Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 246

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This week’s terrorist attack in Paris was horrifying. Strength to the French, and peace to the many Muslims who condone condemn such brutality in the name of religion. Much of life is about two virtues that a few people lack: respect and tolerance.

Note: The previous paragraph shows an edit with the original word in place. Using that word was an honest mistake, and I apologize. A special thanks to Lame for pointing this out to me in private.

Congress is back in session … gag!

In his recent WSJ column, I appreciate these words by William Galston:

Although both the executive and judicial branches play a role in the legislative process, the people’s elected representatives are supposed to drive this process. When they fail to do so, the legitimacy of popular government is called into question. Along with partisan commitments, members of Congress have constitutional responsibilities, and it is time for members of both parties to start honoring them. …

For the most part, though, there are only two choices—continued gridlock or compromises in which each party gives ground on matters it cares about. …. Both sides would have to eat some crow, but the dish might still be palatable.

Cheers to the fact checker at the Washington Post, who also put together this list of the biggest Pinocchios of 2014. Then again, politicians do make it easy.

Act 15 of Life: The Musical is complete. Readers provided an outstanding collection, so many thanks to all participants. Only 2 acts to go in this musical – any ideas about the theme for Act 16?

I’m hoping to continue the Exploring series, thus will consider your suggestions. Think person, place, or thing.

Congratulations to Cindy for being the 50,000th comment here (which happened in the last post). She received a beautiful fireworks display!

If I can complete the work, I hope to celebrate the first Saturday in 2015 with a Saturday Morning Cartoon post!

To lead you into The Onion headlines, here’s their suggestions for fighting the winter blues.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Brutal cold doesn’t factor into man’s decision to stay inside for two straight days
Weird chair pressed into service at family’s holiday dinner
Copycat criminals continue to mimic liquor store robbery from 1882
Dirty-Slush machine provides children in Florida a taste of winter
Supreme Court releases young Scalia’s audition tape
Man who spent 300 hours playing fantasy football this year rewarded with $30 second-place prize

Interesting Reads
Connection between dirt and antibiotics
Science of the booty call
An excellent energy series from WSJ
(Interactive) Interesting oil graphic
(Graph) Inflation-adjusted gasoline prices since 1980
The link between bourbon biscuits and bourbon whiskey

Your Weekend Celebrations

  • (Fri) Nerd Day, Apricot Day, Clean Off Your Desk Day, Balloon Ascension Day, Cassoulet Day, Static Electricity Day, Dance Day, Organize Your Home Day
  • (Sat) Peculiar People Day, Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Cut Your Energy Costs Day, Save the Eagles Day
  • (Sun) No Pants Subway Ride Day, Milk Day, Step in a Puddle & Splash Your Friend Day, Secret Pal Day, Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day, Hot Toddy Day, Thank You Day, Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day

To send you into the weekend, here’s a 2-fer from Life: The Musical – Act 15. The first is a song (thanks Narf) that didn’t fit the parameters, but the video was an excellent match to the theme – plus it make you smile. The second goes out to Debra because I was surprised she didn’t use it. Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

74 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 246

  1. Saturday sounds like a great day, Frank: the first Saturday in 2015 with a Saturday Morning Cartoon post and Bittersweet Chocolate Day! (Check your email: I’m sending you something I need to run by you.)


  2. Something tells me if I had used the term “Booty Call” in a dissertation proposal, I would have been shot down! The 3 studies mentioned must have had tenure….

    I actually witnessed Below-$2/Gallon gasoline today!! Earlier the same day, I saw gasoline going for $3.76/gallon…. at a station that’s been closed for about 9 months.


  3. Ha! I didn’t even think of Little Old Lady of Pasadena. I am just chuckling as I listened to that and remember it well as a young person. And now here I am…I’m that Old Lady right here in Pasadena. Just too funny. Thanks, Frank. Humor is a big help in a week that’s been so mournful. And I love your response to Congress being back in session. LOL! Optimistic are we?


    • Debra,
      I knew you would get a chuckle out of the song that was eluding you. Yep …. simply too funny. Regarding Congress, the simple line came to me, and cheers for it working. BTW … Please return to see an important edit note early in the post.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I find the connection between dirt and antibiotics to be quite fascinating especially when you have parents who are disinfecting every little thing their child touches, and play in the dirt, well that certainly doesn’t happen nearly as much as when I was a child.


  5. Thanks if you can send me the rest of the WSJ article “Common Ground for the New Congress” by WILLIAM A. GALSTON. I’m interested in what compromises he has in mind combining infrastructure finance with tax reform.


