Voting Tidbits on Election Day

Yes, today is an historic day in what has been an historic election process. However, I’m still bothered by those making a decision (either way) based on race or gender instead of issues and positions.

My voting line took 45 minutes; mainly due to the inefficiency of my county’s board of election – NOT the poll workers. Good news is we use the second most reliable voting method; the use of optical scanners. Believe it or not, the most reliable method is the lever-machine booth.

Call me old fashion, but Election Day is today – not yesterday or last week. I just don’t get the open, early voting stuff. Because elections are run by the government, they are naturally inefficient. Given the craziness of registration and early voting, there are simply too many opportunities for fraud.

The high turnout is great, but it’s a shame that high turnouts are limited to presidential races.

Given crowding polling places, early voting option, unprecedented voter registration, and the special interest of each party, the lawyers are licking their chops.

I feel much better about either McCain or Obama than my choices in my congressional district (Ohio District 2). Both Republican and Democratic candidates are equally pathetic. Fortunately, we have an independent candidate. Unfortunately, voters generally find not voting for a Republican or Democrat difficult.

2 thoughts on “Voting Tidbits on Election Day

  1. PS on my first comment.
    Some older Americans lived the civil rights era and before. They lived a lot racial inequality and never imagined seeing a day like today. They should be filled with pride on this Election Day, and I respectfully salute you!


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