Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 11

On the President’s Cabinet
Since Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) is withdrawing his name from nomination, President Obama has another chance to name a business person to this position.

On Alternative Energy
In the recent presidential campaign we heard both candidates promote alternative energies. Since President Obama continues to use the same theme, here are two excellent sites.

  1. Cincinnatus – Although this blog doesn’t limit itself to energy, here’s a link to the Energy category with his latest post about solar energy.
  2. On the other hand, Energy Power Alternatives is dedicated to the subject.

On Recipes
The March ’09 issue of Food and Wine has many easy and tasty recipes. We’re subscribers, but this issues is outstanding.

On College Basketball
Although the population density in this area is less than the east coast, a 2-hour drive gets me to a college basketball game at Cincinnati, Xavier, Dayton, Louisville, Kentucky, Butler, Ohio State, Miami, and Wright State. There’s probably someplace better, but this is pretty good.

University of Cincinnati President Nancy Zimpher, known as the one who pushed Bob Huggins out of town, is leaving for the New York state system… meanwhile Coach Huggins will be honored when WVU plays UC later this month. Ironically, both were announced the same day.

On Bengal Season Tickets
The average Bengal ticket is $74 per game – thus $740 for a season ticket. Let’s see, what else could be done with $740? It feeds holiday meals to 413 people at City Gospel Missions. It gets blankets for 30 families of five. It pays for 148 hot meals for disaster victims. It buys who knows how many grocery-store sale items for a local food bank; and this list could be endless.

On Other Blogs
The Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind, a once-a-week post, stimulates your mind through photographs and accompanying thoughts. Joe provides a great way to start the week.

Heather and Paulette at Let Us Talk will comment on a variety of topics. Given ’em a try.

Football News from a Chick is just that, and this chick is passionate about the NFL, knows the NFL, and has connections.

From Reel to Field features anything from movies to sports, thus everything in between; including the always popular “caption this” to comment on pictures.

On Valentine’s Day
Thoughts of Valentine’s Day conjurs thoughts of personal loved ones. This story touched me about a week ago, but thanks to Tim Valentine, it’s a fiting message of love for everyone on this day.

6 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 11

  1. You are indeed in a good spot to be able to not travel far for college games. I can get to games in Wake Forest, UNC, NC State, Duke, NC Charlotte, and if I really drive fast I can probably make it to Clemson in two hours from where I currently live. But your list is pretty impressive nonetheless with some solid programs on it.

    Nice work as always buddy.


    • David,
      I, like most others, know that North Carolina is a concentrated hotbed for college basketball. On the other hand, thus the purpose of my thought, I don’t think people realize the 3-state regional hotbed of mine.

      Thanks for stopping by.


    • Ryan …. I mention this college basketball hotbed not only because it’s my area, it’s also one fans may not realize.

      Bengal fans are interesting … and in some ways, the most loyal in the NFL. Let’s face it – some simply get the tickets to be part of the NFL Sunday experience; thus will renew no matter what. Personally, I’m a fan of a team, and not consumed by the experience.

      Bottom line … I agree there’s better ways of spending the money – thus my list.

      Thanks for the comment!


    • Larry … As all of us know, plenty of notable blogs exist out there. Don’t that I’m on the prowl for them, but I do take note of them as I discover them. Glad you appreciate them.



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