On Writing for Blogs

When I wrote On the Blogging Blues (April 27, 2015), I had no idea the level of comments readers would provide. After all, the post was about the importance of and the different levels of blogging breaks.

Comments by readers were so outstanding, I studied them while wondering what to do with the information. I eventually identified the better comments, organized them into topics, paraphrased the words, and then published the information … and this is the last of the 5 posts in this series.

Thanks again to those who commented on the original post … so, thanks for sharing your knowledge and perspective.

Topic: Writing
Having a schedule that works for you is important.

Don’t write half-ass posts or comments … strive for whole-ass … keep in mind that writing takes time.

Reading other blogs helps formulate ideas for your own posts.

Posting weekly or every other week helps prevent burn out.

Beware of the too-muchness factor: too many posts, too many words, too many images.

I think people have to find their own flow and rhythm about posting – and reading/commenting. Some days you just want to do one or the other. It all should be fun and without stress ( but we all feel pressure as we all seem to have high expectations for ourselves?)

Sometimes the best writing is unplanned because it just happens.

Beware of the length because too much causes many readers to skim.

Not only is it okay to miss a post, it’s preferable. Quality vs. quantity. I’m down to +/- one every six days and my writing has never been better. I’ve gotten a bigger audience because of it, as well.

Posting daily, weekly, random are all OK,

If the post is long, can it be divided into multiple posts?

Write within yourself. Write about what makes you (as the host) comfortable – but remember your readers because they are your audience.

So don’t force yourself to write or post.

Writer’s block is real …. so having a variety of things to write about is helpful.

Many hosts of single-focused blogs don’t realize how much they have to know to maintain good information.

Past Topics in This Series
Breaks and the Blues
Posting and Frequency

97 thoughts on “On Writing for Blogs

  1. Great info here. “Quality vs quantity,” as you say and I agree quality is preferable. At times I’ve let ideas and draft posts simmer. Sometimes they morph into something else and hopefully, better!


  2. I am always authentic when I write and I think that comes through (according to the feedback, anyway!) Because of this, I cannot simply write every day or every other day. Something has to trigger a post. The only “scheduled” post is my Sunday Gratitude because I have challenged myself to keep up with a series…teaching myself some stick-to-it-ive-ness!

    I sometimes worry that some posts will be too long and yet they are the often ones that I get the most “love” for so… I guess it is just one of “them thar things”! If you manage to share something that keeps the readers’ interests, then they’ll stick with you till the end!


  3. Great advice! I’m finding, through trial and error, and not blogging at all because of health issues, that once a week (with an occasional reblog from another talented blogger), fits my groove very nicely.


  4. Wise words, Frank.
    “Strive for whole-ass” — I think that applies to everything in life.
    Of course, now I’m also thinking of Monty Python’s “man with three buttocks.” 🙂


  5. Sometimes the best writing is unplanned because it just happens.

    This happnes with me quite sometimes 🙂 Another thoughful post for bloggers like me 🙂 thanks for sharing !!


  6. Different writing styles suit different blogs, as does the amount of material within a given blog post. The topics people blog about are so varied from random musings to blogs with a specific purpose. Blogs where you can learn things or learn about things, blogs to help you plan things, and of course the ones that try and sell you stuff. They are all out there. Not to mention blogs that make you think. There’s also some that seem too short like the ones that just post a photo and say nothing about it and others that may just be someone’s outlet for the things they’d never actually say. I guess the good thing is you can read as much or as little of any post as you like.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Excellent series, Frank. As you know, I just got back from a forced blogging break due to the move. It was therapeutic. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Because I write a humor blog about things that actually happen in life–especially to me–along with an “aha” moment, the most that I can handle is publishing every 7-10 days or the posts are forced. Most take an extreme amount of work, agony, and paid, but about every 4th month, I’ll get a post that just flows and seems effortless. I think that that is the nature of the writing process.

    Thanks for this service. Your input as well as the comments were very informative and helpful. Hope all is well with you and Mrs. A. Cheers!


    • E-Tom,
      Glad you enjoyed this. These points (and the others in the series) are from the readers as my role was to gather and organize. BTW – I recommend the other four in this series (linked within this post).

      Meanwhile, blogging breaks are good, and cheer to your recent one.


  8. Hi Frank,
    great post 🙂
    I have both one comment and one question here.
    It is super true that spontaneity is vital for a successful blog, in fact, those times I posted because “I had to” according to my schedule, haven’t felt nice as they didn’t feel exactly like me. So this point is crucial, bloggers need to post when they feel like and are inspired 🙂 ’cause that’s when the best articles come out.
    Then muy question is, how does the Freshly Pressed work really? I saw that you’ve been Pressed two times, how did you get there? 🙂

    Thanks again for such enlightening post!


    • Stana,
      Good points about posting. I’ve done the schedule thing … and still do to some extent … but it’s less than before. The switch was big for me, but it took a long time to figure that out.

      I have no clue about how the Freshly Pressed process works. I’ve had posts that I thought had a chance, but it didn’t happen … and those 2 times surprised me.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Whole-Ass blogging is the best advice. I am right there! I know longer will beat myself up if I don’t post every other day. I am good with once a week and relevant. Love this, hell Frank I loved this entire series, thank you for this one.


    • Val,
      It seems you are in a happy place regarding posting, yet it was a journey to get there. Well done! Glad you enjoyed the series, and I’m thankful for those commenting who gave me the material.


  10. Yikes, I break every rule – every last one – too wordy, too many photos, blog too often, many posts most definitely half-assed. Uh oh.

