On Republican Socialism

Dear Republican Members of Congress as well as the Republican National Committee,

I realize that politics is a tough business, and in that climate, hyperboles are commonly used to combat the other side. Since I’m not stupid, and neither is much of America, please stop use “socialism” as one of your fear-mongering terms. Knowing that you will ignore my plea, I’ll set forth some conditions for its use.

Use “socialism” is you are willing to denounce the prescriptive drug program adopted during the recent Bush administration.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to denounce the initial TARP plus any and all other aid to banks in any form.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to declare the elimination of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to declare the elimination of unemployment benefits.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to denounce any and all forms of national health care.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to declare the elimination of all farm subsidies.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to denounce any funding of any kind (grants, subsidies, tax breaks, etc) to any and all private businesses regardless of size.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to selling the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and all other federally-owned corporations to private enterprise.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to say that all research for alternative energies must be driven and provide by the private sector without the any government assistance.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to declare that all airports should be privately owned.

Use “socialism” if you are willing to denounce and seek the overturn of any and all socially-supported programs established by President Reagan and every Republican president before and after.

Knowing that you will not only ignore my plea and my conditions, thus speak with forked tongue, at least proclaim Joe the Plumber as your candidate in 2012!

12 thoughts on “On Republican Socialism

    • Thanks FutileD … always good to hear from someone from outside the U.S. Especially since I’ve been hearing “we’re moving toward a European model”

      Stop by anytime.


    • Tim,
      Glad you enjoyed it.

      Now about running for office. LOL! Being independent minded, the party would quickly go against me. I heard Harrison Schmidt say something like, “If a member of Congress does what is right, they won’t get re-elected.”

      Thanks Tim for reading.


  1. If (So-Called Republicans) like Rush Limbough, Sean hannity and others like them, They would call for the end of most of the programs mentioned, They think Big Corporations care first about America and Americans, and If someone is in distress a Church or Charity will be happy to help them through tough times.


    • Larry … the talk show people are too partisan and too blow-hard oriented for my taste. Intellectual discussion and disagreement I can handle, but those folks are pathetic and their audience is typically mindless. I’ll talk discord from people like George Will, David Brooks, and others any day!

      Thanks Larry for the comment.


    • Great point Larry … like it or not, talk shows are about revenue flow – tis the bottom line isn’t it! … and it seems that the conservative slants are more profitable that the others.

      Thanks for the list … very interesting. I noticed Mike McConnell in the 70s. He’s been here in Cincinnati for years, and Clear Channel has gotten his some syndication. Although I’m not a talk show guy any more, at least he makes me think and doesn’t solely rely on beating the drums of descent.


  2. Your post is serious yet hilarious.

    The Republicans are spewing the word ‘socialist’ as if that could really happen in America. We have 100 Senators and 435 Congresspersons.

    Are the Republicans to have us believe that any President that tries to turn America into a socialist state wouldn’t be voted out of office or impeached?

    Socialism is a “theory” that advocates an economic systems based on state ownership of industry and capital.

    It is so ironic that the Republicans have put us in the economic situation where we have to show some socialistic tendencies by bailing out our banks but then they try to spin their wrongs to say that President Obama is a socialist for trying to save America from an economic downfall. Hypocritical azzes!


    • Paulette … I knew you would like this … and I very much appreciate your description of “serious yet hilarious.” Thanks for verifying my mission.

      As we both know, and unfortunately, the party’s slant is actually based on whether they are in power or not … thus ample opportunity to be hypocritical. So right now, the GOP shows it’s “we don’t practice what we preach” philosophy.

      Minority Leader Boehner is from northern Cincinnati metro area … so he’s in our news .. Even today he had a column saying something like (and I paraphase) – we lost our ways in the past, but we are returning to our roots.
      Oh please!

      Oh well … thanks for the comments … and glad to see your posts back as well.


  3. Socialism is a “theory” that advocates an economic systems based on state ownership of industry and capital.

    Good point, Paulette. The TARP money was a major step in “socializing” investment banks and the Republicans supported it.

    The word “socialism” is so threatening to Republicans. It’s like the beginning of McCarthyism all over again.


    • Cats … Good point about McCarthyism … I’m not sure, but I thought Congressional GOP was against the initial TARP, but it was initiated by the Bush White House who went to the Dems … but as I said, I’m not sure.

      Thanks for stopping by & I hope you return.


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