day, Law Day, Lei Day, Loyalty Day, Bubba Day, Mother Goose Day, Day of Reason, Stepmothers Day, New Homeowners Day, Beltane, Chocolate Parfait Day

Because last Friday was Penguin Day while this Tuesday is Dance Day, seems logical that I should start your week with dancing penguins. Enjoy … and have a great week.