On Tag: The Image Game

BEEZE ,who was tagged by Charli, tagged me to play a game. I hesitated, but accepted, yet I’m late … sorry Beeze .. but maybe a good continuation to yesterday.

“The rules: Go to your computer’s pictures, and then select the fourth picture from the fourth folder … and then explain it.

purplefountaingrassThis is purple fountain grass; something we plant on the side of our house.

In this case, I’ve decided to use the image help others to better know me.

  • Like purple fountain grass, you have to know me to appreciate the offerings.
  • Unlike purple fountain grass, I don’t die off in the winter (which it does here).
  • Like purple fountain grass, I have a sunny disposition.
  • Unlike purple fountain grass, I don’t thrive in hot, humid weather.
  • Like purple fountain grass, I will grow with simple care and nurturing.
  • Unlike purple fountain grass, I need social interaction with my own kind.
  • Like purple fountain grass, I am heart and will thrive in the best environment.
  • Unlike purple fountain grass, I (as a human) have more complex needs.
  • Like purple fountain grass, I do the best with what I have (thus don’t dwell on what I don’t have).

One more things … some tags I like, and some I don’t. … so like purple fountain grass, I can’t grow anywhere … so I’ll spare the tagging part. But if you want to participate, please share your post.

5 thoughts on “On Tag: The Image Game

    • David,
      Actually I got the idea from Beeze’s post where he took the image and related it to his life. Different yes, but it took some thought at this end.



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