On a Delayed Monday

Given I substituted the regular Monday Morning Entertainment for a bunch of trivia threw some for a loop, but sometimes it’s all about timing. Therefore, this is the Tuesday edition of Monday Morning Entertainment.

Cincinnati is getting a dose of warmer weather this week, so it looks as if the upcoming rain will melt much of the snow. Although I can’t imagine that winter is over, the upcoming muddy and slushy mess will be a welcomed change.

Celebrations for your calendar

  • (Week) Wildlife Week, Nestbox Week, Poison Prevention Week, Condom Week, Through with the Chew Week, Date Week (the fruit)
  • (Tues) Thumb Appreciation Day, Battery Day, Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day, Pluto Day, Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day
  • (Wed) Chocolate Mint Day (thus a trip to Graeter’s),  Single Tasking Day, Cherry Coke Day
  • (Thurs) Love Your Pet Day, Hoodie Hoo Day (northern hemisphere), Day for Social Justice, Clean Out Your Bookcases Day, Toothpick Day, Cherry Pie Day

I know gymnastics and basketball are Summer Olympic competitions, but with the Winter Olympics from Sochi currently in progress, here’s a head-shaker to start your week. Have a good rest of the week.