On Update Monday

How was your weekend?

Ours was suppose to close with a blast of fierce weather, which (in some ways) is fitting for what is currently happening within our family. For for our location, the storm whimpered by.

Many thanks for the well-wishes regarding my in-laws. When I read the locations of the comments to my MIL, she commented, All for us?  – To which, I smiled and delivered a Yes.

Thankfully, my wife’s sister and our nieces came to town. The hospital released my FIL Saturday afternoon. As my MIL continues to struggle, the family also had a chance to talk.

I’m hoping to return to normal posting this week. To help with my time management, my visiting elsewhere will most likely be limited, but I’ll may try.

This week marks the return of Time: The Musical, with Act 9 featuring  extended time. Examples of words in the title include decade(s), century(ies), era(s), epoch(s), and potentially others. “Years” can be used if and only if the number is at least 100. A future date as 2525 is not acceptable. Get your songs ready! Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US).

Here are some upcoming celebrations for your calendar

  • (Week) Book Awareness Week
  • (Mon) Married-to-a-Scorpio Support Day, Mickey Mouse Day, Push-Button Phone Day, Vichyssoise Day, William Tell Day
  • (Tues) Equal Opportunity Day, Have-a-Bad-Day Day, World Toilet Day, Rocky & Bullwinkle Day, Men’s Day, Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day
  • (Wed) Name Your PC Day, Peanut Butter Fudge Day, Absurdity Day, Universal Children’s Day, G.O.H.A.R.D, My dad would be 88 today
  • (Thurs) Alascattalo Day, Beaujolais Nouveau Day, Hello Day, Use Less Stuff Day, False Confessions Day, Stuffing Day

To start your week with a chuckle, here’s what happens when prepared man meets determined goose. Have a good week.

83 thoughts on “On Update Monday

  1. Don’t hold this against me aFA but I’m having Tuesday’s “Have a Bad-Day-Day” today…on Sunday. The elevator in our building froze up this morning. I live on the 7th floor. Weather wet and cold here…but not [still] frozen like the elevator.
    Let’s look on the bright side: with me having a bad-day-day today…I’m looking forward to a super great Tuesday! And…be sure to send my personal Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad on Wednesday!!!!!!!

    ….celebrate with a rotary phone….too funny!!



  2. Hurray! Rocky and Bullwinkle day and Use Less Stuff day. Two good ones.

    We dodged the tornadoes. They went just east of us in IL. Last count I saw was about 80 of them. Washington, IL got hit hard.

    Good to have you back on the dance floor.


  3. Good evening. Glad to hear FIL is doing somewhat better. I’m with Jim (usually). Use Less Stuff Day sounds like a good one.

    I could do a multiple choice quiz (or a POLL! You could VOTE!) for what we did over the last few days. But instead I’ll just say we were quite busy, hiking and scaling cliffs, visiting hospital, dropping in on relatives, fighting with Son, Christmas shopping, updating the food pantry website, sewing, blogging… More, too, I’m sure. I can’t remember it all. Wish I could say the upcoming few days would be lighter, but no.

    Thanks. Have a great week.


  4. Love me some Rocky and Bullwinkle and Frostbite Falls!
    You know, I still can’t believe there are no search terms on your Dashboard yet for ‘goose p*rn.’
    Let’s remedy that heheheheh.
    Have a wonderful week and best wishes to dad 🙂


  5. Great news on your father-in-law. Hope your MIL is getting better. That’s great family came to visit. I’m sure just having the extra support was nice to have. Monday is right up my alley with Married-to-a-Scorpio Support Day. Oh, need a suppo


  6. Glad to hear your FIL has been released. New we pray your MIL will be soon as well.

    Gotta say that goose video was a hoot! I think I’d go after that man, as well. Suppose geese can intuit unkindness. Hell, he was swinging that thing before the goose was anywhere in sight. So maybe you can tell, I’m on the side of the goose.

    Hope your week gets off to a good start, Larry!

    Hugs from Ecuador,


    • Kathy,
      Yep … at least we got one out of the hospital. Last week was a bit trying. Meanwhile, the guy was looking for trouble, so the goose stepped up to fill the bill. 😉 … Now, if I can just figure out the real Larry.


  7. I admit that geese scare me. In Boston Miles and I had to walk by a gang every day. I dreaded it each day. So did Miles. Still, I was cheering for the goose.

    Not looking forward to have a bad day day.

    Hope your MIL is better soon and glad to hear FIL is doing better.


  8. Now that’s a cranky goose! Glad your FIL is better, Frank and so sorry that your MIL is still struggling. I had a nice weekend working on handmade Christmas presents. Also watched the Denver Broncos beat Kansas City!


  9. Good grief, I’m behind on your blog, Frank. I hope your mother-in-law is on the mend and doing well. I had no idea today was Vichyssoise Day. I’ll have to see if I can find some. Or maybe I’ll just make some. I’m looking forward to Peanut Butter Fudge day most.


    • Weebs,
      Celebrations is something I’ve added as part of normal Monday and Friday posts. So enjoy the soup and the fudge! Meanwhile, last week we had mboth MIL and FIL in the hospital … at least the same floor and only two rooms apart … but she has a very uphill battle in front of her. Thanks for the good thoughts.


  10. Hope things go well for your MIL, Frank. Thanks for the update.

    And I think this video shows that Han Solo was right: a good blaster would have taken care of that goose.


  11. Hi Frank –

    Whew! good to hear that the storm passed you by.
    And – good news that your FIL is back home 🙂
    Hope your MIL will be back soon too.

    Just so you know…I’m boyctting Have a Bad Day day. 😉

    Have a nice week-


  12. We only received wind here, and we were able to see some very wicked cloud formations. I joined my husband in watching the Hamilton Ti-Cats beat the Toronto Argonauts (last years winners) so we are off to the Grey Cup. Very exciting if you are a CFL fan.


  13. I celebrate Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day every day (its my weakness)….Hope things are better for you this week, Frank.


  14. Rocky and Bullwinkle! They are what the world needs now!
    Been away from keyboard a bit, but you and yours still in our thoughts and prayers.
    Excessively hot Sat and Sun (over 85 with lows around 73). Today heavy fog most of day with hot humid air…a front is sneaking in so maybe a tiny bit cooler – but all the storms elsewhere so far. Take care!


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