  6. Hope you have a lovely weekend Frank – glad to see that I’m working toward the clean off your desk and home organizing celebration! I’m ready for the bittersweet chocolate saturday to bake something sweet ~~


  7. Oh I’m just getting to this now, and I missed the musical as well. Life’s busy! But I loved learning about the new bug-resistant-resistant antibiotic found in dirt. (Why DO I shower???)

    Have a great weekend, Frank!


  8. Your Freudian condone/condemn slip is poignant.
    Act 16… well, death, die, dying comes after aging. Then ….Act 17?
    I’ve always thought that perhaps a viable 3rd Party would help keep things moving in America. Two Parties seem like 2 people who each own 50% of any type of property. It’s tough to mow the lawn when each owns half the mower, but neither will lend their half to the other.
    Have a great weekend, Frank!


    • Resa,
      Given the subject matter, the word slip still bothers me. Meanwhile, you are correct about Act 16, but I’ve got you wondering about 17. 🙂 …. Because of the shift in the last 30 years or so, the US could use a third party. On the other hand, the main two would do all it could to block it.


      • You are a very interesting person, Frank. You didn’t have to mention your “word I won’t say again”, but you did… I believe it’s because you’re honest, intelligent and seek meaning in life.
        I’m excited about act 16 & 17. I’m even more excited about the next Production… (Can I design the costumes?) Here’s my pitch http://resamcconaghy.com/ 😀 “lol”
        I’d like to see the 2 main political parties attempting to block a decent, viable and popular 3rd party. However, the 3rd party has not come out of the woodwork, yet!
        Well, see you later!


        • Thanks for the kind words. Fortunately, my readers trusted the mistake and accept the correction.

          Oh my my … that’s quite the resume, and I didn’t have any idea you were that accomplished. How and the heck do you find time to do the camera thing?

          I’m not sure about the next musical production … after all, I still have time to decide. But with your resume, my not open it for bid, thus award you right away. 🙂

          US is ripe for a third party. However, consider these points … parties require money – and lots of it … Some current office holders would have to be willing to switch (which is risky) …. and the parties in control determine leadership positions … in other words, it would be a long, difficult journey.


  9. I have decided that in the spirit of equality, I am going to put all of the days together and celebrate them as one. In doing so I will be eating an apricot whilst sweeping my desk clear with my right hand (yes, I am right handed). I will be contemplating Cthulhu and quantum physics in order to satisfy the “nerd” quotient and thinking about reading “5 weeks in a balloon” (thus satisfying the nerd quotient AND the balloon ascension day equally). I shall make myself a tiny vegan cassoulet with non dairy milk whilst drinking a hot toddy (extra scotch) with dark chocolate for dessert. Every day is static electricity day when you have dogs and long hair so that’s a given, and I will combine the dancing day with no pants subway ride day but I am going to have to visualise the “subway” bit as we don’t have subways here in Tasmania. It goes without saying that we ARE peculiar people and we always try to save energy whenever we can. Why I have sat on the sofa for 2 days and read 2 books. An incredible saving of energy and I will be nominating myself for some kind of award regarding energy savings post haste. I will listen to Joe Walsh to save an “Eagle”. I might have to create a puddle in order to splash a friend but once I do, I can satisfy the “Secret Pal” day as Bezial will secretly love me for life for splashing him on a hot day. “..-. .-. .- -.” Human traffic tends to be us and our dogs around here and as Australia has just raised the taxes on cigarettes again, the hazards of continuing to smoke and starving to death because you can’t afford food, shelter or electricity are increasing exponentially. Lastly, to polish my combined effort to satisfy all days in one fell swoop, I “thank” you Mr Frank, for giving me the chance to explore new things in order to satisfy the brief. I have a mission to learn and to do something new each day. All I have to do is drop in to the Angle household and I am there! Cheers for sharing The Zimmers. They rock in all of the best ways 🙂


  10. Too funny: Dirty-Slush machine provides children in Florida a taste of winter. And, seriously.
    I remember, No Pants Subway Ride Day, from last year. We should consider, a “No comma; No Grammar Day”, and see what happens. 😀 And, a day of, “Politicians Do the Right Thing Day.” No monetary gains or losses, just for fun, eh?


  11. “Much of life is about two virtues that a few people lack: respect and tolerance.”..

    True…. And we have to Trust we can join in unity to educate others that we ALL of us need to live in harmony and respect our differences whether they be through the colour of our skin.. or our beliefs…

    Love and Blessings..


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