Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 167

Celebrating the End of the World as if it is just another day … and before anyone says, “Oh crap – why didn’t I listen?”

On Politics
I’ve got the feeling that we will see the nomination of the first female for Secretary of Defense.

On the fiscal cliff: I really believe that if it was only up to Speaker Boehner (R-OH), he would reach a deal. Although I’m not convinced that Democrats get it, it is obvious that many Republican don’t – so in response, it may be time to consider selling all mutual funds with stocks.

In my opinion, passing an assault weapons ban would be slam-dunk for pragmatist of both sides of the aisle. Maybe I’ve given one reason why it won’t happen.

Hello? Is anyone home?

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
New desk chair is a boring dream come true
Mercury’s winter proves planet could support intergalactic space prison
Half-asleep man pauses 20 seconds between socks
Kim Jong-Un’s wife escapes North Korea in long-range missile
Relaxation tape can’t play any louder
Dream of walking around with no pants in supermarket finally comes true

Interesting Reads

On Potpourri
In light of the recent Connecticut shootings, here a collection of moments to restore faith in humanity

Interestingly, after last year’s unusual physical snafu, the Cincinnati-Xavier annual college basketball rivalry game was the feature sports article in Wednesday’s USA Today. ESPN also rolled into town to broadcast the game between the two schools separated by 3.5 miles – thus the hype was high – and all the nation got was what Cincinnatians expected – a hard-fought rivalry game that included good sportsmanship.

Don’t forget Friday’s the End-of-the World Party at Aqua Tom’s. Tell him I sent you.

In lieu of Monday Morning Entertainment, my Christmas Eve party will start around 8 pm on Sunday, 23 Dec, a special start for the Aussies; plus allowing early morning visits from Europe and the Mediterranean region.

I will have a Saturday post, but instead of a cartoon classic, it will be one of historical significance.

Here’s an interesting audio version (and not easy) of a handbell arrangement of a well-known Christmas song that we’re playing. (The angels, Hark and Harold)

To send you into the weekend, enjoy handbell video below is another one we’re playing for the season: Gloria Hodie (Glory Today). Many techniques going on in this one.

Have a good weekend! In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch – and hope to see you at the party!