Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 249

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Although reporters love to ask Sarah Palin (R-AK) if she’ll seek the presidency in 2016, I declare that Nincompoop will not run because doing so would ruin her diminishing brand. Besides, her recent speech in Iowa even caused conservative media pundit Sean Hannity scratched his head. Then again, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) stated, She’do great. She predictably blamed the lame-stream media for pre-planning any criticism of her speech. Good night Nincompoop, turn out the lights as the party is over.

Given the topic, I expected yesterday’s post about Congress’s operating budget wouldn’t get much traction … then again, my purpose was to increase awareness.

Here are two outstanding interactives

Earlier this week marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, yet the reports of this human embarrassment remain chilling. As the survivors dwindle in number, I can only hope that humanity never forgets. Here’s a story about a survivor on his return trip this year – actually, his first.

Here’s a strong opinion about an upcoming Supreme Court ruling about housing.

If all goes as planned, Life: The Musical comes to an end. I’ll announce the final act’s theme on the next Monday Morning Entertainment.

Several ideas are vying for the next musical, but time will tell the choice.

Online comments in posts and articles are in a world of their own – especially at the major publications. I like the invitation to comment by Barry Ritholz.

Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forego all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.

Sunday is Super Bowl XLIX. Did you know that next year will be the first Super Bowl using standard numbers?

No Saturday Morning Cartoon or Explore post this weekend. Given a new month lies ahead, Saturday’s post is dedicated to February. After all, given only 28 days in the month, time is valuable.

To lead you into The Onion, here’s their blizzard survival tips and a list of the least inspiring biographical movies.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Family lets cars come inside during snowstorm
Nation’s historians warn the past is expanding at alarming rate
Man’s area code provides exciting glimpse at past life
Postal Service unveils new stamp honoring Americans who still use Postal Service
Republicans address income inequality with middle class hot stock tip
Study links negative Tweets to more heart disease

Interesting Reads

Your Weekend Celebrations

  • (Fri) Inane Answering Message Day, Yodel for Your Neighbors Day, Escape Day, Jazz Day, Snagglepuss Day (a Saturday honoree), Fun at Work Day, Croissant Day, Pre-School Fitness Day
  • (Sat) Inspire Your Heart with Art Day, Seed Swap Day, Backwards Day, Hell is Freezing Over Day, Brandy Alexander Day, Street Children Day, Child Labor Day, Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day
  • (Sun) Working Naked Day, Serpent Day, Spunky Old Broads Day, Popcorn Day, Rare Disease Day, Car Insurance Day, Change Your Passwords Day, Decorating with Candy Day, Baked Alaska Day, Hula in the Coola Day, Women’s Heart Day, Freedom from Slavery Day, G.I. Joe Day, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Day, Skippy Peanut Butter Day, Girls & Women in Sports Day, Face & Body Art Day, Robinson Crusoe Day, Super Bowl XLIX

To send you into the weekend, here’s a classic from a classic artist who needs no introduction. Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

85 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 249

  1. I heard bits of that Palin speech. Very bizarre. Talking about the man riding our backs and if we’d just straighten our backs, he can’t ride us. And to think she was almost one step away from the presidency. :/


    • Cynthia,
      OMG … now that is awesome and one that I’ve never seen before … and it’s prime for future use on these pages.

      Glad you are doing well after the blizzard! Hang in there!!!!


  2. i think miss nincompoop should just plain run in some nikes and let animals hunt her and see how she likes it. did she not she her own movie about how dumb she is….she’s so dumb, that woody harrelson from cheers had to tell her what to say. he was smarter than miss nincompoop


    • Rachael,
      I’m not sure about her referring to herself as dumb in her movie because I haven’t seen the movie. Someone encouraged me to watch it, but I laughed responding about wasting time. For sure, she is a piece of work! … and to think she has followers!!!!


      • i was answering you and then my wireless went off this afternoon & i’ve been trying to go to sleep ,since 9 am and now it’s 16 hours later,lol…okay i said , she would never refer to herself as dumb, but if she watched the movie, she would realize how dumb she is……..


        • Raechel,
          Ouch … a double whammy – no wireless and you couldn’t sleep! In some ways Palin is smart. She’s been playing her brand well for monetary gains. I maintain she has no interest in running in 2016, so when asked, something like “I’m thinking about it” keeps her brand in play, even though she’s not thinking about. After all, a campaign disaster could ruin her brand. Then again, the bits in her last speech were more than weird and incoherent – so it will be interesting to see what she says on her next major speech.


  3. Great video with a terrific Jeff Beck guitar solo, Frank! And I loved it when Stevie began ad libbing the lyric, “jamming in New York”!

    I will make sure that my colleague, Godsend, is fully aware that tomorrow it “Fun at Work Day”, especially since The Boss will not be in.

    Unrelated: if you have not seen “20 Feet from Stardom”, the film that won the Best documentary Academy Award last year, I think you might enjoy it.


  4. Big smiles over Sarah P.. and I think I will choose the Saturday.. simply as its our Ruby Wedding Anniversary Day 🙂 It rained on the actual day.. Looks like maybe ‘ it will be a ” Hell is Freezing Over Day” as we have snow and ice and freezing temps…
    Enjoyed the Music too Frank..
    Enjoy your weekend
    Hugs Sue 🙂


  5. Hi Frank! So entertaining! You cover so much in one post! Agree re Sarah Palin – she’s done…(?!) And maybe I’ll write a post on negative tweets and heart disease since I saw it here first – ha! Cool video as well – great work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loved loved loved the interactive maps. Also found fascinating the story of Billie Holiday, she is one of my singing icons though her life and death were tragic, her jazz sounds were and remain the stuff of magic.

