Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 207

On Politics
Gov. Christie (R-NJ) is doing his best to dodge the Bridgegate bullets. Although I’m currently giving him the benefit of the doubt, he is directly responsible for setting the tone for his office … and that is one of the things bothering me about this situation.

Interesting how numerous Republicans are defending Gov. Christie by using Benghazi, which actually has nothing to do with the issue.

Here’s an interesting article about how the Affordable Care Act is affecting Congressional staff.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
English professor suddenly realizes student will believe literally anything she says
Pilot tells passengers he’s about to try something
Shy man narrowly evades free sample
Peewee hockey player wishes dad cared enough to fight at games
Vacationing man excited to try fast food franchise not found in hometown
Unemployed, miserable man still remembers teacher who made him fall in love with writing

Interesting Reads
Some economic myths
Pompeii and religion
For pet lovers: one for cat lovers, and one for dog lovers
The acquisition of California
Creating motion by clicking fast
Secret bid and the Hopi artifacts
The Onion’s tips for getting pregnant

On Potpourri
Short OITS and I haven’t been making my normal rounds – can you tell that my efforts are elsewhere at the moment?

Given the current craziness in at this end, I figure it’s a week-to-week situation. Therefore, I probably won’t post each day next week.

Here are your weekend celebrations

  • (Fri) Fetish Day, Hot Buttered Rum Day, Hot Heads Chili Day, Cable Car Day, Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day
  • (Sat) Winnie the Pooh Day, Bald Eagle Appreciation Weekend, Thesaurus Day, Peking Duck Day
  • (Sun) Popcorn Day, Tin Can Day, Whisper “I Love You” Day, Brew a Potion Day

Let’s use an instrumental hit from 1972 to send everyone into the weekend, which also is very fitting for a Sunday celebration.  Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.