    But ironically, I’ve been getting tons of traffic so perhaps that says I’ve found all the half-assed readers? 🙂


    • Redux,
      Keep in mind, these aren’t blogging rules – but suggestions from bloggers. Also remember that this all started with a post I did about the Blogging Blues. Most of the bloggers here who provided suggestions are seasoned, thus been around the block a few times. Then again, one size doesn’t fit all.


  11. Let me tell you something Frank, this series, was blog changing. I think you should keep it up, even if it’s under a different topic. This was amazing and I loved reading other responses and also sharing my perspective as well. Beautiful. I applaud you my friend.


    • Kay,
      Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed this series … and I give a big hearty shout-out to those who provided the comments. There’s a lot to ponder in the series … something for everyone. …

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh Frank! Okay, you said …. “strive for whole-ass”
    This is why there are so many pics of me, on GLaM, from behind (taken by Sherrie, of course) LOL
    This is also why I only post up to 2 – 4 gowns a year on my “Art Gowns” blog.
    Well, I’m heading back to my studio now to work on the next AG!
    Do I kid around, too much?
    I love having fun!


  13. Hola aFrank,
    ”Beware of the length because too much causes many readers to skim.”
    This line says it for me. I was reading a post this morning on traveling but it was so long I decided I’d go back later. I don’t like to do that but, sometimes, I want to go and read other blogs.
    There are no easy formulas. When you’re writing you want to say it all. Look at me right now …. too wordy. LOLOL
    Isadora 😎


    • Hola Isadora,
      Absolutely correct when you say there is no easy formula. I don’t use word counts to judge the length, but when I feel the post is long, I question myself … first wondering if it could be separated into two or more posts. Actually, this post is an example as this entire series started as a single post. Yes, no easy answers on this topic.


  14. With all due respect to Freedom of Speech: I prefer the term, whole-hearted, instead of half-hearted, personally, I don’t find any merit in swearing, nor using ‘pee pee, kaka kaka’ talk (‘half-assed’) in my personal life, nor on my blog.

    As for frequency of posting, I find posting more than once a day, is too much too keep up with, dealing with comments, visiting other blogs, etc.


    • Genie,
      Welcome first-time commenter. How did you find my little corner of the world?

      No offense taken on your comment. After all, this place is fairly clean. Because that statement is from a reader, I decided to leave it as written. Sorry you found it offensive.

      I don’t know if I’ve ever done multiple posts in one day – so I’m with you on it. It’s much more work for the host, but also for the readers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your kind welcome, Frank, much appreciated.

        I find your corner of the world has a lot of thought and time put into it, the various and multi-topics are interesting as well as your willingness to take the right to your opinion. It’s not easy writing editorials and/or articles, one must be willing to say what they think, feel, believe; so I admire your go-for-it attitude concerning writing.

        Yes, I find people who do more than one post a day, very trying, some, as you probably know — do up to and over 10 a day; it makes me wonder: do these people have a life other than on the net? …along with wondering about how they can be oblivious to the fact that, they are asking too much of their followers to be able to keep up with that many posts in one day.

        Really long-winded posts are not my style either, it encourages skimming, even with great content, there is just too much on the net to expect readers to take the time for extra long posts. I like your advice about turning them into more than one post.


        • In terms of the multi-posts per day folks, I tend to think they are more driven by increasing numbers in all the various stats – they see it working to meet their own need – thus don’t worry about those who leave.

          Yes, my little corner has its share of topics. I like to think that my wide swath provides something for everyone. For a long time, I posts 5-6 days a week, almost a weekly magazine format. But, I cut back earlier this year.

          The opinions usually are in the Shorts form, but every once in a while I do a full-blown commentary.

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Nice one, Frank. I’m glad you told me about this entry; it really helps. I could also add that comments are as important as the post itself. It tells us about the true dynamics of a blog’s writing and design. But it is not in every site that I find this nice feedback.


  16. I found your points about frequency of posting interesting as it’s something (as a new blogger) I’m trying to decide on. Some friends have said that posting little and often (even once a day) is the way to go but a) I’m not very good at doing little :lol:, and b) I know myself that if a blogger I follow posts every day I don’t always find the time to go and check out those posts and they back up in my virtual ‘to read’ pile and eventually fall off it. I’m currently aiming for twice a week which felt like an OK balance to me, and your points on this are therefore reassuring. Off to read your other posts in this series now!


    • Sarah,
      Welcome first-time commenter. This entire series was interesting to put together. Actually, much of my information came from other bloggings in a past discussion. Determining frequency for posting isn’t easy. At my peak, I was posting 6 days a week (but once a day) in a particular pattern. During that time I looked at it my blog as a weekly magazine. I kept that pace up for years, before backing down from that pace. However, even that was a slow, controlled process. One thing I didn’t consider at the beginning was the effect of my frequency on my readers. But once I did, that helped my decision to slow down. In 2019 I decided to stop this blog. However, typical to me, I had a process. I announced my intent to my readers about 5 months in advance, and then had a plan of ending it (which took about 2 weeks). That plan gave me and my readers a sense of closure. However, I enjoy blogging, and am returning at a new blog with a different format – and I invite you to visit Beach Walk Reflections (https://beachwalkreflections.wordpress.com).

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I think I’d be a good candidate for the “whole ass award!” I think that would be a great blog name! LOLThis is a helpful post. I tend to err on the side of too much – it goes with the problem of lack of focus I think!

    Liked by 1 person

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