On Celebrating Foolishness

Today’s music for your background: Real Real Gone (Van Morrison)

Foolishness is a noun

Foolishness’ word origins in 12th century Old English words dysig, stunt, dol; 14th/15th century Middle English words folish, foolish

Foolishness synonyms include absurdity, absurdness, asininity, baloney, brainlessness, bull, bunk, bunkum, carrying-on, claptrap, crap, craziness, daftness, dippiness, dottiness, drivel, dumb trick, fatuity, fatuousness, folly, flapdoodle, fool trick, foolery, garbage, hogwash, hooey, horse feathers, idiocy, imbecility, impracticality, imprudence, inadvisability, inanity, indiscretion, insanity, insensibility, irrationality, irresponsibility, ludicrousness, lunacy, madness, mistake, nonsense, nuttiness, obliquity, courage-vs-foolishness-24476poppycock, preposterousness, rashness, recklessness, rubbish, senselessness, silliness, simplicity, stupidity, tommyrot, triviality, twaddle, unreasonableness, unsoundness, unwisdom, unwiseness, weakness, witlessness, zanniness

Foolishness in other languages includes aptallık, bêtise, dåraktighet, dwaasheid, follia, idiotice, stupidaggine, tontería, typeryys

An act of foolishness is a folly

Foolish talk is stultiloquence

Sayings about Foolishness
Foolishness is indeed the sister of wickedness. (Sophocles)

First Love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw)

Almost all new ideas have a certain aspect of foolishness when they are first produced. (Alfred North Whitehead)

A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed. (Unknown)

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again. (George W Bush)

Purpose of this Foolishness

As we celebrate his birth today
Many of us have something to say.
He danced naked on a bar
And drove for a sandwich from afar,
So many cheers to El Guapo with a thunderous hooray.

Happy birthday to a one of the blogosphere’s good guys – the master of Friday FoolishnessEl Guapo! For your birthday, I sense you would enjoy this ride.

Visit Other Posts Celebrating Foolishness
Le ClownAlex, ElyseGingerFightBack, GingerSnaap, H.E. Ellis, Kanerva, Suzanne, WeebsCheekyDiva, Edward Hotspur, M3, Joe, H.R. Nightmare, LoveAndLunchmeat, Kayjai, LizzieCracked, Rachael, ODNT, Brian, Linda, John, Benzeknees, Sandy, White Lady in the Hood, Carrie, KBar3, Wy, Sandipaints, Mags, Betty, Meant2Say