On Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 17

On Afghanistan
Ever since our leaders decided to militarily engage in Afghanistan, I’ve continued to wonder if that’s the best decision. History shows mighty armies of the British and Russians both left with their tails dragging behind. We fighting the Taliban, a group that our subversive efforts armed and helped gain power (as per Charlie Wilson’s war).

  • Does our mere presence in that country in the name of finding top Al Qaeda leadership actually motivating people to join Al Qaeda?
  • Would capturing Osama bid Laden create more harm than good?

David Ignatius’s recent column is a good read.

On City School Superintendents
Public school systems in the large cities throughout our country struggle for a variety of reasons, thus regularly rank low on state-scoring criteria. Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) is currently searching for a new superintendent. I’ve been in the area long enough to observe a search pattern, so I ask these questions.

  • Why do urban districts (like CPS) continue to search other urban schools for new leadership, thus not the successful suburban schools?
  • Better yet, if the suburban superintendents are so good, why aren’t they setting up to face the challenges in the urban districts?

On the Next Justice
No, there’s no opening currently on the U.S. Supreme Court, but Paulette at Let Us Talk tosses out a name.

On the Hall of Justice
I’ve never been into comics, but those who are will be interested in this article from the Cincinnati Enquirer about DC Comics’ Superheroes and the Hall of Justice of the Justice League of America.

On a BG Legend
I attended my first college sporting event when I was in grade school. I grew up near Ohio University and my uncle took me (and my cousins) to a game because he wanted to see a player on the opposing team known as a greater scorer. Little did I realize this would actually be my first Bowling Green game (I’m a BG grad).

Howard “Butch” Komives, a guard, was the nation’s leading scorer in the 1963-64 season with 37 points per game – long before the 3-pt line existed. The other day I read of his passing.

In another link to me, that same season Loyola (Chicago) won the national title, thus preventing Cincinnati’s bid for a third-straight title. (I was am a Bearcat grad and fan). Interestingly, the Falcons pounded the #2-ranked, undefeated Ramblers earlier that season. Sports fans will like this look-back perspective from Loyola and the 1963 tournament bracket.

On the Sweet 16 Games
Gotta Pick

  • Louisville over Arizona
  • Memphis over Missouri
  • North Carolina over Gonzaga
  • Oklahoma over Syracuse

Coin Toss Says

  • Michigan State over Kansas
  • UConn over Purdue
  • Pitt over Xavier
  • Villanova over Duke

On Something to Chuckle