    I am taking Saturday as my own. I will leave it to you to guess why.


  7. We have a Super Bowl dinner on Sunday. I don’t understand the rules of the game, but the food is always great. 🙂 That John Drysdale image is quite surreal. I won’t try this pose. 😯
    Thanks for the ‘Superstition’ video. Two super cool artists, and Jeff Beck’s guitar work is so fantastic. Have a great weekend, Frank. I hope Hell would have to freeze over, before Palin makes it to the White House. 🙂


    • Sylvia,
      You may not understand the game, but you realize that parties are about the food and fellowship … and the commercials! I’ve got the feeling you enjoy yourself!

      It seems the Beck-Wonder collaboration has received many praises … thanks .. and glad you enjoyed it. Meanwhile, no way about Palin making it to the White House because such an event would only be from an invitation.

      Glad you enjoyed the Drysdale pic!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I once again have my work cut out for me this weekend to digest the plethora of fascinating topics and information laid out in your Vol. 249 Opinions in the Shorts. In order, are the Top 5 that sucked me in first:

    1. (Infographic) Left brain vs right brain
    2. The invitation to comment, by Barry Ritholz
    3. Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day (tomorrow)
    4. Billie Holiday and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
    5. Your comments on the latest Nincompoop eruption


    • Narf,
      US politics causes many Americans to bang their head against the wall … but not a good topic for my foreign readers .. thus why I generally put snips in OITS with the occasional dedicated post. A bit of history for you … the primary focus of this blog when I started was US politics and US sports … but I transitioned with readers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Our Australian politicians are driving us nuts at the moment. A majority of the great unwashed elected the Australian equivalent of George W. Bush into office and now we are having a devil of a time getting him out again. He has nestled in like a very happy tick and even his own ranks are rumbling discontent. I can only imagine that your own condition is bigger than ours, especially if it has anything to do with Texas ;). Quite glad you transitioned as otherwise I wouldn’t have much to stick around for. Politics and sports and sex…I thought they were all taboo subjects? 😉


  9. I keep hoping some major earthquake will sever Alaska into an island ( they could be their own country…they think they are, anyway.) (I am already woozy from all the pre-election jostling and snarling. Such barren fields. I may have to hike into the mountain back country once the campaigning starts for real…no. I do not mean going to Alaska! Huge mosquitoes and other annoying creatures)
    You hit it out of the park with Beck and Wonder. Now that’s entertainment! HAve a great weekend!


    • Mouse,
      In terms of Presidential primaries, I think of Judy Collins … you know … Send in the Clowns … but that thought ruins a good song … so how about Clown Parade! The GOP field has oh so many candidates, which is a perfect CP fit. Too bad the Dems are doing the same thing.

      Meanwhile, you are in Texas, the home of 2 wanna-Bs … but when it comes to campaign ads, your state won’t come close to mine. The mere thought makes us weary.

      BTW – Alaska via cruise ship is a wonderful trip!


  10. I am always perplexed by the raging toxicity of venom against Sarah Palin. Admittedly, she’s no prize as a political candidate, but on the other hand, people who are stupider and more vulgar than she is, are given a pass by those same people who jump all over Palin. It reminds me of herd animals who pick on the weak and wounded among them…


    • Cynthia,
      My history here is mild … but I’ve been using Nincompoop since 2011 … and that was after reading Peggy Noonan’s column in the Wall Street Journal, so I was following her. But yes, others have been full of venom, but many of them are probably venomous toward any Republican. Interestingly, in the 2008 election, both my wife and I were learning toward McCain … but after he picked her, that pushed us away.


  11. I am still fascinated by the fact that Palin strikes a nerve that makes some people feel free to call her names and demean her so out of proportion to anything she actually says or does…though I don’t think she should be President, I doubt she is any “dumber” than many men who have run for the office, and she’s probably no dumber than the people who are always. calling her dumb…..yep, it’s a mystery to me, that nerve that she strikes…there’s something highly emotional about it all…


  12. Hi Frank, can’t believe it (was) Friday already and finally all can go crazy over Super Bowl Sunday weekend – way too much if you ask for my opinion. Hell will freeze over before I . . . relax and enjoy February and your birthday!


  13. Interesting about the Super Bowl using standard numbers next year. As I watched some coverage about the Super Bowl this morning, I noticed the Roman Numerals. I thought , do they even teach RNs any more? I actually know a few people who can’t read them. Are they going the way of cursive?
    Hope I said that correctly! Enjoyed Superstition…. lots!


    • Resa,
      Which looks better in a marketing sense: Super Bowl L or Super Bowl 50? I will be interested to see what the NFL does with the one after that.

      I have no clue about the status of Roman Numerals in schools. Then again, I’ve got the feeling Latin classes may cover them … well, the schools that still teach Latin.


      • Hmm, actually neither looks that great. Super Bowl Fifty, maybe?
        Agree, LI or 51are both odd, it will be interesting to see what they do.
        Latin may be a dead language, but I do quite like Roman Numerals.
        Hope you’re having a great Sunday!


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