On Exploring Deep Space

To me, images of deep space as beautiful,  inspirational, magical, and full of wonder. While marveling at their beauty, thoughts about ongoing creation race across my mind. Their special nature to me is  reason I used them as headers. Music by The Alan Parsons Project (titled Beginnings) is a wonderful way to explore while thinking about how it all began. Enjoy … and I hope you share your thoughts.

On Exploring the Final Frontier

My Exploring series ends with a salute to what some call the final frontier.

Star Trek fans know these abbreviated words:

Space: The final frontier
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life and new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before

The universe is a big place. Think about Earth as that pale blue dot in our solar system – which is only a speck in the Milky Way galaxy – which is a very small portion in a changing and expanding universe.

Long-time readers here realize my fondness for the programs studying deep space. Not only have I used those images as my headers, but I find deep space to be mesmerizing, invigorating, awe-inspiring, majestic, and more.

Watch this video, and then, tell us what thoughts come to your mind when you see images from deep space.

On Exploring a Place Beyond

The purpose of the Exploring series was to serve as a break from normal blogging activities while allowing everyone to be intrigued.

While we are in space, there is a place where monsters hide. Let’s take a peak.

Enjoy this wonderful video from Symphony of Science. What thoughts did this cause you to think about?

On a Trip Beyond

Yesterday’s journey took us into the microscopic world within our own body, yet it appears to be science fiction. The electron microscope provides many fantastic images – and years ago, some patterns appeared as captivating patterns on neck ties. Because I was unsuccessful in my quick search of the neck ties I had in mind, I have an idea for a future post.

Alright – if you didn’t know, I have a biology background – but I have a very conceptual look at my subject and it’s relationship with the other sciences – even that is another subject for another day.

In yesterday’s journey I mentioned images from the Hubble Telescope, yet posted a journey through the microscopic world. So I figured for today, why not focus on the microscope, then post about deep space.

Most of my headers are deep space images from Hubble. I stand in awe as they stimulate my thoughts about creation – and the fact that creation is still in process is amazing. And yes, Hubble images influence my thoughts about not only creation, but the fascinating subject of the interchange between religion and science (which I have written about numerous times). Thus it is fitting that I end this dedicated trip with a trip to deep space.

On the Scale of It All

We’ve gone on a journey to start the new year – a journey has included the sky, an amazing flight, human ingenuity through art and physics, music, plus today and tomorrow. I hope each of you enjoyed these, so please invite some friends to visit.

As I have stated many times, the universe is one heck of a creation. From the size to the dependencies, interrelations, and continual creation, the narrow, the wonders of this universe are awesome. Those that best know these pages realize know that no journey would be complete without a trip into the universe – especially a journey from subatomic particles to deep space –  and to the music of Vangelis.